Present Simple and Past Simple
план-конспект по английскому языку на тему
Необходимые презентации и упражнения для закрепления знаний на уроках английского языка по теме "Present Simple and Past Simple"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Choose the right words
- She (ride/rides) a horse.
- Nick and Tom (play/plays) in the park.
- A frog (jump/jumps) well.
- They (eat/eats) sandwiches for breakfast.
- We (read/reads) books.
- My dad (watch/watches) TV.
Choose the right words
- Ben (live/lives) in London.
- My friend (play/plays) basketball.
- We (sing/sings) English songs.
- My sister (like/likes) to swim in the river.
- The pupils (run/runs) well.
- Betty (skate/skates) in winter.
Choose the right words
- Alice (live/lives) in Krasnodar.
- They (swim/swims) well.
- The frog (skip/skips) very well.
- We (read/reads) books.
- My friend (skate/skates) not very well.
- You (ride/rides) a bike.
Choose the right words
- I (like/likes) jam.
- Ted (play/plays) football.
- We (live/lives) in Russia.
- The boys (run/runs) well.
- Meggy and Ann (like/likes) horses.
- My dad (watch/watches) TV.
Choose the right words
- I (do/does) my homework.
- John (jump/jumps) in the park.
- Mary and Meg (read/reads) books.
- My brother (play/plays) football.
- Jane (drink/drinks) tea.
- They(speak/speaks) English.
- Rick (run/runs) in the park.
Choose the right words
- I (do/does) my homework.
- John (jump/jumps) in the park.
- Mary and Meg (read/reads) books.
- My brother (play/plays) football.
- Jane (drink/drinks) tea.
- They(speak/speaks) English.
- Rick (run/runs) in the park.
Choose the right words
- I (do/does) my homework.
- John (jump/jumps) in the park.
- Mary and Meg (read/reads) books.
- My brother (play/plays) football.
- Jane (drink/drinks) tea.
- They(speak/speaks) English.
- Rick (run/runs) in the park.
Choose the right words
- I (do/does) my homework.
- John (jump/jumps) in the park.
- Mary and Meg (read/reads) books.
- My brother (play/plays) football.
- Jane (drink/drinks) tea.
- They(speak/speaks) English.
- Rick (run/runs) in the park.

Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Дэн очень любит проводить время у бабушки. К сожалению, бабушка всегда очень занята. What does the grandma usually do? What did she do yesterday? ( Что она делала вчера? ) My grandma has a lot of work to do every day. She usually cleans the house, washes the dishes and cooks tasty meals. She works in the garden, too. I sometimes help her. Yesterday my grandma clean ed the house, wash ed the dishes and cook ed tasty cookies. I help ed her. We work ed in the garden. And we visit ed her friend Maggie in the evening. Как изменяются слова. Когда Дэн рассказывает о том, что они делали вчера?
Как рассказать о действиях, которые вы совершили? Сравните: I help my grandma every day . …помогаю… I helped my grandma yesterday . …помогал… She cleans the house every week . …убирает… She cleaned the house last week . …убирала… yesterday – вчера last week – на прошлой неделе last year – в прошлом году
Reading rules Окончание – ed читается как: [d] [t] [id] после звонкого после глухого после t или d согласного звука согласного звука clea n ed was h ed dus t ed gathe r ed hel p ed visi t ed
На прошлой неделе семья Дейва организовала барбекю у себя в саду. What did members of the family and their pets do? ( Что делали члены семьи и домашние животные? ) The grandpa The grandma The father The mother Dave His brother The dog cleaned the vegetables . ( овощи ) dusted the furniture. cooked the meat. ( мясо ) washed the dishes. chased the cat. (преследовать, бегать за) watched the dog. cleaned the garden. played football. climbed the trees.
Дейв помогал всем. Who did he helped? ( Кому он помогал? ) Что он делал? The mother cleaned vegetables. Dave helped her to…
Вся семья Энн была очень занята в прошлые выходные. What did they do last weekend? (Что они делали в прошлые выходные?) On Saturday we work ed a lot ( много ). My sister and I clean ed the house. Dad swept ( sweep ) the paths in the garden. My sister set ( set ) the table. I mad e ( make ) my bed and fed ( feed ) the dog. On Sunday we had ( have ) a wonderful dinner (обед) and ate ( eat ) a big cake. We gave ( give ) gifts (подарили подарки) to our mum. It was ( be ) Mother`s Day. Mother was happy. We were ( be ) happy, too!
Как рассказать при помощи неправильных глаголов о действиях, которые вы совершили Сравните: I sweep the paths every week . …подметаю… I swept the paths last week . …подметал… We give a gift to our mum every year . …дарим… We gave a gift to our mum last year . …подарили… Запомнить форму прошедшего времени неправильных глаголов вам поможет таблица !
В семье Энн каждый год отмечают День матери. What do they usually do on Mother`s Day? (Что они обычно делаю в День матери?) What did they do last year ? (Что они делали в прошлом году?) Разделите предложения на два рассказа. Usually Last year We set the table. My sister set the table. We have a fantastic dinner. We cooked a wonderful dinner. We ate a tasty cake. We gave gifts to our Mum. We give gifts to our Mum. We sang a song to her. We sing a merry songs for her. Our mother is happy. We were happy.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Запомни! He She like s It I You like We They
Выбери like или like s Jane like s cats. I like books. Bill like s dogs. They like carrots. We like the house. The parrot like s corn. The rabbits like cabbage. The monkeys like bananas.
Выбери правильное слово! My teacher speak / speak s English well. His friend live / live s in the forest. Dogs like / like s meat and milk. The farmer drink / drink s juice in the morning. I drink / drink s tea with milk. Birds eat / eat s corn.
Запомни! he Do es she V ? it I Do you V ? we they
Вставь do или do es . Do es he like sweets? Do es she like cheese? Do you like nuts? Do es it like fish? Do you like porridge? Do you like ham? Do es Ann go to the zoo? Do es Jill drink tea? Do they go to school? Do the friends go to the park?
Запомни! He She do es not V . It I You We do not V . They does not=doesn’t do not=don’t
Вставь don’t или doesn’t. I don’t like apples. He do es n’t like corn. Thomas do es n’t sing. Martin do es n’t read. We don’t go to school. They don’t play football. Friends don’t eat ice cream. You don’t write poems. I don’t read books.
Выбери правильный ответ. My dog likes meat. I play football very well. My friends sing together. My friends don’t like milk. Olga doesn’t play with her friend. Peter doesn’t eat fish. We walk with the dog together. Does Mary like cats? They eat honey. Do you play tennis? l ike / likes p lay / plays s ing / sings d on’t like / doesn’t like d on’t play / doesn’t play d on’t eat / doesn’t eat w alk / walks Do / Does l ike / likes e at / eats Do / Does like / likes
Thomas goes to Green School. Jill doesn’t go to Green School. I do my homework every day. She does her homework every day. Do the children read books? Does Martin skate in the park? They don’t go to the zoo. Do you eat many sandwiches? Girls like to sing and dance. Boys don’t like to dance and sing. g o / goes d on’t go / doesn’t go d o / does d o / does Do / Does r ead / reads Do / Does skate / skates d on’t go / doesn’t go Do / Does e at / eats l ike / likes d on’t like / doesn’t like
Test . Выбери слово и переведи предложения. I play football very well. She does her homework every day . Does Martin skate in the park? Peter doesn’t eat fish . My friends don’t like milk. They eat honey. Do you play tennis? p lay / plays d o / does Do / Does s kate / skates d on’t eat / doesn’t eat d on’t like / doesn’t like e at / eats Do / Does p lay / plays
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Present Simple Let’s train!
Is it winter?
Is it sunny?
Is it rainy?
Is it a clear day?
Is it cold?
Is it stormy?
Is it cloudy?
Is it windy?
Name the winter months, please.
Remember! Present Simple = HE, SHE, IT + V(e)s I WE, THEY, YOU, + V
3- е лицо, ед. число “ +” She play s tennis. “ -” She does not play tennis. “ ?” Does she play tennis?
“ +” They play tennis. “ -” They do not play tennis. “ ?” Do they play tennis?
What does it do every day?
What does it always do ?
What do they usually do ?
What does it sometimes do?
What does it do every day?
What do they often do?
What do they sometimes do?
Write what these people do every day. Mother listens to the music. 2. Father ________________. 3. They _______________________. 4. Mary _____________________. 5. She __________________________.
6. The brother _____________________. 7. The girl_______________________. 8. The man __________________. 9. The baby ________________ ______________________.
. Sam (wake) up at half past seven. He (dress) , and (have) breakfast at eight o' clock. He (go) to school at quarter to nine.
Lessons (start) at nine o'clock. Sam usually (finish) school at half past three. In the afternoon, Sam (do) his homework.
He sometimes (play) football with his best friend. Before dinner, he (watch) his favourite programme on TV. Sam and his mother usually (have) dinner at half past eight.
After dinner, Sam (play) computer games until bedtime. Then, he (brush) his teeth and (go) to bed.
Read the sentences and choose the correct one a) I always drink milk for breakfast. I drink always milk for breakfast. b) He doesn't drive usually to work. He doesn't usually drive to work. c) They gets up at half past eight. They get up at half past eight. d) She goes shopping on Saturdays. She go shopping on Saturdays.
Don’t or Doesn’t ??? He don't /doesn't live in Australia. She don't /doesn't play the table tennis. I don't /doesn't play football every day. Tom don't /doesn't listen to the radio. We don't /doesn't speak English. You don't /doesn't drink milk in the morning. My dog don't /doesn't sleep at night.
Make negatives from these sentences. Example: She likes apple juice. - She doesn't like apple juice. 1. I like hot chocolate. 2. He plays football . 3. A nn speaks French. 4. Jim and I live in London. 5. They work in a bank. 6. Jane studies Spanish.
Write negative sentences. 1. My sister lives in Paris. 2. Our parents have lunch at home. 3. I drink orange juice or tea for breakfast. 4. Mark travels by bus at the weekend. 5. There are some posters on the wall.
Write the activities under each picture. go to sleep / get dressed / get up / have lunch / have a shower / have breakfast
Example : I / you / we / they P L A Y but! he / she / it P L A Y S (! go - goes, do - does, have -has) She usually ___________ up at 7 o’clock. He usually ___________ to bed at 8 o’clock. She usually __________ tennis on Sundays. They usually ___________ to school every morning.
I usually ___________ a shower in the morning. He usually ___________ a shower on Sundays. She usually ___________ a book in the evening. She usually ___________ breakfast at 7.30. They usually ____________ TV from 5 to 7 o’clock.
Find and correct the mistakes . Jane write a letter on Sunday. Kate and Ron cooks. 3 . The children rides their bikes every day. 4 . Father always drive his car. 5. John usually read books.
Choose does or do 1. ______Susan know the future? 2. ______Tom and Jim help people? 3. ______ you like your job?
4. ________Bob work hard? 5. ________the bear catch fish? 6. ________koalas climb trees?
Mission#1: add -s, -es or -ies to the following verbs. GO RUN CARRY TALK READ WATCH SING PLAY COME JUMP WASH WRITE DO DANCE FIX
Mission#2: Find out the right Sentence She plays tennis every day. She plaies tennis everyday. My friends read a book. My friends reads a book. On Mondays, my father walk the dog. On Mondays, my father walks the dog.
Mission#3: -s, -es or -ies? Complete these sentences.......... John Smith _________(get up) at seven o'clock every morning. He _________ (go) to the bathroom and __________(wash) his face, he __________ (brush) his teeth and __________ (comb) his hair.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:

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