Food and Health
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок
УМК “Enjoy English. “5 - 6 классы.
Авторы: Биболетова М.З., Добрынина Н.В., Трубанева Н.Н.
тема: “ Food and Health ”
An apple a day keeps a doctor away
учитель английского языка
Урусова Ася Муаедовна
План урока:
1.Образовательные: познакомить учащихся с активной лексикой по теме “food and health”,развитие навыков говорения,аудирования, чтения,письма.
2.Развивающие: развитие мотивации к изучению языка, навыка языковой догадки, интеллекта, памяти, совершенствование внимания.
3.Воспитательные: воспитание у учащихся активной жизненной позиции, здорового образа жизни, развитие культуры общения на иностранном языке.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийная доска, муляжи продуктов питания, 2 корзинки, микрофон, раздаточный материал.
Тип урока –Урок развития речевых умений
1.The beginning of the lesson(СЛАЙД2)
T: Good day, dear boys and girls!
P: (все вместе) Good day, our teacher! Good day our guests!
T: I’m glad to see you!
P: We are glad to see you too!
T: Thank you! Sit down, please. How are you today?
P: We are fine. And you?
T: I’m OK too, thank you.
2.The aim and objective of the lesson (СЛАЙД3)
T: -Today we shall have a lesson according to our topic “Food &health “. And we shall speak about tasty, healthy and useless food. The slogan of the lesson “An apple a day keeps a doctor away”. («Кто яблоко в день съедает, у того доктор не бывает»)
T: - What Russian proverbs about health do you know?
P1: Здоровье дороже денег.
Health is better than wealth.
P2: В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
A sound mind is a sound body.
P3: Курить – здоровью вредить.
Smoking is dangerous for your health.
P4: Чтобы продлить свою жизнь, сократи свою еду
To lengthen your life, lessen your meal
T: Well done! Thank you!
3.Warming up (СЛАЙД4)
T: Let’s travel to Health – city. Now remember the words according to our topic. Listen to me and try to complete some sentences
Вкуснотища-very good! Пищу называют –food
Это вовсе не каприз, сыр мы называем-cheese
Мясо жарится, шкварчит, мясо по-английски-meat
И сказал нам дядя Круз, сок отличный это-juice
Яиц десяток купила Пэг, яйца по-английски-eggs
Что как рыба ты молчишь, рыба по-английски-fish
Любит мед братишка Даня, мед, конечно, будет-honey
Чаем с сахаром угощу я друга, сахар по-английски-sugar
Очень любит хлеб Фрэд, хлеб по-английски-bread. (slide)
4. Interview game
Ask a question about food to the partner in a chain (интервью):
- What do you like to eat?
- What do you like to drink?
- What do you usually have for breakfast?
- Do you like sweets?
- What’s your favourite fruit?
- Do you like sandwiches?
- Do you like milk?
T: - Well done!
5.The main part of the lesson (фонетическая отработка новой лексики)(СЛАЙД5)
- T: - Friends, do you know these words? Let’s try to read and translate them.
To grow-расти
To be good-быть полезным (о еде)
To be bad-быть вредным (о еде)
Fat- жир, жирный
6.Reading. .(СЛАЙД6 )Совершенствование навыков чтения вслух. Уч-ся читают текст вцепочку вставляя нужные слова из предыдущего слайда и переводят текст.
T: Now boys and girls read the text and fill in the gaps. And then try to translate it.
People all over the world eat different food: healthy and…(unhealthy). Very often they use fast foods: hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, pizzas and so on. They don’t think that they are …(bad) for them. . For example, hamburgers, hot dogs and chips are fattering. A lot of sweets and sugar are…( bad) for your teeth.So everybody must think about what is …(good) for the health. That is: to eat more fruit and…(vegetables), fish and cereals, because they are full of…( vitamines) and minerals and they help to keep…(healthy).
T: And the next task, boys and girls, is to read these statements on the screen and say true or false.(СЛАЙД7)
- All foods are good for you.
- Vitamines and minerals help you to keep healthy.
- Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat.
- Sweets, chips and coca-cola keep you healthy.
- You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong.
There was a farmer
Has a dog
And Bingo was its name so
B I N G O ----3 раза
And Bingo wasits name so
7.Fruits and vegetables are good for you. (слайд9)
And now children, I’d like to check your attention. Look at the screen and say how many words about food can you find here? ( уч-ся называют фрукты и овощи, которые они видят на слайде).
8. Watching the film “Fast Foods” (видеоролик)
T: - Friends, now you will watch a film about fast food and how it is influences on the health. After that you should answer the questions on the slide.(слайд10)
1.What do you know about fast food? Is it healthy?
P1: Of course it’s not healthy, even it is dangerous for the health
2.Where do they usually have fast food products ?
P2: in the street, at school, in the cars, at the offices, at the cinemas.
T: Well, you are right, thank you for your answers.
9.Where are these products from? (слайд 10)
T: Good job! As you know every country has its traditional food. Do you know where are these products from? Look at the screen. Let’s try to match them.
8.Заключительная часть урока. Подведение итогов. T: - Well children, we were speaking about healthy and unhealthy food during our lesson. And now I want you to express your oppinion about it.
1.How do you think what are the advantages and disadvantages of them?
P1: Coca-cola and sugar are spoil our teeth
P2: Hot dogs and pizzas are fattering
P3: Coffee shortens our lives
P4: Fruit and vegetables keep us healthy
P5: Chips are useless
P6: Cheese, meat and fish help to grow and make you strong
P7: Bread and ceareals –give you energy. SO think twice before you start eating!!!
9. T: -Dear children, you worked hard today: you wrote, spoke, read English, did different tasks and you have good results! Thank you for your job. I’ll give you cards where you must put a sign ( рефлексия).(слайд 11)
1 | I worked actively | I worked passively | ||
2 | I am satisfy of my work | I am not satisfy of my work | ||
3 | the lesson was short | the lesson was long | ||
4 | I am not tired at the lessson | I am tired at the lesson | ||
5 | my mood became better | my mood became worse | ||
6 | The material for me was interesting and easy | The material for me was boring and difficult |
10.Домашнее задание.(слайд12)
T:- Your home task for the next lesson is to make a project in the form of pyramids with the words about healthy and unhealthy food in it. You can make it in any size.
T:- I wish you to eat only healthy food.
The lesson is over. Good bye!
Используемая литература и интернет ресурсы
УМК Enjoy English 5-6 класс
Enjoy English student`s book
Рабочая тетрать
Enjoy English workbook
Книга для учителя
Enjoy English teacher`s book
Поурочное планирование
Enjoy English, тематическое планирование, поурочные разработки
Аудиокурс, обучающие программы
Enjoy English (CD-ROM, DVD, Аудиокассеты)
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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