Тесты для 3 класса по УМК "Rainbow English - 3"Афанасьева О.В.
тест по английскому языку на тему
Тесты для з класса по УМК "Rainbow English - 3"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Test №1 (3 class)
V - I
- Впиши правильную форму глагола have /has.
- My brother _________ three English books.
- That girl ________ pink stockings.
- Those birds _______ big wings.
- We __________ a dog.
- She ________ a nice horse.
- Выберите местоимения.
- Ben is in the park. (He/His) dog is in the park too.
- This is Jane. And this is (her/she) pet Pussy.
- I am in Rome. (I/My) parents in Rome too.
- Вставьте that /those.
- Where are _________ buses?
- Where is ____________ bike?
- Where is __________ horse?
4. Составьте из слов предложения.
1) at 8 o’clock/ Helen/ I meet/ in the morning.
2) I am/ at 2 o’clock/ in the afternoon/ in my house.
V – II
1. Впиши правильную форму глагола have /has.
- Pigs ________ funny pink rings.
- We _______English in the morning.
- Jerry ________ seven kangaroos on his farm.
- These cats ______ toys.
- He ______ a big zebra.
2. Выберите местоимения.
- Bob is in Madrid. (He/His) granny is in Madrid too.
- – I’m a boy. (I/My) name is Nick.
- Where are Mary and (she/her) parents?
3. Вставьте this /these.
- Where are _______ ships?
- Where is ______ rose?
- Where are _______ cows?
4. Составьте из слов предложения.
1) at 7 o’clock/ Ben/ I meet/ in the evening.
2) she is/ at 12 o’clock/in the park/ in the afternoon.
Test 3 class
I -v
1. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. We (like/likes) music lesson.
2. I (have/has) a cat.
3. My dog (play/plays) with a ball.
4. My sister and brother (eat/ eats) cakes.
5. She (teach/teaches) English.
2. Вставьте to, где необходимо.
1. I like ____ swim in the lake.
2. Little dog can ____ jump and run.
3. Mark can ___ speak Russian very well.
4. Paul likes ___ play ping – pong.
5. He can ___ play ping – pong.
3. Переведите слова
Стул, родители, читать, говорить, башня.
Test 3 class
II - v
1. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. They (like/likes) tennis.
2. I (have/has) a dog.
3. My cat (jump/jumps) very well.
4. My parents (eat/eats) apples.
5. She (teach/teaches) French.
2. Вставьте to, где необходимо.
1. I like ___ run in the park.
2. Little cat can ____ play and run.
3. Betty can ___speak English well.
4. Tim likes ___play badminton.
5. He can ___play badminton very well.
3. Переведите слова
Цветок, есть, душ, учить, башня.
Test 3 class
I -v
1. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. We (like/likes) music lesson.
2. I (have/has) a cat.
3. My dog (play/plays) with a ball.
4. My sister and brother (eat/ eats) cakes.
5. She (teach/teaches) English.
2. Вставьте to, где необходимо.
1. I like ____ swim in the lake.
2. Little dog can ____ jump and run.
3. Mark can ___ speak Russian very well.
4. Paul likes ___ play ping – pong.
5. He can ___ play ping – pong.
3. Переведите слова
Стул, родители, читать, говорить, башня.
Test 3 (3 class)
V - I
1. Bставьте в предложения am, is, are.
1) How old _____ Pete?
2) How old _____ they?
3) How old _____ Olga?
4) It ____ a red rose.
5) I _____ a good pupil.
6) Your sister and brother ______ twelve.
7) Rex _____ a funny dog.
2. Вставьте have/ has
1) I _____ a small family.
2) My grandparents _______ no car.
3) My friends ______ pets.
4) We ______ two tables in our room.
5) Roy ______ five cakes.
3. Переведите на английский язык
Яркий _________________________________
Толстый ____________________________________
Окно ______________________________________
Воробей _____________________________________
Слабый _______________________________________
Какого цвета кошка? Она черная._________________________________________________________________
Какого цвета книги? Они синие и красные. _________________________________________________________
4 . Напишите, что ты умеешь и не умеешь делать.
V – II
1. Bставьте в предложения am, is, are.
1) How old _____ my granny?
2) How old _____ you?
3) How old _____ Spot?
4) We ____ in Paris.
5) I _____ a good pupil.
6) Meg can see a box. It _____ old.
7) I_____ from Vladivostok.
2. Вставьте have/ has
1) The apple tree _____ no apples.
2) I ______ a little sparrow.
3) My young sister ______ a book.
4) My parents ______ a son.
5) They _______ a lot of toys.
3. Переведите на английский язык
Светлый ___________________________________________
Сильный ________________________________________
Радуга _____________________________________________
Медленный ______________________________________________
Узкий ________________________________________________________
Какого цвета собаки? Они рыжие._______________________________________________________________
Какого цвета воробей? Он серый и черный. ________________________________________________________
4 . Напишите, что ты умеешь и не умеешь делать.
Test 5 (class 3)
I – V
1. Выбери правильные формы глаголов в тексте “My Birthday”.
Today ( am/ is/ are) my birthday and I (am / is / are) very happy. I ( have / has) very good presents: a new football and three new video games. My presents ( am/ is/ are) in my bedroom now. My parents, friends and I ( am/ is/are) at table. I (see / sees) 9 candles on the table. My mum (say/ says), “Happy birthday, son! Be happy!” I (say/ says), “Thank you, mum.” My parents and friends (sing/ sings) a Happy birthday song. I (like/ likes) my birthdays.
2. Вставьте have/ has
1) I _____ _____a pen.
2) We _____ _____red roses.
3) Miss Black ___________ a lot of presents.
4) Polly and Molly _______ _____no new video games.
5) The Whites ______ ______two bikes.
3. Назови семьи этих людей.
Mark Finn _______________________
Will Black _______________________
Jane Green _______________________
4. .Найди в этом квадрате и обведи названия всех дней недели. Выпишите их.
a | z | d | b | c | z | d | m | j | b |
n | s | u | n | d | a | y | o | s | f |
t | t | j | f | a | i | s | n | a | c |
h | g | u | r | s | o | a | d | t | t |
u | a | h | i | e | g | t | a | u | u |
r | r | k | d | f | o | u | y | r | e |
s | m | m | a | i | a | g | d | d | s |
d | l | c | y | k | n | q | q | a | d |
a | o | h | p | e | m | b | l | y | a |
y | w | e | d | n | e | s | d | a | y |
II – V
1. Выбери правильные формы глаголов. в тексте “My Birthday”.
Today ( am/ is/ are) my birthday and I (am / is / are) very happy. I ( have / has) very good presents: a new football and three new video games. My presents ( am/ is/ are) in my bedroom now. My parents, friends and I ( am/ is/are) at table. I (see / sees) 9 candles on the table. My mum (say/ says), “Happy birthday, son! Be happy!” I (say/ says), “Thank you, mum.” My parents and friends (sing/ sings) a Happy birthday song. I (like/ likes) my birthdays.
2. Вставьте have/ has
1) They _____ _________ pencils.
2) She _____ __________black tulips.
3) Mr Green _______ ___________a nice car.
4) We _______ _________no friends.
5) The Greens_______________a red house.
3. Назови семьи этих людей.
Tom Brown _______________________
Jim White _______________________
Lucy Smith _______________________
4. .Найди в этом квадрате и обведи названия всех дней недели. Выпишите их.
a | z | d | b | c | z | d | m | j | b |
n | s | u | n | d | a | y | o | s | f |
t | t | j | f | a | i | s | n | a | c |
h | g | u | r | s | o | a | d | t | t |
u | a | h | i | e | g | t | a | u | u |
r | r | k | d | f | o | u | y | r | e |
s | m | m | a | i | a | g | d | d | s |
d | l | c | y | k | n | q | q | a | d |
a | o | h | p | e | m | b | l | y | a |
y | w | e | d | n | e | s | d | a | y |
Test № 6 (3 класс)
I - V
1. Вставьте Do/Does
1) _____ you swim?
2) _____ Mark go to school?
3) _____ the girls play ping pong?
4) _____she run in the park?
5) _____ your mother like sweets?
6) ______ they play football?
2. Поставьте вопросы к предложениям.
1) The rabbits like carrots. _________________________________________________________________
2) My grandfather works at school. _________________________________________________________
3) We play and jump on Sunday. ____________________________________________________________
3. Ответьте на вопросы.
1) Do you like to play? _____________________________________
2) Do you like cakes? ______________________________________
3) Does your mother like flowers? _____________________________
4) Are you a student? ________________________________________
5) Is your mother a teacher? _______________________________________
II – V
1. Вставьте Do/Does
1) _____ you like to play football ?
2) _____ Sam run in the park?
3) _____ the boy go to school?
4) _____the pupils play basketball?
5) _____ your father like cakes?
6) ______ they swim in the lake?
2. Поставьте вопросы к предложениям.
1) The pupils go to school. ____________________________________________________________________________
2) Pete reads a book. _____________________________________________________________________________
3) They like red apples. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. Ответьте на вопросы.
1) Do you like to swim? _____________________________________
2) Do you like apples? ______________________________________
3) Does your sister write? __________________________________________________
4) Are you a pupil? ________________________________________________
5) Is your father a driver? ______________________________________________
Test №7 (3 class )
V – I
1. Выбери нужный глагол и обведи его.
1) My mother cooks/cook in the evening.
2) My grandfather have/has a big house.
3) My parents help/helps my grandparents.
4) Betty teach/teaches pupils in a school.
5) My sisters sleep/sleeps in this room.
2. Переведи слова на английский язык.
Жираф – ___________________ заяц - ________________________
Тигр - ____________________ животные – ______________________
Лед - _______________________ кинотеатр - _______________________
3*. Построй вопрос и отрицание к предложению.
Fred and Mary like to read books. _________________________________________________
V – II
1. Выбери нужный глагол и обведи его.
1) My father cooks/cook in the evening.
2) My grandma have/has a big house.
3) My parents help/helps my grandparents.
4) Sally teach/teaches pupils in a school.
5) My brothers sleep/sleeps in this room.
2. Переведи слова на английский язык.
крокодил – ______________________ слон - _______________________
лев - ______________________ животные – ______________________
мороженое - _______________ ходить - _________________
3*. Построй вопрос и отрицание к предложению.
Mary likes to play video games. _________________________________________________
Test №7 (3 class )
V – I
1. Выбери нужный глагол и обведи его.
1) My mother cooks/cook in the evening.
2) My grandfather have/has a big house.
3) My parents help/helps my grandparents.
4) Betty teach/teaches pupils in a school.
5) My sisters sleep/sleeps in this room.
2. Поставь существительные во множественное число.
A rose – ______________________ a bus - _____________________________
A cook – _____________________ a bed - ______________________________
A child - _____________________ a lemon - _____________________________
3. Построй вопрос и отрицание к предложению.
Fred and Mary like to read books. _________________________________________________
4. Переведи слова на английский язык.
Жираф – ___________________ заяц - ________________________
Тигр - ____________________ животные – ______________________
V – II
1. Выбери нужный глагол и обведи его.
1) My father cooks/cook in the evening.
2) My grandma have/has a big house.
3) My parents help/helps my grandparents.
4) Sally teach/teaches pupils in a school.
5) My brothers sleep/sleeps in this room.
2. Поставь существительные во множественное число.
A box – _________________ a tomato- _____________________
A sheep – _______________ a pen - _______________________
A mouse - __________________ a n orange - _____________________
3. Построй вопрос и отрицание к предложению.
Mary likes to play video games. _________________________________________________
4. Переведи слова на английский язык.
крокодил – ______________________ слон - _______________________
лев - ______________________ животные – ______________________
Test №8 3 class
I – V
1. Вставьте глагол Do/Does
1) ……your brother have a car?
2) …… Rick have a sister?
3) …… the cats drink milk?
4) …… you like sweets?
5) …… Tom and Mary play tennis?
2. Впишите глагол don’t /doesn’t
1) I …… like milk and coffee.
2) We …… play tennis.
3) Nick and Mike …… like apples and bananas.
4) My father …… drive a car.
5) The dog …… like cheese.
3. Сделай предложение отрицательным и вопросительным.
We live in London. _________________________________________________
V – II
1. Вставьте глагол Do/Does
1) ……your sister have a car?
2) …… Richard have a granny?
3) …… the dogs drink milk?
4) …… you like cakes?
5) …… Tom and Bob play tennis?
2. Впишите глагол don’t /doesn’t
1) I …… like tea and coffee.
2) We …… play ping - pong.
3) Nick and Dick …… like ice cream and bananas.
4) My mother …… drive a car.
5) The cat …… like cheese.
3. Сделай предложение отрицательным и вопросительным.
She lives in London. _________________________________________________
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