Контрольные работы 6 класс
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Огородникова Наталья Петровна

Контрольные работы к УМК "Spotlight"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Form 6                                                  Test 2.

1. Find the opposites.

1. fast


2. turn left

b) come

3. love


4. interesting

d) slow

5. delicious


6. go

f)turn right



2. Choose the odd word.

1. ride-fly-drive-sing                                4.lunch-dinner-kitchen-breakfast

2.road-pavement-river-crossing           5.listen-run-go-come

3.bus-bed-bike-car                                  6.he-my-she-it

3.Put the words in the correct order.

1. by, goes, never, school, bike, he, to.

2. late, watch, I, never, TV.

3. like, you, would, meet, to, when?

4. a, for, Saturday, perfect , me, day.

4.Match the words to make phrases.


a)the window


b)the truth

3.lean out of

c)your jacket

4.find out

d) a seat belt

5. put on

e)about exams


f) both ways

5. Answer the questions.

1. Do you ride a bike well?                             6. Do you  watch talk shows?      

2. Do you like pizza?                                        7. Does your friend watch sitcoms?

3. Does your mother work?                           8. Do you go to school on foot?

4. Does your father drive a car?                    9. Do you live far from your school?

5. Do your friends go to the cinema?          10.Does your pet  like milk?

Form 6                                                  Test 2.

1. Find the opposites.

1. fast


2. turn left

b) come

3. love


4. interesting

d) slow

5. delicious


6. go

f)turn right



2. Choose the odd word.

1. ride-fly-drive-sing                                4.lunch-dinner-kitchen-breakfast

2.road-pavement-river-crossing           5.listen-run-go-come

3.bus-bed-bike-car                                  6.he-my-she-it

3.Put the words in the correct order.

1. by, goes, never, school, bike, he, to.

2. late, watch, I, never, TV.

3. like, you, would, meet, to, when?

4. a, for, Saturday, perfect , me, day.

4.Match the words to make phrases.


a)the window


b)the truth

3.lean out of

c)your jacket

4.find out

d) a seat belt

5. put on

e)about exams


f) both ways

5. Answer the questions.

1. Do you ride a bike well?                             6. Do you  watch talk shows?      

2. Do you like pizza?                                        7. Does your friend watch sitcoms?

3. Does your mother work?                           8. Do you go to school on foot?

4. Does your father drive a car?                    9. Do you live far from your school?

5. Do your friends go to the cinema?          10.Does your pet  like milk?


1. Find the opposites.

1. fast

d) slow

2. turn left

f)turn right

3. love


4. interesting


5. delicious


6. go

b) come



2. Choose the odd word.

1. ride-fly-drive-sing                                     4.lunch-dinner-kitchen-breakfast

2.road-pavement-river-crossing                5.listen-run-go-come

3.bus-bed-bike-car                                       6. he-my-she-it

3.Put the words in the correct order.

1. He never goes to school by bike.

2. I never watch TV late.

3. When would you like to meet?

4. Saturday is a perfect day for me.

4.Match the words to make phrases.


d) a seat belt


f) both ways

3.lean out of

a)the window

4.find out

b)the truth

5. put on

c)your jacket


e)about exams


«5»- 33-30




Form 6                                                  Test 2.

1. Find the opposites.

1. fast


2. turn left

b) come

3. love


4. interesting

d) slow

5. delicious


6. go

f)turn right



2. Choose the odd word.

1. ride-fly-drive-sing                                4.lunch-dinner-kitchen-breakfast

2.road-pavement-river-crossing           5.listen-run-go-come

3.bus-bed-bike-car                                  6.he-my-she-it

3.Put the words in the correct order.

1. by, goes, never, school, bike, he, to.

2. late, watch, I, never, TV.

3. like, you, would, meet, to, when?

4. a, for, Saturday, perfect , me, day.

4.Match the words to make phrases.


a)the window


b)the truth

3.lean out of

c)your jacket

4.find out

d) a seat belt

5. put on

e)about exams


f) both ways

5. Answer the questions.

1. Do you ride a bike well?                             6. Do you  watch talk shows?      

2. Do you like pizza?                                        7. Does your friend watch sitcoms?

3. Does your mother work?                           8. Do you go to school on foot?

4. Does your father drive a car?                    9. Do you live far from your school?

5. Do your friends go to the cinema?          10.Does your pet  like milk?

Предварительный просмотр:

Form 6                                        

                                                                    Test 1.

1. Choose the odd word.

1) winter-spring-October-summer.

2) bank-library-museum-desk.

3) my-mine-your-her.

4) café-toy shop- sports shop- pet shop.

5) sofa- table- chair- armchair.

6) window-computer- beds- table.

2. Match the countries and nationalities.

1. Brazil

a) Russian

2. Russia

b) Spanish

3. Germany


4. Spain

d) Brazil

5. Poland

e) British

6. Britain

f) German


3. Match the countries and their capitals.





3.Northern Ireland

c) Edinburgh


d) London

4.Match the questions with the correct answers.

1. When is your birthday?

a)From England.

2. What time is it?

b)I’m Russian.

3. Where are you from?

c)Put it in front of the table.

4. What nationality are you?

d) At the post office.

5. Where do you want the sofa?

e)It’s on the 2nd 0f March.

6. Where can I buy stamps?

f)It’s half past 7.

5. Fill in:  at, in, on.

1)… March                                                      4)… 2018

2) …. the evening                                          5)… the weekend

3)…. 9:25 am                                                  6) …. the 1st of September

Form 6                                        

                                                                    Test 1.

1. Choose the odd word.

1) winter-spring-October-summer.

2) bank-library-museum-desk.

3) my-mine-your-her.

4) café-toy shop- sports shop- pet shop.

5) sofa- table- chair- armchair.

6) window-computer- beds- table.

2. Match the countries and nationalities.

1. Brazil

a) Russian

2. Russia

b) Spanish

3. Germany


4. Spain

d) Brazil

5. Poland

e) British

6. Britain

f) German


3. Match the countries and their capitals.





3.Northern Ireland

c) Edinburgh


d) London

4.Match the questions with the correct answers.

1. When is your birthday?

a)From England.

2. What time is it?

b)I’m Russian.

3. Where are you from?

c)Put it in front of the table.

4. What nationality are you?

d) At the post office.

5. Where do you want the sofa?

e)It’s on the 2nd 0f March.

6. Where can I buy stamps?

f)It’s half past 7.

5. Fill in:  at, in, on.

1)… March                                                      4)… 2018

2) …. the evening                                          5)… the weekend

3)…. 9:25 am                                                  6) …. the 1st of September

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