Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (5, 6 класс) на тему

Дядькина Елена Васильевна

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Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку

параллель – 5-6 классы 

Разработала Дядькина Елена Васильевна, учитель английского языка МАОУ «ООШ №13»

Задание 1.  Listening 

 Прослушайте рассказ об одном из дней королевы Елизаветы II и выполните задания 1-4, обведя букву А, В, С или D, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете наиболее правильным. Вы услышите запись дважды.                           Мах – 8 баллов (по 2 за каждый верный ответ)

  1. The Queen wakes up at

А)  8 o’clock

B)  half past sevenqueen_elizabeth_ii1

C)  7 o’clock

D)  half past nine

  1. The Queen  reads personal  letters

A)  after breakfast

B)  with her private Secretary

C)  before breakfast

D)  at breakfast

  1. At half past five the Queen receives

A)  Prince Philip

B)  foreign visitors

C)  70 people

D)  a group of businessmen

  1. In the evening  Queen Elizabeth II phones to some members of the Royal Family

А)  to say goodnight

B)  to discuss some official papers

C)  to tell some news

D)  to be sure that everything goes all right.

Задание 2. Read the story that was told to the Queen someday.

London Fog

It was a very foggy day in London. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxies were not able to run and were standing by the side of the road. People were trying to find their way about on foot but were losing their way in the fog.

Dr Watson had a very important meeting at the House of Commons and had to get there but no one could take him. He tried to walk there but found that he was quite lost. Suddenly he bumped into a stranger. The stranger asked if he could help him. Dr Watson answered he wanted to get to the Houses of Parliament. The stranger told him he would take him there. Dr Watson thanked him and they started to walk there.

The fog was getting thicker with every minute but the stranger had no difficulty in finding the way. He walked along one street, turned down another, crossed a square and at last after about half an hour’s walk they arrived at the Houses of Parliament.

Dr Watson couldn’t understand how the stranger found his way.

“It’s wonderful”, he said. “How do you find the way in this fog”?

“It’s no trouble at all to me, sir,” said the stranger. “I’m blind” (слепой).

Answer the questions using the right variant:  Мах – 14 баллов (по 2 за каждый верный ответ)

  1. What kind of weather was in London that day?

     A. rainy

B. windy

C. foggy

D. snowy

    2. How did the people move in such weather?

          A. by taxi

          B. by car

          C. by bus

          D. on foot

   3. Where did Dr Watson have a very important meeting?

           A. at the House of Lords

           B. at the House of Commons

           C. in Buckingham Palace

            D. at St. Paul’s Cathedral

      4. Whom did he meet in the fog?

             A. a friend

             B. a stranger

              C. a driver

              D. a young lady

Выбери  правильный ответ из предложенных                                                    

     5. It took them a quarter of an hour to get to the Houses of Parliament.

               A.  True                   B. False             C. Not stated            

  1. The fog was clearing when they were walking to the Houses of Parliament.

A.  True                   B. False             C. Not stated

     7. It was easy for the stranger to find the way in a fog because he was blind.

A.  True                   B. False             C. Not stated

Задание 3. Use of English

Task A.   Fill in the blanks with “who”, “what”, “where”, “why”, “what time”, “how often”.         1 is the odd word.                                       Мах – 5 баллов

1. - _________does the Queen usually go for a walk?       - In the park.

2. - _________does she visit her grandchildren?                - Once a week.

3. - _________does she usually wear at the parties?           - Beautiful hats.

4. - _________does the Queen usually have breakfast?     - At eight o’clock.

5. - _________does she read personal letters?  - Because they are interesting.

Task B.            Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.                       Мах – 10 баллов (по 1 за каждый верный ответ)C:\Users\ольга\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\BR4LVCQS\img280[1].jpg

ride   family        hospitals      younger  discuss                newspapers         French            interpreter      goes          full

Queen Elizabeth’s __1____ name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. As a child she called herself “Lilibet’, a name that members of her ___2___ still use.  Elizabeth was educated at home with Princess Margaret, her ___3___sister. She studied French, history, art and music, learned to ___4____  and swim.

Being Queen is a real busy job. Elizabeth II gets up early and begins the day by looking through the ____5____ and reading letters from the public. Later in the morning she usually sees important visitors. After lunch, she often ___6__out on a public visit – she gets thousands of invitations each year. She opens new __7__, bridges and factories. Once a week, the Queen meets the Prime Minister. They ___8___  government business and important things that are happening in the country.

She speaks ____9____ very well and often uses the language during her state visits. She doesn’t need an __10___.  She is a symbol of Britain’s long history and traditions.

Задание 4. Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы:          Мах – 5 баллов

  1. Traditionally English people enjoy drinking …

      a) milk                b) tea                c) coffee                d) cocoa

2.   The Queen’s surname is …

a)     Windsor             b) Thatcher              c) Blair              d) Brown

3. The Queen has 2 birthdays – her real one, on the 26th of April, and an official one, on the second      …       of June each year.

 a)     Monday           b) Tuesday              c)  Saturday         d) Friday

4.   The British royal family goes back more than a thousand  years. Queen Elizabeth II  is   Britain’s …        monarch.

  a)  2d                  b) 40th            c) 4th            d) 20th

 5. The Queen in the only person in Great Britain who doesn’t have  a …  !

a)  passport                b) money-belt             c) bagpipe            d) clock

Ответы на конкурсные задания

 Максимальное количество баллов за все задания – 42.

Задание 1.                        Мах – 8 баллов (по 2 за каждый верный ответ)

1.    C)  7 o’clock

2.    A)  after breakfast

3.    B)  foreign visitors

4.    D)  to be sure that everything goes all right.

Задание 2 .                         Мах – 14 баллов (по 2 за каждый верный ответ)

  1.  C. foggy

      2.    D. on foot

      3.    B. at the House of Commons

      4.    B. a stranger

    5.    B. False            6.    B. False                  7.    A.  True                  

Задание 3. 

Task A.   “who”-  is the odd word                  Мах – 5 баллов

1. - where

2. - how often

3. - what

4. - what time

5. - why

Task B.            Мах – 10 баллов (по 1 за каждый верный ответ)

1. full                    6. goesC:\Users\ольга\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\BR4LVCQS\img280[1].jpg

2. family               7. hospitals

3. younger             8. discuss  

4. ride                    9.  French

5. newspapers        10. interpreter  

Задание 4.                                    Мах – 5 баллов

1.        b) tea                                  2.  a)  Windsor             

3. c)  Saturday                          4.   b) 40th            

 5.  a)  passport       

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