Учим английский язык с мультсериалом "Over the garden wall" (лексико-грамматические задания по материалам шестой и седьмой серий)
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Несколько заданий на знание содержания, персонажей и лексики, используемой в серии
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Раздаточный материал к уроку по 6 и 7 сериям мультсериала «Over the garden wall»
- Identify the characters
1) -What a nice way to spend our last day going to Adelaide's house. Our journey is finally over.
Pretty soon I'll be back home. I won't have to worry about that woodsman or that beast or whatever,
and you won't have to put up with us anymore. Bet you're pretty happy, - huh, Beatrice?
2)- Huh? Oh. Yeah. Sure.
- You all right? You sound uncharacteristically wistful.
- What? Sorry. Just thinking.
- Hmm.
________________________, ____________________________
- Boy. Finally going home. Hey, what's with Beatrice?
- I don't know. What's with George Washington being naked?
- What?
- All the other frogs are dressed up nice.
- He's an outcast, and he's cold.
- Feel these cold feet.
- No. He's supposed to be cold, Greg. He's a frog.
- But he's our frog!
- Well, he's not my frog or she's not my frog. We don't really know its gender.
- You're a manly frog, and you need some socks. Huh? It looks like we're in trouble. It's 'cause the president is nude!
- So, where's Adelaide's house? Is it close?
- We should probably just go tomorrow, I think. We don't want to bother her - too late, you know?
- What are we supposed to do just sit around in the mud with these frogs? I call that mud over there!
- So, then what?
- Well, then I went to go talk to Sara ... I mean, like really talk to her, you know ... - put all my cards on the table, you know?
- Yeah.
- And then Jason Funderberker comes out of nowhere and whisks her away! Ugh! Jason Funderberker ...
that guy. Plus Greg was around. He would have embarrassed me even more.
- Well, Wirt, sounds like - you're a real loser back home.
- Oh, thanks a lot.
- I mean compared to how you are here. Here you're like a hero and stuff, right? Am I? [chuckles]
Well, I don't know if I'd say, - "hero," but ...
- Do you think that I could be a hero, too? Huh?
- If I was you, I wouldn't even want to go home.
- Yeah, but I-I can't stay here forever.
- Why not?
- Hmm? Why not?
- Because ... because I-I can't just ... maybe it is - better to stay here.
- Great. Then it's agreed.
- We're not going to Adelaide's. Good night, Wirt.
- Greg, wake up!
- Huh?
- Beatrice took off!
- What?
- Come on!
_____________________, _________________________
- Close the flue. That fresh air does simply gruesome things to my tender, delicate skin.
- Adelaide, we need to talk.
- Did you bring me what I asked for?
- I found two brothers lost in the woods, but I can't give them to you, Adelaide. They need to go home.
- Nonsense!
- I'll give them a wonderful home here.
- That's what you said, but ...
- Can't you see I'm sick and helpless? I'm all alone in the world. I want a child servant.
- Servant? I thought you just wanted some yard work done.
- Our arrangement was for you to bring me a child servant and then I give you the scissors... to snip, snip, snip your family's wings away to make them human again.
- What if I became your servant?
- Ha! I need a big, strong child!
- You can turn me into a human, can't you?
- Oh, yes ... scissors!
- Yeah. Yeah. So, give me the scissors. I'll go help my family.
___________________________, ___________________________
- Get that frog out of your pants.
- He can do what he wants. Hey, what's in these old baskets? Whoa!
- What?
- We're rich!
- What?
- Look! It's full of black turtles! We're turtle rich!
- You know, it's kind of funny, finding a basket of turtles in - an abandoned house, huh?
- Yeah.
- Not that kind of funny.
- Who are you?!
- We're burglars!
- No, no. No, no. We're ... we're not. We just needed to get out of the rain, and we thought this
place was abandoned, so we ...
- So we came here to burgle your turts.
- No, it's not true.
- It is true!
9) - Welcome home, Auntie.
- Lorna, my sweet child.
- Hmm. Has anyone come here today?
- Nay, auntie ... not a soul.
- Then no one shall be devoured alive tonight?
- Nay, I pray not, mum.
- You're a good girl, Lorna, but you deceive me.
- I speak the truth, Auntie. I swear.
- Deceive me not, child. I can smell them. I can smell the children - in this house. Tell me where you are hiding them, precious one.
- I ...
- The ringing of the bell commands you.
- Look... in the basket.
- You have entered the house
of doom, children ... your doom.
- Oh. My dear, why, all along, you meant it be the turtles that smell so ripe.
- That is what I meant.
- Then you have no evil secrets to keep?
- Nay. I have none.
- Then off to bed go I, and you, Lorna ... you shall sort the bones of those who - have been eaten here before.
- I have finished already.
- Then clean this floor until it shines. The ringing of the bell commands you.
- Yes, Auntie Whispers.
- You know I do this for you, child. Keeping you busy is the only way to keep evil spirits from driving you to wickedness.
- Do not worry, Auntie Whispers. The work shall keep me busy.
- Good night, my dear. And dowse that fire. I did not ask you to light it.
At night when the lake is a mirror
At night when the lake is a mirror
And the moon rides the waves to the shore
A single soul sets his voice singing
Content to be slightly forlorn
A song rises over the lilies (Waa-ooh waa-ooh)
Sweeps high to clear over the reeds
And over the bulrushes' swaying
To pluck at a pair of heartstrings
Two voices, now they are singing
Then ten, as the melody soars
Round the shimmering pond all are joining in song
As it carries their reverie on
Over the treetops and mountains
Over the blackened ravines
Then softly it falls by a house near a stream
And over the garden wall
To thee
The angels have gone
The angels have gone
Songs have gone silent
You're sinking like a stone
The tide.
The river runs cold
The fight is over
Still the haunted ruins of night call your name.
Into the Unknown
Led through the mist,
By the milk-light of moon,
All that was lost, is revealed.
Our long bygone burdens, mere echoes of the spring,
But where have we come, and where shall we end?
If dreams can't come true, then why not pretend?
Oh how the gentle wind,
Beckons through the leaves,
As autumn colors fall.
Dancing in a swirl,
Of golden memories,
The loveliest lies of all,
The loveliest, lies of all.
Примечание: уроку предшествует просмотр соответствующей серии «Over the garden wall»
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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