How to Use Creative Strategies to Promote Senior Students’ Involvement
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Презентация о разнообразных креативных стратегиях вовлечения обучающихся в учебный процесс на уроках английского языка в средней школе


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Слайд 1

How to Use Creative Strategies to Promote Senior Students’ Involvement Языковая и речевая компетенции учителя английского языка в условиях реализации ФГОС-2015 Byekova Galina Gymnasia № 2 Samara 2017

Слайд 2

Plan Classical methods Our own methods and exercises 3. The results of our research of using these methods in Form 3A

Слайд 3

What can I investigate? Problem : Senior students don’t seem interested in retelling texts Hypothesis: They find it boring to reproduce the material after it has been studied Research question: To what extent will the students feel more motivated if I provide more effective learning experiences?

Слайд 4

My actions Study classical methods of teaching reading and reproducing texts Answer pre-reading questions Match headings to texts Study meaning of new words Make sentences based on new vocabulary Write about one of the things from the class Express your own ideas

Слайд 5

My actions 2. Use these methods to Nikita and Andrei and check the management The result of the research: they cope with the tasks easily

Слайд 6

My actions 3. F ind out the students ’ types of multiple intelligences using different questionnaries The results of the survey Both students are of logical mathematic intelligence. They prefer analyzing, problem Solving, playing logic games, etc

Слайд 7

Challenges. A challenge can be defined as the situation of being faced with something needing great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and which therefore tests a person’s ability. There are people who undertake various challenges different reasons. Sporty people take up extreme sports such as rock climbing, bungee jumping or mountaineering. Courage and plenty of will power are needed to cope with harsh weather conditions – high or low temperatures, strong winds – or heights. They are not for faint-hearted. Nevertheless, such challenges are undertaken by brave people in order to assess their fitness. In game shows contestants also undertake a variety of physically challenging tasks. They seem quite happy to put up with a lot of humiliation in their attempts to win prizes. Competitions of this kind are a big difference to another sort of challenges, such as quiz shows. In Britain they have been shown since 1962. The questions mostly require the contestants to recall knowledge in various branches of science, arts and history although sometimes they involve calculation. As a matter of fact, participants need to demonstrate great mental effort. Their determination and persistence are often inspirational. The suspense frequently stimulates viewers and they cheerfully welcome winners. The contests described above sometimes symbolize hardships in life that must be overcome.

Слайд 8

Challenges. A challenge can be _____as the situation of being _____with something needing great _ _____or physical effort in ______to be done successfully _____which therefore tests a _____ ability. There are people who _______various challenges for different________. Sporty people take up _______ sports such as rock_________, bungee jumping or mountaineering. ________and plenty of will ________are needed to cope _______harsh weather conditions – high _____low temperatures, strong winds –______heights. They are not _______faint-hearted. Nevertheless, such challenges _______undertaken by brave people ____ order to assess their________. In game shows contestants ______undertake a variety of ________challenging tasks. They seem ______happy to put up _____a lot of humiliation ____their attempts to win_______. Competitions of this kind ______a big difference to ________sort of challenges, such ______ quiz shows . In Britain _______have been shown since_______. T he questions mostly require _______contestants to recall knowledge ______various branches of science, _______and history although sometimes _______involve calculation. As a _______of fact, participants need ______demonstrate great mental effort. _ ______determination and persistence are ________inspirational. The suspense frequently _______viewers and they cheerfully _______winners. The contests described ______sometimes symbolize hardships in ______that must be overcome.

Слайд 9

The Battle of the Brains University Challenge is a quiz programme that has watched by British TV viewers since 1962. Every ser___ starts wi ___ 28 te ___, each wi ____ four conte ____ from a sin____ university. T___ questions mos ___ require t___ contestants t___ recall know____ although some____ they inv____ calculation. A sta ____ question i ___ asked a____ the fi ____ contestant th ___ presses a buz ___ can ans ____ . If t___ answer i ____ correct, th _____ team i ____ given th ____ more ques _____. The te ____ scoring t___ most poi____ in t____ match go____on t____ the ne____round . After 16 matches a winning team emerges.

Слайд 10

The result of action- construction of their own tasks served two purposes: helped others memorize the material developers got greater involvement in learning process

Слайд 11

Are you really so smart? BRAIN BATTLE

Слайд 12

BE am is are 3. Our own methods Visual

Слайд 13

3. Our own methods Musical Kinesthetic DOES DOESN’T LIKE

Слайд 14

3. The results of our research of using these methods in Form 3A

Слайд 15

Helpful material / /

Слайд 16

Thank you for attention!

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