Контрольная работа Рейнбоу 7 класс 1 юнит
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Дудина Светлана Владимировна

Контрольная работа


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Подставьте some, any, no, a или «–«

There isn’t ______ cheese in the fridge.

There are______  flowers in the vase. They are red.

There are ______ carrots in the fridge. I can’t make soup.

There is ______  coffee in the cup, but it is very hot.

Is there  ______  cheese in the fridge?

There isn’t  ______  juice in the glass.

There are ______   grapes on the plate. They are green.

They've got ______ buns in this shop.

I'd like ________ potatoes, please.

Have you got ______  ice-cream?

There aren't ___________ boys in the team!

There are ___________ video shops in the town!

This is a terrible party. There isn't ________ good music!

I've got  ___________ posters of Ricky Martin.

Have you got ___________ posters of Britney Spears?

'Sit down, please.' 'But there aren't ___________ chairs!'

There is ______ milk in the fridge. Go to the shop and buy ______.

I can see______ tomatoes in the bag. Let's make______ salad.

There aren’t ______cucumbers in the fridge.

Would you like ______tea?

Is there ______cheese on the shelf?

  1. Подставьте глаголы: say, tell, speak, talk

She … me that she took dancing lessons last year.

 … him to ring me up in an hour.

He … that he was not at home yesterday.

What did you …? I didn’t hear.

 What are you … about?

I do not … German.

He … that he can come tomorrow.

 The teacher … us to learn these words.

Tom … to Mary about her Mother and … her to go and see her.

 They … him that they are very glad to see him.

 My father always … the truth.

 We asked her to … us about this incident but she … nothing.

 Don’t … a lie.

  1. Подставьте some, any, no, a или «–«

There is _______  tea in the crystal  glass, but it is very hot.

There is  _______  fresh milk in the fridge. I can't make porridge.

Are there ________  tasty apples in the bag?

There isn't _______  jam on the round plate.

There are _______  bananas on the wooden  table. They are yellow.

There is  ________ butter on the plate.

There is ________ cheese on the table, but there’re ____________ cheesesandwiches.

There isn't  _________ sausage on the table.

There are  ____________ potatoes in the bag.

There aren't ______________  bananas on the table, but there are ________  cucumbers there.

There's ______angel on the top.

There are ______ornaments on the tree.

Are there ______lights on the tree?

There isn't ______Christmas tree in the house.

There's ______ jam on the wooden table.

Is there  ______bread in the basket?

There aren't  ______ vegetables in the fridge.

There is ______  milk in the cup, but it is very cold.

There is  ______   bread on the table. I can’t make sandwiches.

Are there ______ oranges in the bag?

  1. Подставьте глаголы: say, tell, speak, talk

He … “My mother teaches English at school”.

 I met Ann in the street yesterday and we stood and  … for half an hour.

These students … English very slowly , but they do not make mistakes.

Nick is going to … at the next meeting.

My sister … that  she is coming here tomorrow.

Go to Mr Brown. He will … you all the facts.

We … about books most of the time.

Last year he… two languages and now he… three.

She … him all.

She … him the whole story.

Did he … you his name and address?

She …, “My brother likes to read.”

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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