Fruits and Vegetables
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему
Детский рассказ о жизни овощей. Текст сожержит картинки по теме и логические задания на подстановку. Текст может быть использован для введения, повторения и закрепления материала по теме "Овощи".
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Предварительный просмотр:
The First letter of Name is the first letter of fruit or vegetable.
A Story of Fruits and Vegetables
One day, all of the vegetables in the kitchen decided to have a meeting. Patrick the _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Eddie the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Carol the _ _ _ _ _ _ _, and Oliver the _ _ _ _ _ all showed up. They wanted to talk about how they think the fruits are taking all of the attention in the kitchen.
"No one likes us vegetables", complained Carol.
So they all decided it was time for a change.
Meanwhile, the fruits decided to have a meeting of their own. Walter the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Susie the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Paul the
_ _ _ _ _, and Barry the _ _ _ _ _ _ all showed up.
They decided that the vegetables were getting all of the attention because they have more nutritional value. They all decided to confront the vegetables.
So the vegetable crew and fruit crew met up on the kitchen counter to express their concerns. Patrick and Walter were chosen to be the leaders because they're both the biggest.
Patrick argued, "You fruits are colorful, sweet, and everyone likes you better!"
Walter argued back, "No, everyone likes you because you're full of vitamins and nutritional value!"
After they argued back and forth, Tommy the can of tomatoes showed up. "Stop arguing! Everyone likes fruits AND vegetables! You both have nutritional value and can work great together to make yummy meals! In the end, we're ALL produce."
They both agreed and decided to stop fighting.
Now, the only thing they should be fighting is sweets!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Презентация открытого урока на тему: «Trevelling to the city of fruits and vegetables»
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Презентация к уроку "Fruits and vegetables."