Урок "The Olympic Games"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Шитикова Ольга Николаевна

Презентация к уроку "The Olimpic Games"


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Слайд 1

Good morning, I’m glad to see you! It is never too late to learn

Слайд 2


Слайд 3

The Olympic Games

Слайд 4

To know To be able to The Past Simple, the Past Perfect The active vocabulary on the topic “Sport”, dialogue vocabulary Some facts from the history of the Olympic games Use the grammar tenses correctly Read and translate the text about Ancient Olympics Answer the questions

Слайд 5

When and where did the Olympic Games begin? 776 BC, Ancient Greece

Слайд 6

How often are they held? Once in every 4 years (ones in every 2 years)

Слайд 7

Why did the Olympic Games become the symbol of peace and friendship? For the period of games all the wars stopped

Слайд 8

When did the Roman stop the Olympic Games? In 394 AD

Слайд 9

Who renewed the modern Olympic Games? Who is considered to be the father of the modern Olympic games? Pierre de Coubertin (was a French educator and historian, and a founder of the International Olympic Committee)

Слайд 10

What is the central policy-making body of the Olympic movement? The International Olympic Comitee

Слайд 11


Слайд 12

What is necessary for the Olympic Games besides sports competitions? A cultural programme of concerts, exhibitions, festivals, …

Слайд 13

When did Russia join the Olympic movement? 1952

Слайд 14

When and where were the Olympic Games held in our country? The Summer Olympic Games took place in Moscow in 1980. The Winter Olympic Games were held in Sochi in2014

Слайд 15

When and where did the last Summer Olympic Games take place? In August 2016, Rio

Слайд 16

Pierre de Coubertin

Слайд 17

1. Read the text Ancient Olympics and translate it 2. Use the Past Simple and the Past Perfect. Exercises: The Tense The Active voice The Passive voice Past Simple V 2, V ed Was/were V 3 , V ed Past Perfect Had V 3 (ed) ( It’s your homework )

Слайд 18

The horse racing (to take) place before Mark (to return) to Derby, England.

Слайд 19

He (to be) at the top of Tennis Championship in Wimbledon last year

Слайд 20

Basketball (to invent) by a teacher at a sports school in Springfield, USA, 1891

Слайд 21

The American team (to win) these wind-surfing and skate-boarding competitions by the time the Italians (to come) to visit the country .

Слайд 22

What activities had the local sportsmen done by 8 p.m?

Слайд 23

To know To be able to The Past Simple, the Past Perfect The active vocabulary on the topic “Sport”, dialogue vocabulary Some facts from the history of the Olympic games Use the grammar tenses correctly Read and translate the text about Ancient Olympics Answer the questions

Слайд 24

HOMEWORK Ex. 8 p. 26 (wr) Ex.7 p. 26 * 3. Make a short report \ a presentation (3 – 5 slides) about Pierre de Coubertin or famous Russian sporting events It is never too late to learn

Слайд 25

HOMEWORK It is never too late to learn

Слайд 26

Thank you for your cooperation! See you on Tuesday

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