Favourite food.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Материал для использования в викторинах по английскому языку в средней школе.


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Предварительный просмотр:

MIX  ‘ n ’ MATCH

1. Give each group a copy of the handout. Tell them they are to choose words from the list to complete each food or drink pair. Make sure they understand that they are looking for pairs of words that are commonly used together.

2. Tell the groups they have 5 minutes and start them all at the same time. Warn them when they have only a minute left and make sure they all stop when told.

3. Get the groups to exchange papers for making, check the answers orally. Ask each team captain to read out the score and team letter, and write this up on the scoreboard. Record the running total.

4. Collect the papers. During the next round, check them and amend any mistakes.


1 tonic                                                                    

2 butter                                                                    

3 cream

4 bread

5 Yorkshire pudding

6 rhubarb

7 orange sauce

8 bacon

9 fish

10 pepper


Round ___                                                                         Team___

Find the missing food or drink from these pairs.

  1. Gin and  ______________
  2. Bread and  _________________
  3. Strawberries and  __________________
  4. _________________  and cheese
  5. Roast beef and  ________________
  6. ________________  and custard
  7. Duck and  _________________
  8. _______________  and eggs
  9. _______________  and chips
  10. Salt and  _______________

Choose from these:

bacon                cream                     orange sauce                   tea

bread                fish                          pepper                              tomatoes

butter                mustard                  rhubarb                             tonic

chips                  onions                     syrup                                 Yorkshire pudding

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