"Кто хочет стать миллионером"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Вера Валерьевна Бурдина

Интеллектуальная игра на английском языке.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

YOUR SCORE CAN BE: 1.000 4.000 16.000 64.000 250.000 500.000 1.000.000

Слайд 3

TASKS: Put these holidays in order ( starting with December): 1. Christmas 2. Mother’s Day 3. St. Valentine’s Day 4. April Fool’s Day 5. Father’s Day

Слайд 4

Your father’s sister is your: a) aunt b) uncle c) cousin d)sister . The largest city in Wales is: a_)London b) Oxford c)Cardiff d) Edinburgh . Washington is named after : a) the first state in America b) the river c)the writer d)the first president in America . Hyde Park is in: a )the City b)the west end c) the east end d)the north end . The Lincoln Memorial is situated in: A) Washington b) New York c)London d) Cambridge . Who was the youngest President in the history of the United States? a)Lincoln b) Kennedy c)Washington d) Roosevelt . The head of the English government is: A) the King b) the Queen c)the Prime minister d) the President

Слайд 5

Put these countries in the alphabetical order: 1.Russia 2. Canada 3. Australia 4. Germany 5. Great Britain

Слайд 6

. Cheese is made of: A) sausage b) vegetables c) meat d)milk 2. The oldest part of London is: a )the City b)the West End c) the East End d)the North End 3. The biggest city in Scotland is: A)Glasgow b)Edinburgh c) London d) Oxford 4. Which is the nearest neighbour to Great Britain? a)France b)Italy c) Ireland d)Spain 5. Christopher Columbus discovered America in: a) 1492 b)1392 c)1482 d)1566 6. The first English settlement appeared in: a) North America (17 cent.) b) South America (17 cent.) ) Central America (16 cent) d) America ( 18 cent.) 7. The first colonists started the tradition of: a) Thanksgiving Day b ) Independence Day C) Halloween d) Memorial Day

Слайд 7

Put these writers in the alphabetical order: . 1. Dickens 2. Twain 3. Milne 4.Swift 5.Shakespeare

Слайд 8

1. Cristopher Columbus discovered: a)Central America b)South Africa c)North America d)The USA 2. The “ Mayflower ” is : a)season b) a flower c)a ship d)the first English settlement in America 3.How many colonies were there in America in 1733? a)13 b) 7 c)21 d)10 4. How many stripes are there on the American flag? a)7 b)6 c)50 d)13 5. Your friend has a birthday. What do you say? a)How do you do? b)Many happy returns c)Don’t worry d)Get better 6. Sausage is made of: a) Butter b) meat c) milk d) vegetables 7. Whitehall is: a ) a street leading from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament b) a big hall in the centre of London c) a white palace near Trafalgar Square d) the palace where the Queen lives in summer

Слайд 9

1.Tuesday 2.Friday 3.Monday 4.Wednesday 5.Thursday 6.Sunday 7.Saturday Put these days of the week in order:

Слайд 10

1. On the 4 of July Americans celebrate: 2. When you want to bye a ticket for a train, you go to: 3. The southern and central part of Great Britain 4. The head of British State is: 5 . What is the Russian equivalent for “ It’s raining cats and dogs” ? 6. Sir Christopher Wren built : 7. Great Britain is separated from the continent by: a) Thanksgiving Day b) Independence Day c) Halloween d) Memorial Day a) the box- office b) the office c) the booking-office d) the station a) WALES b)ENGLAND c) SCOTLAND d) NORTHERN IRELAND a) THE KING b)THE QUEEN c) THE PRIME-MINISTER d) THE PRESIDENT a) Ни кола , ни двора b ) В такую погоду хороший хозяин собаку не выпустит c) Дождь льет как из ведра d) Живут как кошка с собакой a) Westminster Abbey c) The Tower of London b) St. Paul’s Cathedral d) The English Channel a) The Pacific Ocean c) The Bristol Channel b) The Irish Sea d) The English Channel

Слайд 11

Put these letters in the alphabetical order: A Y H W D

Слайд 12

1. Name the holiday which belongs only to American people: a ) С hristmas b)Halloween c)Independence Day d)Mother’s Day 2. Who was Christopher Columbus: a)a writer b)a traveler c) a poet d) an architect 3. Abraham Lincoln. Who was he? a)a writer b)the 16 president of the USA c)a teacher d)Prime Minister 4. The US President’s term is: a) 2 years b) 4 years c) 6 years d) 3 years 5. How many years did the Civil War in America last ? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6 6. Jeans are clothes worn by: A)Cowboys in the Wild West b) Actors in America c) Levi Strauss people d) People all over the world 7. The official national symbol of the USA is: a ) the Statue of Liberty b) the eagle c) the turkey d) the “ Mayflower”

Слайд 13

1.Hindi- what does it mean ? 2. The Great Fire of London broke out in : a) 1556 b ) 1766 c ) 1158 d ) 1666 3 . In Astralia , winter comes i т a) Decemb е r b ) January c ) June d ) July 4 . Ottawa. The capital of what country is it ? a) America b ) Egypt c ) Canada d ) Australia 5. London’s poorest part is : a) the City b ) the West End c ) the East End d ) The North End 6 . You can bye tickets for a play at : a) the box-office b ) the yard c ) the booking- office d ) the shop a) a country b) a nationality c) a language d) people

Слайд 14


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