Belarussian Republican Youth Union
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The flag of the Public association "Belarusian Republican Union of Youth" (further the Flag) — is an official symbol of OO "BRSM", serves as a distinction and accessories to the Union of youth. The flag represents a rectangular bilateral panel of red and green flowers. On the Flag face on the middle of a panel BRSM abbreviation written by capital gold letters is placed. The green part of a panel is decorated by a gold laurel branch. On the back the Flag, in the center of red part of a panel – a gold inscription the Public association "Belarusian Republican Union of Youth". The red field of the Flag – symbolizes the heroic past of Komsomol. The bow-shaped green strip located below, symbolizes the present younger generation. The laurel branch a victory symbol, bears information on successorship of generations. The flag is used during Congresses, Plenums, Central Committee Bureau OO "BRSM", official festive events connected with celebration, rewarding of members of the Belarusian republican union of youth, reception in ranks of OO "BRSM" at implementation of projects and programs OO "BRSM".
History The youth Union was established in 2002 by the Association of public organizations "Belarusian youth Union and the Belarusian Patriotic youth Union". Organization is the successor of the public Association "Belarusian Patriotic youth Union, "the Belarusian youth Union and the Lenin Young Communist League of Belarus (Komsomol), partially altered its logo and saving influence, and organizational structure.As part of the youth Union of the restored children of the pioneer organization, with a new logo and the name "Belarusian Republican pioneer organization" (BCA), as well as the traditions of TNS. Color pioneer tie "red-green" - symbolizing the state Flag of the Republic of Belarus.According to an opinion research poll indicated that 63.7 % of the population aware of the existence of the organization, 37 % appreciate its activity positively, 20 % agreed to participate in its activities
Goals The stated objectives of the youth Union is the creation of conditions for the comprehensive development of young people, to discover their creative potential, promoting development in the Republic of Belarus civil society, based on Patriotic and moral values of the Belarusian people. In accordance with the definition of objectives are defined and the basic directions of activity. Our organization all the time supported the ideas of the President and government. During the election campaign, our members have demonstrated their activity at polling stations, to collect signatures at public events. We are applying for planning grants from the state. It concerns the allocation of money for targeted projects to support veterans, talented youth, sports and entertainment events. - first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Republican youth Union Igor Buzovsky
Financing In 2011, the funding organization allocated 20.5 billion rubles, which is 98% of all funds allocated by the state to youth policy [2] [3]. In 2010, the organization has been allocated 14.78 billion rubles [4]. In 2009, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union has received from the state 17.54 billion rubles, in 2008 - 13.12, in 2007 - 10.15, in 2006 - 7.74 in 2005 - 5.26 billion rubles [5]. The organization also owns radio Pilot FM, a travel company "Belarusian satellite" and produces a lottery " Youth“.
Our motto Be uneasy! Don't consider as a joy of wellbeing own paradise! Dare! Work! Be mistaken! And at first start everything over again ! We are citizens of the Republic. We are proud of the Homeland and we think of it, We don't need others, magnificent earth – Our precepts - Do good - Be afraid to offend the person - Love and forgive people - Protect honor from the youth - Find the purpose in life - Give the better, than you will take the others Our principles - Humanity - Patriotism - Voluntariness - Care - Trust - Integrity
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