Презентация "Здоровье -самое главное богатство"
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Презентация является дополнением к уроку в 9 классе по теме "Здоровье -самое главное богатство"
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The first wealth is health. Health is the ‘best wealth’. [w] – white, swimming, wanted, , when, was, question, winners [ ð ] – the fourth, than, those, with. [ θ ] – wealth, health, fourth, , I think, thank you, [ з : ] – burn, first, Germany, work, world, third, proverb
Do you agree with the statements ? Smoking is a bad habit. Eating too much sweet is good for your health. Drinking too much alcohol is a healthy habit. Eating low-fat food is a bad habit. Exercising is bad for health. Not every diet is good for you. A balanced diet is a very important thing. American children eat too much fast food and spend a lot of time in front of the TV.
A survey
Nowadays most of the people are aware of importance of leading a healthy way of life, of doing exercise and being on a diet. To be healthy is very important in the modern world. Health is the man’s greatest wealth. Only a healthy man can enjoy his life, work well and be happy. If you are ill nothing seems nice. Everybody wants to live a long healthy life. Unfortunately, now it has become a dream. You can Inherit some health problems from your parents, but you can always keep health if you want to. Some people think they are healthy, if nothing in their organisms hurts. But to be healthy means that every organ works well, and you are mentally and physically healthy. The first rule of the healthy way of life is to have normal weight, not to be overweight and not to change your weight quickly. It is not natural to lose or gain weight quickly or to look like top models. You must control your weight. The second rule of the healthy way of life is a correct diet which helps your organism work well and be healthy. The third rule is regular exercise. Physical exercises help you keep fit, have a good gait and figure. They also help you lose weight and work out energy. There are also some bad habits which can ruin your health. They are smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs. To be healthy you have to give up these habits or never start them, this is the fourth rule .
Diets are very popular nowadays. Every newspaper, every pop or film star offers a new diet. But nobody should be on a diet without doctor’s control. Many people feel they are too fat, even if their doctors disagree. And a lot of people try to improve their fitness. There are a lot of ways to lose weight and avoid gaining it. If you want to lose weight you should cut out snacks and desserts There are different kinds of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Different foods contain different nutrients. Eating the proper foods is important to stay healthy. There are five basic types of food, which each person should eat Diets and healthy food
1 piece of bread is 3 carrots or 1 potato, 1 glass of milk, 2 spoons of cereal, 1 apple, 1 spoon of sugar, half of bananas, 3-4 grapes , 1 piece of watermelon Some people count the number of calories they eat every day, so that they can try to take in fewer calories and lose weight. This is called a calorie-controlled diet
Physical Activity The best way to be healthy is to go in for sport. Doing exercises is the best way to avoid depression caused by the abnormal rhythm of the every time urban life. There are many opportunities for keeping fit. Running, jumping, swimming, cycling are among the most popular exercises. Today everybody wants to feel good, look slim and stay young. Many fitness clubs and public leisure centers have been built during the last years. Many people prefer jogging, which is the cheapest kind of sport. You can see a lot of people in white ‘’trainer’’ shoes and tracksuits who run through the parks or along the streets early in the morning. In order to keep fit some people do aerobics or yoga; others prefer some kind of weight training in a gym. A healthy body becomes a fashion. Besides regular exercises develop positive traits of character and learn how to work hard, to be strong, patient, well organized and disciplined.
Such habits as smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs can ruin your health. Active smokers cause damage non – smokers. Non – smokers don’t smoke themselves, but they inhale the smoke from the cigarettes of those who are active smokers. When inhaling people get nicotine in their blood stream. Although smoking hasn’t got an immediate deadly effect, it still is a process of poisoning. Smoking influences the work of the heart. The quantity of tar in the smoke is harmful to the respiratory organs. Smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs are not simply habits, but they can be called a voluntary suicide. Nowadays smoking has been banned by law in public places and at work in the presence of other people. Cinema and TV should stop portraying people smoking, because many teenagers smoke as they want to look like adults, but not because they like it. Now advertisements of cigarettes and alcohol are prohibited on TV and radio. To be healthy you have either to give up these habits or never start them. Bad habits
Drink alcohol and drugs Another bad habit is drinking alcohol . It’s a very serious problem. Some people think that alcohol can help them to relax and feel more confident. When drunk, people look terrible. They don’t care about their appearance or health. They ruin their health and their lives. They lose their families. Drinking alcohol is bad for all organs of the human body, but it first influences the liver, the organ, which purifies the blood. As a result the drunkard gets cirrhosis of the liver. Then alcohol influences the brain and a man stops being a man. A great man said that drinking alcohol is a voluntary madness . He was right. The usage of drugs is a bad habit too. Drugs change people. People can get accustomed to taking them very quickly. In the beginning a pusher gives drugs for free or at a symbols price. But later after several doses one can’t live without drugs. A drug addict has to take drugs every day or he suffers from the syndrome of abstinence. Drugs ruin all human organs, and drug addicts die young. Few of them live longer than several years after they have started taking drugs.
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