Контрольная работа, 7 кл., модуль 6
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Балобанова Наталья Анатольевна

Контрольная работа, 7 кл., модуль 6


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Предварительный просмотр:

 Test 6

Surname ____________________Name____________

Class_____ Date_______

1. Translate:

1) парк аттракционов__________________________________

2) водяная горка__________________________

3) пожать руку____________________________________

4) забронировать место___________________________________

5) чёртово колесо______________________________________

6) ждать с нетерпением_______________________________

                                                                                                            (6х2=          )

2.Write the three forms of irregular verbs:

1) ride     ___________________         ____________________________

2) see    ___________________      __________________________

3) fly      __________________       __________________________

4) eat    __________________       ___________________________

5) meet__________________       ___________________________

6) be ____________________      ___________________________

                                                                                                          (6x2=         )

3. Put the words in the correct order to make Present Perfect :

1) a/ popstar/you   /met /have /ever?


2)  haunted/ you /a /explored /have/ ever /mansion? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

3) helicopter / flown /never/ have/ I/ a  /in


4) Paris/ never/ has/brother/ been /my /to


5) never/ a /horse /they /have /ridden  


6) ever/ the /Louvre /museum/ visited/ she /has  ?  

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .                                                                                                                   (6х2=          )

4. Put the words in brackets into the Present Perfect :

1. They ……………………………………………..(not/ arrive) at the station yet.

2.  ………………………………………………….(you / ever /see ) a ghost?

3. We …………………………………………...(already / take) our suitcases to the taxi.

4. She…………………………………………………….(never/ travel) abroad.

5. Mom isn’t at home. She………………………………(go) shopping.

 6. I …………………………………………………(just / finish ) my project in geography.

                                                                                                                (6х2=          )

5) Choose the correct response.

●I’d like to book a week at your camp. ●Of course. It’s mbennet@mail.com

●That’s fine.   ●Certainly. ●The second week of July.

 - Olympic teen camp. How can I help you?

 - Good afternoon. My name’s Katy Bennet.  1)  ……………………………………………


- When do you want to come?

- 2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

- Ok. Which courses would you like to take?

- I’d like to take rock-climbing and paintball fights.

-3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

- Can you send me an e-mail with details?

- 4) …………………………………………………  Can you give me your e-mail address?

- 5) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

                                                                                              ( 5x2=    )

6. Listen to Freddy and Ally talking about the things they are going to do when in London. What activities has each person chosen to do?

  1. _____Ally                                               A. walk around city
  2. _____Freddy                                         B. go to museums and art                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .                                                                               galleries
  3. _____Sue                                               C. go shopping
  4. _____Nathan                                              D. see countryside
  5. _____   Bob                                                 E. see Royal’s Family home  
  6. _____Mark                                                  F .spend time with a friend          

                                                                            (6х2=             )



7.Read the text and answer the questions.

Hi, Jane!

Greetings from Barcelona! I am here with my parents and I am having a whale of a time. We have been here since Sunday and I have already seen and done so much.

On Monday we went to the Medrano Circus. I was so excited as I had never been to the circus before. It was a perfect evening full of amazing tricks. Most of all I enjoyed watching the trapeze artists flying high up in the air. I have never seen anything like it! It was a hair rising experience! Luckily, no one fell down! Of course, there were also clowns dressed in funny costumes too, as well as other artists. If you ever get a chance to get to this famous circus, you should go - it’s an unforgettable experience! And don’t forget to try the toffee apples- they are the best!

Hope you are having a nice time too. See you soon!



  1. Who wrote this letter?


  1. Where is Marcus now?


  1. Where did he go on Monday?


  1. What did Marcus like most of all in the circus?


  1. Does he recommend going to Medrano circus?


(5X2 =      )

Total: 80

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