Экзаменационная переводная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе (углубленный уровень)
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Экзаменационная переводная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5  классе (углубленный уровень)


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Экзаменационная переводная контрольная работа по английскому языку

5 « А» класс (углубленный уровень) 2016-2017 уч. г.

УМК English 5 И. Н. Верещагина, О. В. Афанасьева, 5 класс  Progress  Test 5.


Past Simple or Past Continuous? Choose the right verbal form.

1. ________ you_____________ at 8 o’clock today?

a. Were …. sleeping                   b.  Did ….. sleep

2.________ she ______________you about that task?

a. Wasn’t …. telling                   b.  Didn’t …tell

3.        While I          , they         billiards.

a.        was sleeping; were playing

b.        slept; played

c.        was sleeping; played

4.        When I          into the room, he          .

a.        was coming; was crying

b.        came; cried

c.        came; was crying

 2) Choose among the verbs given below those which are not usually used in Continuous and write them down:

to like, to say, to swim, to understand, to see, to play, to want, to study.
1.                     3.           

2        4.


3)        Two boys are discussing what they have done, what they are going to do, what they
did or were doing. Put the verbs in brackets into correct forms paying your attention
to the marked words.

Тот: Г        just        some fruit and cookies for our party. (1) (to buy)

Jack:        you        to have a party today? (2) (to go)

Tom: Not today and not me! My sister is! She'        her birthday this we

and tomorrow we're going to have a great party. (3) (to have)

Jack: She'_        up so quickly, your little sister, hasn't she? (4) (t

grow up)

Tom:  Oh, yes, she has! Today she'_             an apple pie on her own

yesterday she        Mum to clean the flat. (5) (to bake, to help)

Jack: I’        her recently. She                     a bicycle

in the park. (6) (to see, to ride)

4)        Read the short dialogues attentively and complete them in a proper way using Neither
nor, Both, Either ... or.

1.        — I like            spring and autumn!

—        And I don't! I like              spring              autumn! I lib

only summer!

2.        — He'll bring            fruit            cookies. I asked him to.

—        Oh, but I've already bought         ! Ask him to buy something else

like juice or candies!

5)        Read the dialogue attentively and fill in the gaps using Reported Speech.

Ann: Our teacher said, "You made so many mistakes in your test that's w we'll have another one next week!" Remember we had that difficult test last I day?

Lisa: Oh, yes, it was too difficult even for me _ But what did she say? Are we going to have another test soon?

Ann: Exactly. She said that we        so many mistakes that we

        another test        week. (1)

Lisa: It's so bad! But I remember she said. "The test is not difficult at all! You can do it quickly and without mistakes!

Ann: You're right! She said that the test        rather easy. And that we

        do it in twenty minutes! (2)

Lisa: You know, I don't care about that test! My  Mum said to me, "Don't think about your marks!"

Ann: Are you kidding? Your Mum told you        about

your marks ... How can it be? My Mum would never say so! (3)


6) Fill in the gaps using yours, mine, theirs, etc. Bob: Whose bike is it? Mike: I think it's Pete's.

Bob: Hey, Pete, isn't this bike          (1)?

Pete: No, it's not          (2). Isn't it Ted's bike?

Mike: Let's ask him.

             Maybe it's _______(3).

7) Agree in a short way.

:. Our country house is 45 km from Moscow. — So         

  1. My Mum cooks very well. — So          mine.
  2. Their teacher has already checked all tests. — So         



  1. I've never seen such a wonderful place before!

       — Neither __________I.

  1. I will come a bit later. — So          I.
  2. We are not going to change our plans.

    — Neither_______________we.

      7. My parents didn't know about it.______________________________________ (Мои тоже).

8) Listen to the statements and mark true ones with "+", false ones with "—".   Write down the numbers of the true statements

+ True

— False
















Экзаменационная переводная контрольная работа

5 « А» класс (углубленный уровень) 2016-2017 уч.г.

УМК English 5 И. Н. Верещагина, О. В. Афанасьева, 5 класс  Progress  Test 5.


1)        Past Simple or Past Continuous? Choose the right verbal form.

1.           he            regularly?

a. Was ... training        b. Did ... train

2.           you           at 11 o'clock?

a. Were ... studying                 b. Did ... study

3.        When I            into the window, she          

a.        was looking; was jumping and running

b.        looked; jumped and ran

c.        looked; was jumping and running

4.        While he           , we            chess.

a.        was sleeping; were playing

b.        slept; played

c.        was sleeping; played

2)        Choose among the verbs given below those which are not usually used in Continuous
and write them down:

to know, to spend, to cry, to believe, to hear, to sing, to want, to go.

  4.   _________________________

3)        Two girls are discussing what they have done, what they are going to do, what thej
did or were doing. Put the verbs in brackets into correct forms paying your attention to the marked words.

Ann: I’        just        some sweets and fruit for our party. (1) (to buy)

Jane:        you        to have a party today? (2) (to go)

Ann: I am! I '        my birthday this week and tonight we're going to

have a great party. I'd like to invite you too. Will you come? (3) (to have)

Jane: Thanks! I'd like to. Г        already        all my home task. So I'm

sure my Mum will let me go. At what time shall I come? (4) (to do)

Ann: Look, all guests        at five. But you can come earlier

if you want, for example, at four thirty. (5) (to come)

Jane: OK! I'll come at about four thirty. You know yesterday I____________        your elder brother Jim. He a bike but he stopped to talk to me.

He        me about his class and his hobbies. (6) (to meet, to ride, to tell)

4)        Read the short dialogues attentively and complete them in a proper way using    Neither..., nor, Both, Either ... or.

1. —           my Mum            my Dad will come.

— But can't they come           ?

— No, they can't. We are having guests at five and one of my parents should stay at home.

2. — I like            skiing            skating!

—        And I don't! I like              skiing              skating! I don't

like winter sports.

5) Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps using Reported Speech.

Mary: Our teacher said, "You've done your test perfectly! So next week we won't have another one as I've promised you!"

Betty: What did she say? That we are not going to have another test this week?

Mary: Exactly! She said  that we        our test perfectly so we

        '_        another one        week. (1)

Betty: Great! But I remember she said, "The test is rather difficult! I don't believe you can do it without mistakes!"

Mary: You're right! She said  that the test        very difficult. And that she

        ' _    believe we        do it without mistakes. (2)

Betty: She always says it!   Mary: Yes, she does!

6) Fill in the gaps using yours, mine, theirs, etc.

     Lena: Whose cat is it?

      Jane: I think it's Mary's.

Lena: Mary, isn't this lovely cat         

Mary: Oh, I like it so much, it's not         

Mike: Let's ask Kate. Maybe it's         

7) Agree in a short way.

  1. Our trip to London was so exciting! — So          ours!
  2. My Mum didn't ask me about it. — Neither          mine.
  3. I haven't heard about it before! — Neither          I.
  4. I will help them. — So         I.
  5. She is not going to change her plans. — Neither         I.
  6. My sister doesn't play the piano. — Neither          I.
  7. Our friends have already arrived.__________________ . (Их — тоже)

8) Listen to the statements and mark true ones with "+", false ones with "—".   Write down the numbers of the true statements

+ True

— False
















к экзаменационной переводной контрольной работе по английскому языку для 5 «А», 5 « В» классов (углубленный уровень)

Данная экзаменационная переводная контрольная работа для учащихся 5  «А»,5»В» класса составлена с учетом требований к обязательному минимуму по иностранным языкам в соответствии с федеральным компонентом государственного стандарта общего образования по темам, изученным в течение учебного года.

Экзаменационная переводная контрольная работа  по 5 видам деятельности (аудирование, чтение, лексика и грамматика,  письмо, перевод) подготовлена с использованием контрольных заданий из пособия  для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка к УМК О. В. Афанасьевой. Издательство «Просвещение». Автор:   Терентьева Н. М. 2015г.

На выполнение экзаменационной работы отводится 90 минут.  

Задание 1- 2  - Лексика и грамматика.

8 правильных ответов оцениваются «5», 6-7 правильных ответов оцениваются «4»,           4-5 правильных ответов оцениваются «3», 1-3 правильных ответов оцениваются «2».

Задание 3 – 4 - Чтение.

8 правильных ответов оцениваются  «5», 6-7 правильных ответов оцениваются «4»,4-5 правильных ответов оцениваются «3»,1-3 правильных ответов оцениваются «2».

Задание 5 – Письмо.

6 правильных ответов оцениваются  «5», 5 - 4 правильных ответа оцениваются «4»,

3 правильных ответа оцениваются «3», 2 правильных ответа оцениваются «2».

Задание 6 -7 – Литературный перевод.

7 правильных ответов оцениваются  «5», 6 - 5 правильных ответа оцениваются «4», 4 - 3 правильных ответа – «3»,  2 правильных ответа оцениваются «2».

Задание 8  -  Аудирование

7 правильных ответов оцениваются  «5», 6 - 5 правильных ответа оцениваются «4», 4 - 3 правильных ответа – «3»,  2 правильных ответа оцениваются «2».

Общее количество баллов  36 баллов

Экзаменационная переводная контрольная работа 5 « В» класс (углубленный

уровень) 2016-2017 уч.г.УМК English 5 , О. В. Афанасьева,   Progress  Test 5.





Вариант 1

Задание № 1





Задание № 2





Задание № 3







Задание № 4



Задание № 5




Задание № 6




Задание № 7








Задание № 8








5 « А», 5 «В» классы (углубленный уровень) 2016-2017 уч. г.

УМК English 5 И. Н. Верещагина, О. В. Афанасьева, 5 класс  Progress  Test 5.


Задание № 8. Аудирование.

Listen to the statements and mark true ones with "+", false ones with "—".

Write down the numbers of the true statements.

№ варианта

Задания для прослушивания

Вариант 1

  1. English is spoken all over the world now.

Вариант 2

  1. Russian is studied in all British schools.

Вариант 1

  1. The largest country in the world is Russia.

Вариант 2

  1. Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain are situated in Europe.

Вариант 1

  1. Human activities do a lot of harm to nature.

Вариант 2

  1. People shouldn’t protect  animals and plants.

Вариант 1

  1. The Queen of Great Britain has much power, she rules the country.

Вариант 2

  1. The British Queen  is also the Queen of Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Вариант 1

  1. If you want to keep fit, you should eat as much as possible and never take any exercises.

Вариант 2

  1. Take a cool shower every morning to keep fit.

Вариант 1

6. Football and boxing are very popular in Britain.

Вариант 2

6. Cricket is a national Russian sport.

Вариант 1

7. Maslenitsa is celebrated in early September to say “Goodbye” to summer.

Вариант 2

7. Every part of Great Britain has its own customs and traditions  and they are kept by British people.

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