Кроссворд по теме «Fruit and Vegetables»
материал по английскому языку на тему

Гибадуллина Гузелия Салимзяновна

Лексическая головоломка: Кроссворд по теме «Fruit and Vegetables»     


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Предварительный просмотр:

Гибадуллина Гузелия Салимзяновна, учитель английского языка

МБОУ «Старомихайловская СОШ» Альметьевского муниципального района Республики Татарстан     

  ТВОРЧЕСКИЙ КОНКУРС ЛЕКСИЧЕСКИХ ГОЛОВОЛОМОК     Кроссворд по теме «Fruit and Vegetables»       



3. A vegetable with a strong smell and flavour, made up of several layers surrounding each other tightly in a round shape, usually brown or red on the outside and white inside: I always cry when I'm chopping it

5. A long, thin, pale green vegetable with dark green skin, usually eaten uncooked in salads

6. A round fruit with firm, white flesh and a green, red, or yellow skin

8. A long pointed orange root eaten as a vegetable

10. A small round purple or pale green fruit that you can eat or make into wine

11. A tall plant grown for its whole yellow or white seeds which are eaten cooked, made into flour, or fed to animals

13. A large, round or oval-shaped fruit with dark green skin, sweet pink flesh, and a lot of black seeds

17. A small, round, soft fruit with a pale orange, furry skin

18. A vegetable that is usually green, red, or yellow, has a rounded shape, and is hollow with seeds in the middle

22. A fruit like a small orange with a loose skin


1. A large round vegetable with large green, white, or purple leaves that can be eaten cooked or uncooked

2. A round vegetable which grows underground and has white flesh with light brown, red, or pink skin

4. A round sweet fruit that has a thick orange skin and an orange centre divided into many parts

7. An oval fruit that has a thick, yellow skin and sour juice

9. A long, curved fruit with a yellow skin and soft, sweet, white flesh inside

12. A round, red, sharp-tasting fruit with a lot of seeds, eaten cooked or uncooked as a vegetable, for example in salads or sauces

14. An oval, purple vegetable that is white inside and is usually eaten cooked

15. An oval tropical fruit with a smooth skin, orange-yellow flesh, and a large, hard seed in the middle

16. A large tropical fruit with a rough orange or brown skin and pointed leaves on top

19. A sweet fruit with a lot of juice and a green skin that has a round base and is slightly pointed towards the stem

20. A small vegetable, usually red or white and round or shaped like a finger, which grows underground and is usually eaten uncooked in salads

21. An oval fruit with brown skin covered in hairs and bright green flesh


Across: 3.onion; 5.cucumber; 6.apple; 8.carrot; 10.grape; 11.corn; 13.watermelon; 17.apricot; 18.pepper; 22.tangerine

Down: 1.cabbage; 2.potato; 4.orange; 7.lemon; 9.banana; 12.tomato; 14.eggplant; 15.mango; 16.pineapple; 19.pear; 20.radish;  21.kiwi.

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