Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5классе.
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Контрольная работа рассчитана на учащихся , изучающих английский язык по УМК«Звездный английский», но может быть использована и при работе с другими УМК. 


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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку



                                                                             Name _____________________________


  1. I. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1-6. Закончите предложения, выбрав из предложенных вариантов тот, который соответствует содержанию текста. Обведи номер ответа.Read the text and do tasks 1-6. Complete the sentences choosing one of the variants suggested. Circle the number of the answer.

Conrad was a cat. One day his family took him in the car and went to visit their friends.

When Conrad got to the friend`s house he said, “This is not my house. I don`t like it. I want to go home.”And he ran away.

In an hour Conrad saw a house and a lady in front of it.But it wasn`t his house. He said to the lady in the cat language, “Could you tell me the way to my house?”

The lady didn`t know the cat language and she didn`t know the way to Conrad`s house. She said,   “Some milk? Here is some milk.”

Conrad drank some milk because he was hungry. “Well, thank you. Good bye,” Conrad said and ran away.

He walked on the field. He caught a mouse and ate it. He drank some water from a river.  Conrad became very tired, but he ran on the road.

One day Conrad saw his house. Conrad`s family went to the yard and cried, “Conrad`s here! He couldn`t ask the way, but he is here! Conrad you are a clever cat! We love you!”

Задание 1.When Conrad got to the friend`s house, …..

  1. he wanted to return home
  2. he liked the friend`s house
  3. he wanted to have some milk

Задание 2.The lady was glad to see Conrad and …..

1) she answered Conrad`s question

2) she showed him the way to his house

3) she gave Conrad some milk.

Задание 3.Conrad thanked the lady and ran away because…..

  1. he wanted to visit his friends
  2. he  wanted to find his house
  3. he  wanted to catch a mouse.

Задание 4 Soon Conrad was very tired but …..

  1. he went along the road
  2. he swam in the river
  3. he played with the mouse

Задание 5. When the family saw Conrad in the yard,  …..

  1. they were sad.
  2. they were happy
  3. they were angry

Задание 6.Conrad was a clever cat because …..

1) he ran away from the friend`s house

2) he knew the cat`s language

3) he found his house and his family.                                                            Score_____                

  1. Преобразуйте слова в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста и впишите их в пропуски.

Once upon a time there lived a boy called Jack. He and 1____________ mother 2____________very poor. One day mother said:”We don’t have 3_____________________ to eat. We must sell the cow.” So Jack   4_____________to the market with the cow. On the way he met two old 5________________.They said: “We want to buy your cow but we don’t have money. We have only five magic beans.”

1 HE

2 BE


4 GO


                                                                                                                                                   Score ______                

  1. Вставьте в предложения глаголы, данные в скобках, используя времена настоящее простое или настоящее длительное . Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.

  1. Ben……………………………………………………( always/wear) a suit to work.

  1. We …………………………………………………(watch) the parade at the moment.

  1. Mum ……………………………………………………(not/take) photographs now.

  1. It usually ……………………………………..…(snow) a lot in the winter in Canada.

  1. The sun ………………………………………..(shine) brightly. – It’s a beautiful day!

  1. He …………………………………………………………(want) to buy some carrots.

  1. …………………………………………………....(  they / have ) breakfast every day?

  1. She …………………………………………………………………(drink) coffee now.

                                                                                                                                                         Score _____                

  1.  Подчеркните правильную форму глагола. Underline the right form of the verb.

1. He (is driving/drives/ drive ) a car now.
2. They (are writing/is writing/writes ) a letter at the moment.
3. Look! It (is raining/rains/rain).
4. He (reads/ is reading/are reading) now.
5. My parents (lives / live/are living) in a detached house.

 6. The sun (rise/ rises / is rising) in the East.

 7. (Is/Does/Are) she eating now?

8. (Are you usually have / Do you usually have/Does you usually have) lunch  at  work?

9.  I (am drinking/drinks/drink) too much coffee.

10. She ( is sitting/sits/sit ) on a sofa now.                                                                       Score_____                

V.Вставьте в предложения глаголы данные в скобках, используя времена прошедшее простое или настоящее законченное.Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or present perfect.

1. They …………………………….. (leave) for Italy last night.

2.We …………………………………. (already/book) the tickets.

3.………………………………………(you/ever/be) abroad?

4.He’s tired. He ……………………….. (just/ finish) work.

5.Maria …………………………………. (travel) abroad last year.

6.Gary ……………………………………… (not/ arrive) yet.

7.We …………………………………….. (move) to Rome last year.

8.Sam …………………………………. (go) bungee jumping last summer.

9.Lisa …………………………………….. (cycle) across country many times.

10.Paul …………………………………..(ride) a camel last year.                                        Score   _____              

VI. Выберите правильный вариант, обведите его.Choose the correct form, circle it.

1. I need a bread knife and two butter _______.

      a) knifes       b) knives       c) knivs

2. The baby has  one tooth. When he is three he will have twenty _______.

      a) teeth       b) tooths       c) teeths
3. There is a policeman outside the bank and there are four ______inside the bank.

      a) policemans       b) policemens       c) policemen
4. I have a sister.  _______ sister is an actress.

      a) my       b) his       c) our

5. Look at these elephants. I like _______.

      a) him       b) it       c) them

6. Football is _______ sport in the world.

       a) more popular       b)the most popular       c) popularest

7. Molly is _______ at science than Jennifer.

       a) gooder       b) better       c) the best

8. He starts work _______ 9 o’clock.

       a) in       b) of       c) at

9. The flat is _______ the third floor.

       a) on       b) in       c) at

10. She _______ a student two years ago.

       a) were       b) is       c) was    

11. Emma is of …..  height.

        a) medium    b) tall     c) short.       Score _____           Total score_______        Mark______

Полная формулировка ответа

( ответы)


1 задание:1-1, 2-3, 3-2, 4-1, 5-2, 6-3 .( максимальное количество баллов- 6)

2 задание: Преобразуйте слова в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Once upon a time there lived a boy called Jack. He and 1___his____ mother 2_were_ very poor. One day mother said:”We don’t have 3__anything__to eat. We must sell the cow.” So Jack   4_went_to the market with the cow. On the way he met two old 5__men_.They said: “We want to buy your cow but we don’t have money. We have only five magic beans.”

1 HE

2 BE


4 GO


   ( максимальное количество баллов – 5)                                  

3 задание.  Вставьте в предложения глаголы, данные в скобках, используя времена настоящее простое или настоящее длительное . Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.

1. Ben……always wears……………………………( always/wear) a suit to work.

2. We ……..are watching………………………(watch) the parade at the moment.

3. Mum …isn`t taking…………………(not/take) photographs now.

           4. It usually snows……………………………(snow) a lot in the winter in Canada.

       5. The sun ……shines………………………..(shine) brightly. – It’s a beautiful day!

 6 .He ……wants………………………………(want) to buy some carrots.

       7. Do   they have…………………………………..(  they / have ) breakfast every day?

       8. She ……is drinking……………………………………(drink) coffee now.

(максимальное количество баллов – 8)

4 задание. Подчеркните правильную форму глагола. Underline the right form.

1.He (is driving/drives) a car now.
2.They (are writing/is writing) a letter at the moment.
3.Look! It (is raining/rains).
4.He (reads/ is reading) now.
5.My parents ___ in a detached house.

(Lives / live/are living)

6. The sun ___ in the East.

(Rise/ rises/ is rising) 

7.(Is/Does/Are) she eating now?
8.____lunch  at  work?

(Are you usually have / Do you usually have/Does you usually have)

9. I ___ too much coffee.

( am drinking/drinks/drink)

10.She( is sitting/sits) on a sofa now.

( максимальное количество баллов -10)

5 задание.Вставьте в предложения глаголы данные в скобках, используя времена прошедшее простое или настоящее законченное.Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or present perfect.

  1. They …………left………………….. (leave) for Italy last night.
  2. We ………have already booked………………. (already/book) the tickets.
  3. Have you ever been…………………………………(you/ever/be) abroad?
  4. He’s tired. He …has just finished…………………….. (just/ finish) work.
  5. Maria ……travelled……………………………. (travel) abroad last year.
  6. Gary …has not arrived……………………………… (not/ arrive) yet.
  7. We ……moved……………………………….. (move) to Rome last year.
  8. Sam ……went……………………………. (go) bungee jumping last summer.
  9. Lisa ……has cycled……………………………….. (cycle) across country many times.
  10. Paul ……rode……………………………..(ride) a camel last year.

(максимальное количество баллов- 10)

6 задание. Выберите правильный вариант.Choose the correct form.

1. I need a bread knife and two butter _______.

      a) knifes       b) knives       c) knivs
2. The baby has  one tooth. When he is three he will have twenty _______.

      a) teeth       b) tooths       c) teeths
3. There is a policeman outside the bank and there are four ______inside the bank.

      a) policemans       b) policemens       c) policemen
I have a sister.  _______ sister is an actress.

      a) my       b) his       c) our

5. Look at these elephants. I like _______.

      a) him       b) it       c) them

6. Football is _______ sport in the world.

       a) more popular       b)the most popular       c) popularest

7. Molly is _______ at science than Jennifer.

       a) gooder       b) better       c) the best

8. He starts work _______ 9 o’clock.

       a) in       b) of       c) at

9. The flat is _______ the third floor.

       a) on       b) in       c) at

10. She _______ a student two years ago.

       a) were       b) is       c) was     

11. Emma is of …..  height.

        a) medium    b) tall     c) short.

( максимальное количество баллов- 11)

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