Лексико-грамматический тест для 10 класса. УМК Spotlight Module 6
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Проверочная работа 10 класс (УМК Spotlight Module 6)
Лексико-грамматический тест
Вариант 1
1. Choose the correct point:
1. I am thinking of giving _____ junk food.
a) up
b) back
c) away
d) off
2. Have you given ______ his new DVD film that you borrowed last week?
a) up
b) back
c) away
d) off
3. I advise you ______ that crash diet!
a) for
b) to
c) -
d) against
4. Jane always copes _______ difficulties successfully.
a) to
b) from
c) with
d) for
5. I am really hungry! My tummy is ______!
a) purring
b) screaming
c) rumbling
d) whispering
6. ______ meat is healthier than fried.
a) raw
b) tasty
c) grilled
d) roasted
2. Open the brackets:
1. If he _____ (pass) his final Exam that time, He would have got a certificate.
2. They wish they _____(fly) to Italy with Their friends.
3. If I were you, I ___________ (call) her and apologize.
3. Put the correct preposition:
1. Sara’s on a diet again. She still thinks she is _____ weight.
2. The vegetables are ____ cooked. They are almost raw!
3. America is a _____ cultural country.
4. Answer the question:
1. What will you do, if you win the lottery?
2. Would your friend help you in a difficult situation? Give an example.
3. Where would you travel , if you had a chance?
Вариант 2
1. Choose the correct point:
1. Something is giving ______ this terrible smell! What could it be?
a) up
b) back
c) away
d) off
2. Sam gave _____ jogging last month. He took up swimming.
a) up
b) back
c) away
d) off
3. Mark has just recovered _____ the flu.
a) for
b) to
c) from
d) against
4. I don’t want to cope ______ this problem!
a) to
b) from
c) with
d) for
5. As you get older your ________ begins to fail.
a) diet
b) indigestion
c) mood
d) eyesight
6. _____ drinks are harmful.
a) fizzy
b) sparkling
c) still
d) tasty
2. Open the brackets:
1. If they had finished the first, they _________ (get) the prize.
2. I wish you ____ (be) here!
3. If I ____ (go) to Paris with you, I would buy a lot of souvenirs for my friends.
3. Put the correct preposition:
1. ______ skimmed milk is healthier than full cream.
2. Let’s _____ operate! We’ll do it easier!
3. There are many _____ countries in Europe.
4. Answer the question:
1. Where will you do, if the weather gets better?
2. Would your friend help you if you asked? Give an example.
3. What would you feel and do , if you got bad marks?
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