Контрольная работа за 11 класс годовая по Кузовлеву
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Variant 1
1. Find the synonym
1) allowance a) a child benefit b)pension c)maternity pay
2) to pollute a) to contaminate c)to avoid c) to waste
3) boring a) dull b) lousy c) bad
2. Put the missing preposition
1) In Britain, medical insurance is organised by the Government and is compulsory, …. in some other countries it is not.
a) while b) whereas c)despite
2) The country doesn't spend a lot of money per person on health care, …. in some other western countries health care systems are much more expensive.
a) while b) whereas c)despite
3) …. the shortage (недостаток) of money, the system of medical care works well.
a) While b) Whereas c)Despite
4) Many unemployed people want something interesting and well paid, …(as they say) "there's life after work".
a) because b) though c) that's why
5) …a married man with two children in Germany gets about
2,800 euro if he's on the dole, an employed man with an entry-level job in a hotel or restaurant takes home only 1,800 euro.
a) Thanks to b) Although c) While
3.Guess the inventions.
1. It’s similar to a regular oven but it’s much smaller and it heats up food much quicker.
2. Dirty dishes are washed automatically in it.
3. It can open cans of soup and tuna fish.
4. It washes the clothes.
4. Put the verbs into the necessary form ( Present Perfect/Past Simple)
1. – What’s up?
- I …(cut) my finger.
2. I … (buy) the telephone this year, in February.
3. He …(graduate) the University last year.
4. We …(use) this thing since 1999.
5. I never (be) to London.
5. Write down exclamatory sentences.
1. He is an outstanding playwright.
2. The film is very touching.
3. They are wise.
4. It was a magnificent performance.
5. The actors were wonderful.
6. Write 10-15 sentences about one of the following themes:
1. An invention which is very important for my life.
2. The most interesting film which I have seen this year.
3. Social problems in our society.
4. Ecology and our health.
Variant 2
1. Find the synonym
- disabilities a) elderly people b)widows c)invalids
- litter a) trash b) plate c) dump
- wonderful a) magnificent b) reasonable c) rotten
2. Put the missing preposition
1) The British spend a small proportion of their wealth on health service, …its simple administration.
a)because of b) in spite of c)though
2) … being poor, you can get good medical care in Britain.
a)Because of b) In spite of c)Though
3) The exceptions (исключения) to free medical care are teeth and eyes, … even this care is available to large numbers of people who do not have to pay.
a)because of b) in spite of c)though
4)…there are 3 million unemployed in France, almost all of them
believe "they are entitled not just to a job, but to the right kind of a job".
a) Although b) Because c) Thanks to
5) German taxpayers pay tens of billions of euro to finance a lot of benefits…their ineffectiveness.
a) due to b) despite c) because
3. Guess the inventions.
1. It takes photographs.
2. It has fun and entertains.
3. It operates the TV-set from a distance.
4. It helps us to cook, defrost and reheat pre-prepared food.
4. Put the verbs into the necessary form ( Present Perfect/Past Simple)
1. My mum …(leave) school in 1987.
2. He…(join) the army last year.
3. Oh! I …(get) this grant.
4. Mummy, I …(have) a sore throat. What should I do?
5. I …(use) it for 3 years.
5. Write down exclamatory sentences.
1. He is an outstanding actor.
2. The performances are very touching.
3. They are wise.
4. It was a magnificent film.
5. The movie is wonderful.
6. Write 10-15 sentences about one of the following themes:
1. An invention which is very important for my life.
2. The most interesting film which I have seen this year.
3. Social problems in our society.
4. Ecology and our health.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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