Контрольная работа за 1 четверть для 6го класса по учебнику Spotlight
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Контрольная работа за 1 четверть для 6го класса по учебнику Spotlight (1вариант)


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Предварительный просмотр:

The 6th form Control work #2

  1. Fill in the missing words

Best /fair /spell / best /twins /narrow /neighborhood /living /The Union Jack

  1. My mum has got short _____ hair.
  2. Bob and Liza are ______.
  3. ____________ consists of the flags of England, Scotland and the old flag of Ireland.
  4. Sorry, I can’t write your name. How do you ______ that?
  5. There are a lot of beautiful cushions in the ________ room.
  6. She lives in a wonderful ______________.
  7. Wall Street is a short and _________ street.
  8. He does his _____ to study well.

  1. Fill in the prepositions at, in, on
  1. It often rains … autumn.
  2. I wake up … 7 o’clock.
  3. He lives … 13, Pushkin Street.
  4. Our flat is … the fourth floor.
  5. Let’s meet … the weekend.
  6. My dad’s birthday is … 1st of October.
  7. It’s late. Come and visit us … the morning.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the possessive pronouns or adjectives
  1. He likes ___ car.
  2. We have ____books.
  3. This is Ann’s pen. It’s____.
  4. This is Tom and Fred and _____ sister.
  5. Look at this house. It’s ____. I live there.
  6. This is his computer. It’s ___.

  1. Choose the correct word.
  1. There are some/any chairs in the room.
  2. Are there a /any painting in the living room?
  3. There is some/a supermarket in that street.
  4. Was there any/a chemist’s next to the bank.

  1.  Match the questions with the correct answer.
  1. Could I speak to David, please?

a. Calm down. We are doing our best.

  1. Can you give me a hand?

b. Speaking

  1. How can I help you?

c. Sure, I’ll help you with pleasure.

  1. Put this sofa next to the armchair. Be careful!

d. I would like to join the sports club, please.

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