Урок по теме Виды транспорта в Лондоне
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Пятина Надежда Анатольевна

Какой вид транспорта выбрать, путешествуя в Лондоне


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Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Agree or disagree.

-People’s life is impossible without travelling.

-There is only one way of travelling.

-Travelling  by train has only disadvantages.

- Travelling by sea is not very popular.

-Hiking is very popular with young people.

  1. Make up sentences:

- the min advantages of trains ( speed, comfort and safety in comfortable seats of the sleeping cars);

-to travel (by air, by rail, by sea, by road, on foot)

-to be the fastest and the most convenient way of travelling ( travelling by air)

-the most expensive way of travelling ( by plane)

  1. Let’s read the text.

City transport in Moscow

The metro is the fastest and most comfortable type of the city transport. The other means of transport in Moscow are buses, trolley-buses, trams, taxis. Some buses, trolley-buses and trams have conductors and some have cash-boxes. One should have the correct fare going by such means of transport. Many people have passes.

London transport

Public transport in London is expensive. The fare depends on the length of the journey. You cannot buy books of tickets in advance. Children under sixteen pay half, and those under five travel free. You usually buy bus tickets from a conductor, but on some buses you pay the driver. Most London buses are double-deckers.

On the underground railway («tube») you buy your ticket from a machine or a ticket office, and give it up at the end of the journey.

Not all trains from one platform go to the same place, so watch the signs. The last train leaves at about 00.15.

Answer my questions.(карточки)

  1. What are the main means of transport in Moscow and in London?
  2. What is the most comfortable means of transport in London and in Moscow?
  3. What is the nickname of London underground?

 Agree or disagree with me:

  1. The bus is the most modern kind of  city transport.
  2. Trams are usually empty  during the rush-hours.
  3. The main street of a town is usually  found in its outskirts.
  4. There is an underground railway in  every British town.
  5. The Thames divides Paris into two parts.


 Let’s imagine that we are going to travel abroad. So, let’s travel around London to choose. At the beginning of the lesson you said people may travel by air, by railway, by sea. But these ways of travelling won’t suit us. And if we choose the London Tube we shan’t be able to see the most wonderful historical sights of this beautiful city, shall we? Of course we may take a trip on a boat along the Thames or go for a drive in a London double-decker or to take a coach tour. I advise you an unusual way to see London.

I mean the London Observation Wheel.


  • to be known as the London Eye (to be 135 metres high)
  • one of the most remarkable sights of London
  • an observatory in the form of a gigantic wheel
  • to be the world's tallest observation wheel
  • one of London's outstanding attractions
  • to have 32 transparent pods (the Millennium Wheel)
  • to carry 800 passengers at any one time (can)
  • one can witness views for 45 kilometres around -- to be opened in the year 2000
  • to work at a speed of about 0.5 kilometres per hour
  • it takes 30 minutes to go right round once
  • to attract a great number of visitors

What can you see  from the London Observation Wheel?

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