Контрольная работа
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Шатурная Наталья Дмитриевна

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 четверть


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Предварительный просмотр:

5 класс.Тест 2.

1.Complete the sentences using the appropriate form of the adjectives.

1.Tim is ________(happy) than Tom.

2.Nick is ________(smart) student in the class.

3.A horse is ________(big) than   a  cat.

4.The red dress is _______(expensive) of all.

5.My car is  _______(good) than yours.

2. Choose the correct word.

1.You must talk  quiet \ quietly  in the library.

2.This is a  nice \ nicely scarf!

3.My brother always drive  careful \ carefully.

4.Ann is a  very  beautiful \ beautifully girl.

5.Be  quiet \ quietly! I’ m trying to think.

3. Write the questions for these answers.


   Tom is at the cinema now.


   These are museums.


   I’m going to the shop on Friday.


   Yes, I’ve seen this film.


   We go to school to study.

Контрольная работа по чтению 5 класс II четверть

Did you know how they celebrate the New Year and Christmas in other countries?

New Year’s Day celebrates the start of a new year. Americans celebrate New Year’s Day on the first day of January, but the celebration actually1 begins on December 31, New Year’s Eve, the night before New Year’s Day. Some people stay up all night! We blow horns and whistles2 at midnight3 to announce the beginning of a new year. Some people shake hands, kiss, hug, sing and shout “Happy New Year!”.

In Spanish-speaking countries Christmas is celebrated in the family circle4. In every country there are traditional dishes5 cooked for Christmas supper. In Spain, for example, they cook turkey or sea-fish. For dessert they eat ‘turron’ – a special kind of halva which is served only at Christmas. The night of December 31, the last night of the year, is called ‘old’ in Spanish. When the clock strikes6 twelve you must eat 12 grapes – one for each strike. If you do it, the New Year will bring you happiness.

Christmas is a family holiday dear to both children and grown-ups. The whole family gathers7 together to have a festive supper which is called ‘Reveillon’ in French. After it, children leave their ‘sabots’ before the fire-place to find presents from Pere Noёl (French Father Frost) there in the morning.

  Actually1 – на самом деле

  Blow horns and whistles2 – дуть в рожки и в свистки

Midnight3 – полночь

Circle4 – круг

Dish5 – блюдо

Strike6 – пробить, звон, удар

Gather7 – собираться

Task 1. Read the text and say TRUE or FALSE

Americans celebrate New Year’s Day on the first day of June.

In Spanish-speaking countries Christmas isn`t celebrated in the family circle.

In Spain people cook chicken or vegetables.

When the clock strikes twelve you must eat 12 oranges – one for each strike.

Christmas is called ‘Reveillon’ in French.

Task 2. Complete the sentences using the text

New Year’s Day celebrates _____.

The celebration actually begins on December 31, New Year’s Eve,___

In Spanish-speaking countries Christmas _____.

When the clock strikes twelve ______.

The whole family gathers together to have a festive supper ____.

Task 3. Answer the questions

Do Americans celebrate the New Year? When?

What is New Year’s Eve?

Where do people in Spanish-speaking countries celebrate Christmas?

What do people cook in Spain for Christmas supper?

Who is Pere Noёl?

*Extra task 4. Fill in the box









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