Брейн-ринг по английскому языку
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему
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brain_ring_urok-viktorina.docx | 18.39 КБ |
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Предварительный просмотр:
Brain Ring
- Welcome, everybody, in our studio! Today we’re having Brain Ring! What’s Brain Ring? Brain Ring is an intellectual game when you answer questions, do different tasks racking your brains. You can see the questions on the screen!
We’ve got two teams (Red table and Green table). Each team has got six players. As soon as you hear a question, you put up your card (a red card or a green one) immediately if you know the answer. If your answer is correct you get a point, if your answer is not correct the other team has a chance to give an answer.
(During the game each team has a chance (only once) to ask their classmates (fans) for help).
Are you ready to start?
- Task 1. How well do you know English–speaking countries? (max. 15 points)
- What countries does the United Kingdom include? (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
- The flag of the UK is called … (The Union Jack)
- What colour are London taxis? (Black cabs)
- The Underground in London is also called the … (Tube)
- Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the …
(4th Thursday in November)
- Thanksgiving is sometimes called … (Turkey Day)
- What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)
- It is one of the Eight Wonders of the Modern World. It’s in India. What is it? (Taj Mahal)
- What is the flower symbol of England? (Rose)
- What is the tallest building in New York?(The Empire State Building)
- Who was the 1st President of the USA? (George Washington)
- The official residence of the Queen in London is… (Buckingham Palace)
- The capital of Wales is… (Cardiff)
- Where does the President of the USA live and work? (In the White House)
- What do Americans celebrate on the 4-th of July? (Independence Day)
Task 2. Make new compound nouns by joining words
(10 points).
Answers: newspaper, seaside, underground, motorbike, suitcase, bookmark, spotlight, makeup, takeaway, handgrip.
Task 3. Do you know what homophones are? These are words with the same pronunciation but different spelling and different meanings. Write the homophones for the following words (10 points):
1. know - no
2. right - write
3. weak - week
4. sea -see
5. son - sun
6. won – one
7. wear - where
8. meet - meat
9. hour - our
10. would - wood
Task 4.
Make as many words as you can
(One point for each correct word. Time limit: 4 minutes)
- Подведение итогов. Награждение победителей.
- http://theproblemsolversguide.blogspot.ru/2013/02/how-to-conduct-classical-brainstorming.html (1 слайд - дети за столом)
- http://timetowrite.blogs.com/creativitynow/2009/10/bonus-10-brainstorming-guidelines-poster.html (слайд 24)
- http://britannia.vsb.bc.ca/business_education/business_certificate%20of%20achievement.html (сертификат)
- http://www.staples.com/Certificates-Diplomas/cat_CL207285?redirectrule=931761&redirecttype=auto (сертификат)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
1. What countries does the United Kingdom include?
2 . The flag of the UK is called …
3. What colour are London taxis?
4. The Underground in London is also called the …
5. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the …
6. Thanksgiving is sometimes called …
7. What is the capital of Australia?
8. It is one of the Eight Wonders of the Modern World. It’s in India. What is it?
9. What is the flower symbol of England?
10. What is the tallest building in New York?
11. Who was the 1st President of the USA?
12. The official residence of the Queen in London is…
13. The capital of Wales is…
14. Where does the President of the USA live and work?
15. What do Americans celebrate on the 4th of July?
Make compound nouns by joining words
friend ship friendship
news side book under suit away motor mark up spot paper take sea ground bike grip light hand case make
newspaper seaside underground m otorbike s uitcase b ookmark s potlight m akeup t akeaway handgrip
Homophones are words with the same pronunciation but different spelling and different meanings. Write the homophones for the following words:
1 . know 2. right 3. weak 4. sea 5 . son 6. won 7. wear 8. meet 9. hour 10. would
1 . know - no 2. r ight - write 3. w eak - week 4. s ea -see 5. s on - sun 6. w on – one 7. w ear - where 8. m eet - meat 9. h our - our 10. w ould - wood
Make as many words as you can
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