If You Do Your Best? Real Conditionals
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Михайлова Елена Артуровна

Презентация основана на видеоматериале, посвященном залогам успешной деятельности.

Учащимся предлагается проанализировать представленные критерии и высказать свою точку зрения, применяя конструкцию условного наклонения. 


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Слайд 1

If You Do Your Best Михайлова Елена Артуровна Гете Шуле Санкт-Петербург, 2017

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Let’s watch the video Jeffrey Gitomer's Sales Training Channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQn1ov65bQc What will happen if you do your best?

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1. If you wake up early? (the early bird gets the worn)

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2. If you love what you do? If you do not love what you do, you never… If you do not love what you do, you will never… Love it or leave it

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3. Are you a life-long student? How many books did you read last year? If you… How do you improve your skills and knowledge? How do you learn?

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4. If you are angry? Convert your anger to resolve ! Anger is the biggest waste of energy on the planet! Anger does you no good!

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5. If you convert barrier to breakthrough? breakthrough is a discovery or achievement that comes after a lot of hard work breakthrough is a time when you begin to be successful at something Objection or rejection Stick out and you’ll win! Stick out is very informal to continue doing something difficult or unpleasant to the end stick it out: It was a tough course, but we stuck it out.

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6. If you take every “NO” as “NOT YET”? How do you understand it? Do you use the idea in your life?

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7. If you watch a little or no television? If you watch TV too much, you …. Convert your TV time to… (study, preparation, thinking time) Invest your time, don’t spend it!

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9 . If you read for 20 minutes every morning? When you read, you… (reflect on ideas, convert them to your own success) The best chance for success is reading!

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9. If you write for 20 minutes every morning? Anything you want! Clarify your thoughts and ideas in writing! Clarify - to explain something more clearly so that it is easier to understand

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10. If you call people you love? Call them and tell that you love them! Love is not motivation, it’s inspiration! To be your best you are to go beyond motivation to inspiration

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10.5 If you tell yourself you’re the best! I am the greatest of all time! Mohamed Ali said it thousands of times! The more you get done the more success you have the easier it is going to you to have a great day! If you want to have your best day, it means doing your best at every little thing you do!

Слайд 14

Everything is good in moderation

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