открытый урок 5 кл TRAVELLING
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Каирова Ольга Александровна

Проведен урок в рамках программы на тему " Путешествия". Ребятам очень понравилось рассказывать о своих поездках используя недавно изученные выражения и фразы


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Предварительный просмотр:

Topic: Travelling.

Aim  by the end of the lesson :the students will be able to speak about their last journey.

Objectives: -the students will pronounce the words from the new lexis and learn

                      some new words

                    -the students will have grammar drills

                    -the students will listen to the text and answer the questions on it

                    - the students will make up short dialogues using the material from  

                      the text                        

                    -the students will make up short stories about their last journeys

Language skills: -listening


Lexical material: means of transport, ways of travelling, using prepositions

Grammar material: Present Perfect, Past Simple

  1. Org. moment (3min –class  work)

What month is it now? What day is it today? What date is it today? What season do people usually go on a trip? Why? What countries have you been to? Have you ever travelled by plane ? What is the most comfortable way of travelling? Do you think it's interesting to travel by train? Why?

  1. Phonetic, lexical drilling.(5 min-individual work)

 Now, children, let's play noughts and crosses. Let's read the words transcribed .  So, you should make up sentences with this words using Past Simple and Present Perfect.

[sləʊ treɪn ]

[ˈpɑːspɔːt kənˈtrəʊl]



[ʧek ɪn]





So the winner team is ...

  1. Grammar drilling(3min- individual work)

Well done, kids. Now have a look at the blackboard and open the brackets and put in missed prepositions.

1. They always (want) to travel __ plane.

2. The secretary already (book) a single room __ the hotel.

3. The delegation (arrive) __ the airport yesterday.

4. My friend (buy) tickets __ the concert __ the booking office the other day.

5. He just (go) __ the Customs.

6. Bob (tell) us about his departure lately.

7. They (leave) __ Moscow this morning.

8. The reporters (wait) __ the arrival __ the President yesterday.

9. The Crooks (check in) 30 minutes ago.

  1. Listening

Pre-listening (3min-class work)
Have you been to the airport ? Where did you leave? Did your parents get their passports and other documents with them? Did it take you long to check-in?

The title of the text is “Denis Cook is Travelling”

-How let's learn some new words. Look at the blackboard. 
Look through- просматривать 
Heathrow airport 
Queue - очередь
Turn -очередь
Non-smoking area - некурящая зона
Aisle - проход 
Boarding  pass - посадочный талон

Now listen to the text attentively(2 times)- 15 min

While listening

Say if the statements are “True” or “False”. If they are false – correct them.
1)Today Denis Cook is going to the railway station.
2)He is going to catch a 9 o’clock plane.
3)Denis can’t find his luggage.
4)Denis finds his passport in the living room.
5)Denis goes to the airport by taxi.
6)Denis flies to London.
7)In England people are usually polite in queues.

Listen again and pay attention on details

Now, children, answer the questions.

What is the main character's name?
What is he going to do?
What can't Denis find?
What city is Denis leaving for? 
What seat would Denis like to have?
Has he got it? What seat has he got?

        -Now listen to the dialogue from the text and put in missed words.

  • Good morning, sir. Have you got your ticket?
  • Oh, yes. Here you are. Flight 355. Boston.
  • Where is your luggage, sir? Is it all? That’s all right, sir. Where would you like to sit: smoking or non-smoking area?
  • Non-smoking, please. And can I have a window seat, please?
  • No, I’m sorry, there isn’t one.
  • OK.
  • Would you like a seat on the aisle?
  • Yes, please.
  • Here, sir. Seat 15C. Here is your boarding pass. Your flight is in forty minutes.
  • Thank you.

Great work!!! Now let us have a break

Let us do exercises

C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Рабочий стол\img8.jpg


Very well, kids. Now I want you to speak about your last journey. Use these questions as a plan.(10 min-individual work)

C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Рабочий стол\travel-022.jpg

Where  did you go on your last journey?

When did you go there?

How did you go there? By plane or by bus or by car?

What time did you arrive at the airport/railway station?

Did it take you long to check-in? Was there a queue at the check in?

Were the customs officers polite?

What time did you leave?

  1. Thank you, kids. Your homework for the next lesson is Home reading lesson 4. Read and translate the text about the boys’ trip to Yaroslavl.
  2.  Your marks for today’s lesson are…  

The lesson is going to be over soon. I would like to find out

Did you like the lesson?

What new things have you learned?

What would you like to lean at the next lesson?

The lesson is over.

Good Bye! Have a nice day!

Denis Cook often travels on business. Today he is going to the airport. He is going to the airport. He is going to catch at 9 o’clock plane. Before Denis leaves for airport he wants to be sure he has got everything. So he looks through his things and his papers. He has got money, his plane ticket, but he can’t see his passport. Denis tries to remember where it is. “Isn’t it in the kitchen? No, it isn’t. The living room? No, it isn’t there. Where is it? What about the bedroom?”

Denis runs upstairs to the first floor and sees his passport on a little table near the sofa. It’s time for him to leave. He has to hurry up. So he takes a taxi and goes to Heathrow airport.

Now Denis is at the airport. He is going to check in. there is often a queue at the check-in. In England people are usually polite in queues. They wait quietly for their turn to check in. Now it’s Denis’s turn to check in. he is speaking to the airport man:

  • Good morning, sir. Have you got your ticket?
  • Oh, yes. Here you are. Flight 355. Boston.
  • Where is your luggage, sir? Is it all? That’s all right, sir. Where would you like to sit: smoking or non-smoking area?
  • Non-smoking, please. And can I have a window seat, please?
  • No, I’m sorry, there isn’t one.
  • OK.
  • Would you like a seat on the aisle?
  • Yes, please.
  • Here, sir. Seat 15C. Here is your boarding pass. Your flight is in forty minutes.
  • Thank you.

-Say if the statements are “True” or “False”. If they are false – correct them.
1)Today Denis Cook is going to the railway station.
2)He is going to catch a 9 o’clock plane.
3)Denis can’t find his luggage.
4)Denis finds his passport in the living room.
5)Denis goes to the airport by taxi.
6)Denis flies to London.
7)In England people are usually polite in queues.

-Now listen to the dialogue from the text and put in missed words.

  • Good morning, sir. _________________?
  • Oh, yes. __________. Flight ___. Boston.
  • Where is your luggage, sir? Is it all? That’s all right, sir. _____________________: smoking or non-smoking area?
  • __________________. And can I have a window seat, please?
  • No, I’m sorry, there isn’t one.
  • OK.
  • ________________ a seat on the aisle?
  • Yes, please.
  • Here, sir. Seat 15C. Here is your boarding pass. _______________________.
  • Thank you.

Answer the question speaking about your last trip.

Where  did you go on your last journey?

When did you go there?

How did you go there? By plane or by bus or by car?

What time did you arrive at the airport/railway station?

Did it take you long to check-in? Was there a queue at the check in?

Were the customs officers polite?

What time did you leave?

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