Контрольная работа для 7 класса Enjoy English
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
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7 класс Контрольная работа unit 2 Enjoy English
Part 1. Match the countries and their capitals
1. Russia a) London
2. The USA b) Wellington
3. New Zealand c) Ottawa
4. Australia d) Moscow
5. The UK e) Washington
6. Canada f) Canberra
Part 2. Match the words and their definitions:
The mother tongue - the sign of a country
The population - a language which children learn in the family
The official emblem - the language which is spoken on TV, Radio
The official language - people who live in the country, not tourist
Part 3. Complete each sentence with one of the word combinations below:
Round the world, is situated, continent, population, success, mother tongue, collects his thoughts, was awarded, official languages, collect.
1. Australia is the only country in the world which occupies the whole ……
2. There are two …… in Canada: English and French.
3. Canada …..in North America.
4. The famous actor …… a prize.
5. My friends …… stamps.
6. They visited many countries. They travelled …….
7. Her new song was a great ……..
8. If he …….. he will get a good mark.
9. I’m from Russia. My … is Russian.
10. The USA has the third largest … in the world.
Part 4. Put the verbs in the correct form of the passive voice.
1. My room (to clean) every week.
2. This film (to show) last Sunday.
3. They (to ask) at the lesson tomorrow.
4. New Year (to celebrate) all over the world.
5. This book (to publish ) next month.
6. She (to award) a prize last year.
7. The letter (to write) yesterday.
8. The rules (to explain) by teachers every lesson.
9. The post office (to close) on Sundays.
10. Betty (to meet) at the station yesterday.
Part 5. Translate into Russian.
1. We were invited to the party last Sunday.
2. Bread is eaten every day.
3. Nick will be met at the airport next Friday.
4. English is spoken all over the world.
5. This school was built five years ago.
7 класс Контрольная работа unit 2 Enjoy English
Part 1. Match the countries and their capitals
1. Russia a) London
2. The USA b) Wellington
3. New Zealand c) Ottawa
4. Australia d) Moscow
5. The UK e) Washington
6. Canada f) Canberra
Part 2. Match the words and their definitions:
The mother tongue - the sign of a country
The population - a language which children learn in the family
The official emblem - the language which is spoken on TV, Radio
The official language - people who live in the country, not tourist
Part 3. Complete each sentence with one of the word combinations below:
Round the world, is situated, continent, population, success, mother tongue, collects his thoughts, was awarded, official languages, collect.
1. Australia is the only country in the world which occupies the whole ……
2. There are two …… in Canada: English and French.
3. Canada …..in North America.
4. The famous actor …… a prize.
5. My friends …… stamps.
6. They visited many countries. They travelled …….
7. Her new song was a great ……..
8. If he …….. he will get a good mark.
9. I’m from Russia. My … is Russian.
10. The USA has the third largest … in the world.
Part 4. Put the verbs in the correct form of the passive voice.
1. My room (to clean) every week.
2. This film (to show) last Sunday.
3. They (to ask) at the lesson tomorrow.
4. New Year (to celebrate) all over the world.
5. This book (to publish ) next month.
6. She (to award) a prize last year.
7. The letter (to write) yesterday.
8. The rules (to explain) by teachers every lesson.
9. The post office (to close) on Sundays.
10. Betty (to meet) at the station yesterday.
Part 5. Translate into Russian.
1. We were invited to the party last Sunday.
2. Bread is eaten every day.
3. Nick will be met at the airport next Friday.
4. English is spoken all over the world.
5. This school was built five years ago.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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