контрольная работа 6 класс True or False
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Семихатова Елена Анатольевна

Данная разработка предполагает промежуточный контроль за усвоением темы  - True or False


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There are different professions jobs. All jobs are quite difficult. But some of them are highly paid and some are low paid. A postman is a hard, but low paid job. A postman has to get up early in the morning. Snow or rain, he must deliver newspapers and letters. Postmen usually have to walk a lot. They also carry a heavy bag with the post. Good postmen know people from neighbourhood. This job is very important. They earn money by working much.

I  True or False

Variant 1

1 The text is about postmen.

2 It’s a highly paid job.

3 A postman gets up early.

4 A postman drives a lot.

5 The work of a postman is easy.

Variant 2

1 The text is about a post-office.

2 It’s a low paid job.

3 A postman delivers letters.

4 Postman walk much.

5 The work of a postman is difficult.

II Choose the correct answer

Variant 1

1 There are … professions.

a) different b) nice c) hard

2 All professions and jobs are …

a) difficult b) highly paid c) low paid

3 A postman gets up …

a) early b) late c) at night

4 Postmen … letters and magazines

a) deliver b) take c) hold

5 Their bags are …

a) heavy b) hard c) light

Variant 2

1 All jobs are …  .

a) different b) difficult c) easy

2 A postman is a … job.

a) highly paid b) low paid c) nice

3 Postmen usually … a lot.

a) eat b) walk c) drink

4 There are a lot of … in their bags.

a) books b) newspapers c) food

5 They earn money by … much.

a) sleeping b) working b) walking

The Weather

Weather forecast is very important for everybody. British people often speak about the weather. They often begin conversation with: “It’s a fine day, isn’t it?”

In Britain the weather is changeable. Summer isn’t hot, the temperature is about + 25C.

Winter isn’t snowy and freezing, about +6C. It often rains in winter. It’s the time when people catch cold and stay in bed. They call s doctor and take tablets. In spring nature awakens from long winter sleep. In spring we feel better.

I Choose the correct answer

Variant 1

1 Weather forecast is … for us.

a) not important b) important

2 … often speak about it.

a) The British b) The Russian

3 In summer it is not …

a) hot b) cold

4 Winter in Britain isn’t …

a) snowy b) rai catch cold ny

5 In spring nature … from long winter sleep.

a) sleeps b) awakens

Variant 2

1 We listen to … very often.

a) weather forecast b)sports news

2 The weather is usually … in Britain.

a) fine b) changeable

3 Winter is a … season in Britain.

a) snowy b) rainy

4 People often … in winter.

a) catch cold b) catch fish

5 In spring we … better.

a) study b) feel

II Complete the sentences

Variant 1

             1 Weather is …  .

             2 People often … .

             3 In Britain the weather … .

             4 Summer isn’t … .

             5 In winter people … .

Variant 2

             1 Weather forecast is … .

             2 British people begin … .

             3 Winter isn’t … .

             4 When people catch cold … .

             5 In spring we … .

I  True or False

1 The text is about postmen.

2 It’s a highly paid job.

3 A postman gets up early.

4 A postman drives a lot.

5 The work of a postman is easy.

II Choose the correct answer

1 There are … professions.

a) different b) nice c) hard

2 All professions and jobs are …

a) difficult b) highly paid c) low paid

3 A postman gets up …

a) early b) late c) at night

4 Postmen … letters and magazines

a) deliver b) take c) hold

5 Their bags are …

a) heavy b) hard c) light

I  True or False

1 The text is about postmen.

2 It’s a highly paid job.

3 A postman gets up early.

4 A postman drives a lot.

5 The work of a postman is easy.

II Choose the correct answer

1 There are … professions.

a) different b) nice c) hard

2 All professions and jobs are …

a) difficult b) highly paid c) low paid

3 A postman gets up …

a) early b) late c) at night

4 Postmen … letters and magazines

a) deliver b) take c) hold

5 Their bags are …

a) heavy b) hard c) light

I  True or False

1 The text is about postmen.

2 It’s a highly paid job.

3 A postman gets up early.

4 A postman drives a lot.

5 The work of a postman is easy.

II Choose the correct answer

1 There are … professions.

a) different b) nice c) hard

2 All professions and jobs are …

a) difficult b) highly paid c) low paid

3 A postman gets up …

a) early b) late c) at night

4 Postmen … letters and magazines

a) deliver b) take c) hold

5 Their bags are …

a) heavy b) hard c) light

I  True or False

1 The text is about postmen.

2 It’s a highly paid job.

3 A postman gets up early.

4 A postman drives a lot.

5 The work of a postman is easy.

II Choose the correct answer

1 There are … professions.

a) different b) nice c) hard

2 All professions and jobs are …

a) difficult b) highly paid c) low paid

3 A postman gets up …

a) early b) late c) at night

4 Postmen … letters and magazines

a) deliver b) take c) hold

5 Their bags are …

a) heavy b) hard c) light

I  True or False

1 The text is about postmen.

2 It’s a highly paid job.

3 A postman gets up early.

4 A postman drives a lot.

5 The work of a postman is easy.

II Choose the correct answer

1 There are … professions.

a) different b) nice c) hard

2 All professions and jobs are …

a) difficult b) highly paid c) low paid

3 A postman gets up …

a) early b) late c) at night

4 Postmen … letters and magazines

a) deliver b) take c) hold

5 Their bags are …

a) heavy b) hard c) light

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