Прямая и косвенная речь, система упражнений
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Наибольшую сложность в освоении грамматики английского языка представляет тема "Прямая и косвенная речь - согласование времен". В данном материале представлены упражнения на отработку этого грамматического материала.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Упражнения "Косвенная речь"
1. Превратите следующие предложения в косвенную речь, сделав все необходимые изменения.
Н-р: Jack said: “ I am working hard.” (Джэк сказал: «Я много работаю.») – Jack said (that)he was working hard. (Джэк сказал, что много работает.)
I told her: “You can join us.” (Я сказал ей: «Ты можешь присоединиться к нам.») – I told her (that) she could join us.” (Я сказал ей, что она может присоединиться к нам.)
- Fred said: “I have invented a new computer program”.
- Mary said: “I will help my sister.”
- They told me: “We were really happy.”
- She said: “I live in a big apartment.”
- He told her: “I am going to the fish market.”
- Betty said: “I found my passport.”
- Mr. Ford said: “I don’t like pork.”
- Little Tim told his mother: “I am sleepy.”
2. Преобразуйте следующие просьбы и советы в косвенную речь.
Н-р: The doctor said: “Please take a deep breath, Ann.”(Доктор сказал: «Пожалуйста, сделай глубокий вздох, Аня.») – The doctor asked Ann to take a deep breath. (Доктор попросил Аню сделать глубокий вздох.)
Sara: “Don’t forget to buy some juice.” (Сара: «Не забудь купить немного сока.») – Sara reminded not to forget to buy some juice. (Сара напомнила не забыть купить немного сока.)
She said: “You should stop smoking so much, Mark.” (Она сказала: «Тебе следует прекратить так много курить, Марк.» - She advised Mark to stop smoking so much. (Она посоветовала Марку прекратить так много курить.)
- The policeman said: “Keep the silence, please.” – The policeman asked ……
- Mother said: “Kids, you should wash your hands before lunch.” - Mother advised ……
- The dentist told me: “Don’t eat nuts anymore.” – The dentist warned ……
- Tom : “Could you lend me 20 dollars, please?”– Tom asked ……
- Mr. Walters told his sons: “You must stay away from the lake.” – Mr. Walters warned ……
- John said: “You should see a lawyer, Ted.” – John advised ……
- The teacher told the students: “Don’t talk during the test.”) – The teacher warned ……
- The judge said: “Mr. Brown, you must pay a big fine.”– The judge ordered ……
3. Измените вопросы на косвенную речь.
Н-р: “Where does your niece live?”(«Где живет твоя племянница?») – He wanted to know where the niece lived. (Он хотел знать, где живет племянница.)
“Can you type?” («Ты умеешь печатать?») – The manager asked if I could type. (Менеджер спросил, могу ли я печатать.)
- “Where has Jim gone?” – Maria wanted to know ……
- “What did the workers eat?”– They asked ……
- «Have you ever been to China, Sam?”– I asked ……
- “Are you French or Italian?”– She wanted to know ……
- “When will the next train arrive?” – I asked ……
- “Do you grow flowers in your garden, Mrs. Smith?”– She wondered ……
4. Теперь, наоборот, измените косвенную речь на прямую.
Н-р: Peter asked me if I was free. (Питер спросил меня, свободен ли я.) – Peter asked: “Are you free?”
She wanted to know where I had bought the dictionary. (Она хотела узнать, где я купила словарь.) – She asked: “Where did you buy the dictionary?”
- I asked him why he was tired.
- We wanted to know if Kate had broken the car.
- He asked if they could meet on Tuesday.
- I wondered how often she used the washing-machine.
- Mother wanted to know if we would invite Kevin to the party.
5. Report this questions. Use “wanted to know”
1. When do pupils start school in Russia? (your friend from England)
2. What school did the President of Russia study at. (a lot of students)
3. Where will I live if I come to Germany to study German? (Sveta)
4. Will I get a school certificate? (your friend)
5. Has anyone studied at a university in Rostov-on-Don? (Pavel)
Ответы: Упражнения "Косвенная речь"
- Fred said (that) he had invented a new computer program.
- Mary said (that) she would help her sister.
- They told me (that) they had been really happy.
- She said (that) she lived in a big apartment.
- He told her (that) he was going to the fish market.
- Betty said (that) she had found her passport.
- Mr. Ford said (that) he didn’t like pork.
- Little Tim told his mother (that) he was sleepy.
- The policeman asked to keep the silence.
- Mother advised the kids to wash their hands before lunch.
- The dentist warned me not to eat nuts anymore.
- Tom asked to lend him 20 dollars.
- Mr. Walters warned his sons to stay away from the lake.
- John advised Ted to see a lawyer.
- The teacher warned the students not to talk during the test.
- The judge ordered Mr. Brown to pay a big fine.
- Maria wanted to know where Jim had gone.
- They asked what the workers had eaten.
- I asked Sam if he had ever been to China.
- She wanted to know if he was French or Italian.
- I asked when the next train would arrive.
- She wondered if Mrs. Smith grew flowers in her garden.
- I asked: “Why are you tired?”
- We asked: “Have you broken the car, Kate?”
- He asked: “Can we/they meet on Tuesday?”
- I asked: “How often do you use the washing-machine?”
- Mother asked: “Will you invite Kevin to the party?”
1. My friend from England wanted to know when pupils started school in Russia
2. A lot of students wanted to know what school the President of Russia had studied at.
3. Sveta wanted to know where she would live if she came to Germany to study German.
4. My friend wanted to know if he would get a school certificate.
5. Pavel wanted to know if someone had studied at a university in Rostov-on-Don.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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