Сценарий пьесы "Sleeping Beauty" для начальной школы
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Этот сценарий идеально подходит для учеников начальной школы, только начинающих изучать английский язык.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Sleeping Beauty
Scene 1: Castle
King: This is the happiest day of my life!
Queen: We will have a big christening.
King: Yes, we can invite all the fairies.
Queen: Let’s write to them now.
Scene 2: Fairies
Fairy 1: Look, an invitation to the christening at the palace!
Fairy 2: I’ve got an invitation too!
Carabosse: I haven’t got an invitation.
Fairies: Oh, no!
Carabosse: I haven’t got an invitation!
Scene 3: Castle
King: Thank you for coming.
Fairies: Thank you for inviting us.
Servant: May I see your invitation?
Carabosse: I haven’t got an invitation.
Servant: What is your name?
Carabosse: My name is Carabosse.
Queen: Oh dear! Why didn’t we invite her to the christening?
King: Oh! I am very sorry. Please sit down with us and have dinner.
Queen: Bring another cup and plate.
Servant: Yes, here you are. A silver cup and a silver plate.
Carabosse: What? No gold for me?!
Servant: The fairies want to give their presents to the baby.
King: Oh yes, the presents!
Queen: The fairies have magic presents.
Fairy 1: The princess will be happy.
Fairy 2: The princess will be strong.
Fairy 1: The princess will be beautiful.
Fairy 2: The princess will be kind.
Fairy 1: The princess will have many friends.
Carabosse: Now my present!
All: Oh, no!
Carabosse: One day, this little princess will prick her finger on a spindle and she will die! Ha! Ha! Ha!
King: No, don’t say that!
All: Oh, no! The princess will die.
Fairy 1: The princess will not die.
Fairy 2: She will sleep for a hundred years.
All: Sleep?
Queen: For a hundred years?
Fairy 1: Yes, then a prince will come and find her.
King: A prince?
Fairy 2: Yes. And she will open her eyes.
Fairy 1: And she will be happy.
King: No! It’s not true!
All: What?
King: The princess will not prick her finger on a spindle, because there will be NO spindles.
Queen: Why not?
King: Find all the spinning wheels in the country and burn them.
Scene 4: Old tower
Carabosse: The King didn’t burn all the spindles. There was an old spinning wheel in an old tower that no one knew about.
Princess: What’s in this room?
Old man: Hello. Who are you?
Princess: I’m the princess. Today is my bithday.
Old man: How old are you?
Princess: I’m sixteen.
Old man: Happy birthday!
Princess: Thank you. But what’s this?
Old man: It’s a spinning wheel.
Princess: Can I see it?
Old man: Yes, come closer and look. It’s a wheel for making wool.
Princess: But what’s this?
Old man: It’s a spindle.
Princess: Oh! It pricked my finger.
Old man: Oh dear! Help! Help the princess!
Fairy 1: Do not cry and do not be afraid.
Fairy 2: The princess is only sleeping.
Fairy 1: She will sleep quietly for a hundred years.
Queen: A hundred years!
Fairy 2: You must all sleep for a hundred years.
Fairies: Sleep, sleep, sleep..
Fairy 1: When the princess opens her eyes, she will not be alone.
Scene 5: Forest
Prince: Oh! What’s that? Is it a castle?
Old man: Hello. Can I help you?
Prince: Hello. Is it a castle?
Old man: Yes, but no one goes there. Some people say that a witch lives there. Some people say that a beautiful princess sleeps there.
Prince: I want to go there and see.
Old man: You can’t go through the forest.
Prince: Oh! Yes I can! Look, the trees are opening for me. Goodbye.
Scene 6: Castle
Prince: Oh! She is very beautiful!
Princess: Hello.
Prince: Will you marry me?
Princess: Oh yes! But first I must eat something. I’m very hungry!
Carabosse: I’m sorry. I did a bad thing.
Princess: That’s OK. I am happy. I am going to marry my prince!
All: Hooray! Hooray!
Fairies: And they all lived happily ever after.
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