Урок-дискуссия "Проблемы экологии"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Урок с использованием проблемной, коммуникативной, проектной и игровой технологии. Мотивирует к размышлению над проблемами экологии:Кто виноват в загрязнении окружающей среды? Что важнее экология или технология? Ролевая игра встреча с представителями международного фонда дикой природы WWF.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: Проблемы экологии Урок-дискуссия с использованием проблемной и проектной технологий.
Форма урока: презентация проекта, дискуссия по проблемам экологии
Оборудование: магнитофон, компьютер, плакаты, газеты, журналы, рисунки, доклады, рефераты, презентации.
Цель урока:
- выяснить отношение учащихся к проблемам экологии
- поставить перед учащимися проблемную задачу с целью поиска пути ее решения
- научить самостоятельно осуществлять поиск и анализ информации
Задачи урока:
- развитие умения выполнять и защищать проекты
- формирование лексических навыков по теме
- развитие способности к групповому общению
- учить взаимопомощи, умение оценить свою работу и работу товарищей по группе, отстаивать свое мнение, убеждать
Воспитательные задачи: воспитывать бережное отношение к природе, вырабатывать чувство ответственности за будущее планеты и ее обитателей
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент. Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения:
Hello everybody. You are welcome! Students, are you Ok? Will you greet the guests? Please, don` t worry, relax. Are you in good mood? Let`s sing a song!
A Song!
Every little sell in my body is happy
Every little sell in my body is well,
Now you are ready to listen to me attentively.
В классе столы и стулья расставлены полукругом, чтобы создать атмосферу необычности и новизны. На доске – плакаты, демонстрирующие прекрасные пейзажи русской природы и красоту планеты Земля.
II. Вступительное слово учителя:
Our planet is very beautiful, is not it? You can see picturesque sceneries, and you can not but admire them. Every person has a special place in different corners of our land, which is very dear, and it is impossible to imagine ones life without it.
My native land, a land of songs,
To you alone my heart belongs.
My native land, a land of springs,
Your rivers are blue,
Your forests are green.
My Motherland, a and of glory,
Your life is a heroic story.
I love your nature most of all
My native land,
You are deep in my soul.
III. Создание коммуникативной установки.
I think that you understand my feelings because it is quite natural to love nature. Now close your eyes and relax your entire body. Take a slow, deep breath and… now exhale with a slight sign. Think of a place that is special to you. It might be in your backyard or in your neighborhood, or a place you go on vocation every year… It is a place where you can relax and think where you enjoy being. Think about the smells of that place, the sounds you hear… the things you see around you. Notice that around your… there may be trees, a lake a river.
Запись на кассете щебетание птиц.
А Poem
«Your and Mine»
The sun, trees, the grass, the sky,
The silver moon that`s sailing by,
The rain and dew and snowflakes white,
The flowers sweet and stars of night!
The song of birds, wind whispering –
Such lovely things to bear and se
Belong to you, belong to me.
IV. Мотивация побуждение к размышлению над проблемой экологии и высказываниям на данную тему.
Now imagine that your special place is changing, that all of a sudden the water is completely gone your special place turned. May be you think that the amount into lifeless desert of water we have to use remains the same? Is it really enough water on the Earth.
Look here, what is it? Учитель показывает учащимся большое яблоко. Use your imagination. The apple represents the Earth`s the teacher cuts the apple into quarters. ¾ (three- quarters of the Earth surfaces water and only ¼ quarter is land)
Only one half of the land is habitable. The rest of the land is the deserts, mountains, frozen ice caps, where people can not live.
Only ¼ of the habitable land is where all the Earth food come from.
Учитель съедает эту частичку яблока и спрашивает. What would happen if this part of the world were damaged or destroyed. The teacher takes a small shaving of one of the slices that represents the water of the world. Less than one percent of Earth water is fresh and drinkable. If you imagine a day without water, you realize, how precious it is.
V. Обращение к учащимся с целью поддержания дискуссии.
My friends, you were given a task to prepare your projects on Environmental problems. Can you support what I have just told you?
VI. Защита проекта
а) «Water pollution»
б) Fortunately, all of us can help to protect our lakes, streams, rivers and oceans. You can become a leak detective and a water saver. We speak about water shortages. Did you waste any water? Do you often take a baths? Do you often washcloth? How much water do you spend on washing? Water pollution is becoming quite bad. Have you ever thrown anything into a river on a lake? People use a lot of washing powder. Does your family do it?
VII. Обсуждение проблемы загрязнения воды.
People use oceans and waterways for transportation. Look at this helpless bird. It is a penguin covered with oil from a shipwrecked tanker. Poor bird will probably die. Very often oil tankers cause ecological disasters.
VIII. Диалогические высказывания по проблеме экологических катастроф, связанных с крушением судов, перевозящих нефть.
- Do you know what has happened near the Spain shore?
- Yes, I have heard that a shipwrecked Greek tanker «Prestige» spilled a lot of oil in the ocean.
- It is a horrible ecological disaster, is not it?
- Yes, it is very difficult to clean the water, even impossible.
- Who suffered most of all.
- Birds and animals of course. Many of them died of nervous shock, it is so difficult to clean them and to cure.
- How mach oil was spilled?
- 5 thousand tons: The oil spot is very big.
- And who is to blame?
- If only I knew.
- To my mind technology must bring apology to ecology.
IX. Water pollution is not the only one of many ecological problems. Yes, I like to add something. My project deals with the problem of the greenhouse effect.
X. May I have my say. I have found a lot of latest facts about the ozone hole.
XI. May I take the floor? I am going to tell you about air pollution.
XII. I support what you say, but it is not the only reason of ecological crisis of today. Acid rains also do a lot of harm to environment.
XIII. Ролевая игра. «Встреча с представителями международного фонда WWF» (World Wildlife Fund)
I am glad to introduce you to some representatives of ecological organizations the World Wildlife Fund.
- You may ask them questions.
- What ecology organizations are there in Britain?
- There are over 300 nature centers in Britain cities and than 30 in London. There are a lot of environment group in Britain: «Friends of the Earth, Green peace, London Wildlife Trust, etc. One of the most important international organizations is the World Wildlife Fund, or the Royal Fund.
XV. Составление диалогов в режиме ученик→ ученик на тему:
«Деятельность международного фонда WWF»
XVI. Дискуссия на тему: «Охота на лис – один из популярных видов спорта в Великобритании». Нужно ли запретить этот вид спорта?
XVII. Аудирование текста «Green Schools in the USA» (предъявляется запись на диске).
XVIII. Проверка понимания прослушанного текста:
- Who is Dee West?
- Where does she work?
- How many children attend the Green Schools?
- What do they learn at school?
- What kind of things can be recycled?
- How do American children protect trees?
- How can you help to protect the environment?
XIX. Обсуждение проблемы накопления мусора и его переработки.
- монологические высказывания учащихся
- викторина «Как долго сохраняется мусор?»
- кроссворд «Будь защитником Земли».
XX. Конкурс на лучший экологический лозунг и названия экологической организации и ее эмблему.
XXI. Клятва верности Земле. Вручение эмблемы Фонда WWF.
XXII. Подведение итогов урока. Оценка проектов.
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