Готовимся к экзамену
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Материал составлен для учащихся 8-11 классов.
Задания направлены на проверку умений разноуровневых заданий по говорению и чтению с полным пониманием текста. На основе таких тренировочных упражнений учащиеся получают возможность освоить технологию выполнения заданий ЕГЭ.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное автономное образовательное учреждение
средняя школа №1 города Михайловска Свердловской области
Серия «Exam practice»
Материал составлен для учащихся 8-11 классов.
Задания направлены на проверку умений разноуровневых заданий по говорению и чтению с полным пониманием текста. На основе таких тренировочных упражнений учащиеся получают возможность освоить технологию выполнения заданий ЕГЭ.
Данный вид чтения требует установки на полное и точное понимание всех основных и второстепенных фактов, содержащихся в тексте. Данные задания направлены на развитие языковой догадки о значении незнакомых слов и словосочетаний в контексте. Работа с текстом развивает кругозор обучающихся и способствует формированию коммуникативной компетенции. Блок «Грамматика и лексика» направлен на расширение лексико-грамматических знаний.
Составила : Сычева М.В.,
учитель английского языка
Grammar and vocabulary
1 Underline the odd word out.
Example: glass napkin knife eggs
1 melon peach beetroot pear
2 father nephew niece brother
3 captain track fan spectator
4 margarine carton box jar
5 moody bossy stubborn reliable
6 coach motorway scooter van
7 frozen boiled roast fried
8 win play lose draw
9 inherit borrow throw earn
10 furious tiny hilarious hungry
2.Complete the words in the sentences.
Example: He’s very clever. He always knows the answers!
1 Karen isn’t in the office right now. Do you want to l_______ a message?
2 It’s difficult to choose b_______ these two holidays.
3 Which g_______ is our plane leaving from?
4 This is Dave, my fl_______. We live in the flat next door.
5 I don’t want to cook tonight. Shall we get a t_______?
6 We were two hours late because there was a terrible traffic j_______.
7 You must go to that new restaurant. The food is d_______.
8 I get on really well with Kate because we have a lot in c_______.
9 When his grandmother died, Jeff i_______ her house.
10 What’s the speed l_______ on this road?
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example: If we have (have) enough time, we’ll visit Tricia on the way home.
1 You’d be a fantastic guitar player if you ________ (practise) more.
2 If she does enough revision, she ________ (pass) the exam easily.
3 Young people will live at home as long as possible if you ________ (let) them.
4 If I ________ (have) the opportunity to enter a talent contest, I’d take it.
5 Anyone would be annoyed if they ________ (receive) a parking fine.
6 She won’t tell you unless you ________ (promise) to keep it a secret.
7 I ________ (buy) that laptop if it wasn’t so expensive.
8 They won’t sell their house if they ________ (not repaint) it first.
9 The waiter will take your order as soon as you ________ (be) ready.
10 I wouldn’t go to that restaurant if you ________ (pay) me to!
11 He’ll let you know his decision after he ________ (speak) to Sam.
12 If you painted the living room white, it ________ (look) bigger
1 Read the article and tick (✓) A, B, or C.
Dreaming of Africa
I’m studying philosophy, art and history for my A levels at a state secondary school, and I have to make a decision soon about which university I want to apply to. If I were better at science, I would study zoology as I have always had an interest in animals. I might study anthropology (the study of different people around the world) as at least that will give me the chance to travel abroad. As soon as I finish my exams I’m really keen to go to Uganda. If I could find an animal conservation charity that would let me work for them, I would like to stay there for a few months. My dream is to work with gorillas one day.
Although I spent three months revising for these exams, I’m still worried about the results, which are coming out soon. Unless I get A grades for all my subjects (maths, chemistry and biology), I won’t get into university to study medicine.
I’ve had to be really disciplined about everything and I’m not going to celebrate until I know I’ve been successful. I’m also working at an old people’s home as a volunteer because if I can get lots of practical experience, that will also improve my chances. When I graduate, I’m determined to work for the medical charity, Doctors Without Borders, and work in Africa.
It’s my last term at school and I’m taking my A level exams in a month. If I don’t pass them, I don’t really mind because I’m not very motivated to go on to get a degree. Seven years of secondary education is enough in my opinion!
If my mum wasn’t so strict about revision, I would be practising the guitar, which I love. When I finish my exams, I’m going to take up the drums. I’m doing geography, French and music and they’re all subjects that will be useful in the real world. My dream is to travel around French West Africa and to play and sing with Youssou N’Dour!
Example: Luke studies at ___________.
A a private school B a state secondary school ✓ C a primary school
1 Luke ___________ university.
A isn’t going to go to B would ideally study zoology at
C can’t think what to study at
2 He thinks that studying anthropology would enable him to ___________.
A go to Africa B work with people C travel to other countries
3 He would love to ___________.
A help people in Uganda B work with gorillas C become a scientist
4 Naomi is studying ___________.
A mostly science subjects B science and art subjects C art subjects
5 She needs high grades in ___________ to get into university.
A three subjects B two science subjects C any two subjects
6 She ___________ for working with old people.
A gets some money B receives quite a good salary C isn’t paid
7 Jake ___________ about his A level results.
A is worried B isn’t worried C doesn’t talk
8 He is going to learn to ___________ after his exams.
A play the guitar B speak French C play the drums
9 He would love to___________ in the future.
A travel to America B travel to part of Africa C go all over Africa
SPEAKING Make questions and ask your partner.
1 What / your favourite meal?
2 Who / you / get on best / family? Why?
3 ever buy / anything / online? What?
4 When / you last feel frightened? Why?
5 How / travel / school (university / work)?
6 prefer / do / or / watch / sport?
7 What new subject / like / learn? Why?
8 often / use / mobile phone in public?
9 What / should / take / when / have / dinner / friends?
10 like / win / a lot of money? What / would / do?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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