Проект "Our land is our pride"
проект по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Этот проект был подготовлен для участия в конкурсе " Если бы Главой района была я… " Актуальность проекта.
Многие жители недостаточно знают историю своего села, его достопримечательности, людей, которые прославили их село, героев и участников Великой Отечественной войны. Проект направлен на укрепление солидарности старшего и молодого поколений. Данный проект призван пробудить внимание жителей к жизни и к истории родного края.
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The aim of the project. . Installation of stands in the park of the World to demonstrate achievements, perpetuate the memory of fellow countrymen, Attract attention of residents of the district to the life and history of their native land. Bringing the attention of the authorities and the public to the transformation of the Peace Park. Formation of a high sense of patriotic consciousness among the population, pride in the place where they live, readiness to fulfill civic duty. The task of the project. Involvement of villagers in the collection of materials for the transformation of the World Park. Association of villagers and village administrations to participate in the project. Bringing the public's attention to the history of their land, to its emergence, location, nature, richness of the region, to its development both past, present and future. Form a sensually-emotional sphere of education of collectivism, patriotism, admiration for the native land.
с. Караванное с. Басинск с. Басы с. Судачье с. Кряжевое с. Лесное с. Баста с. Оля с. Олейниково с. Промысловка с. Воскресеновка с. Зорино с. Яр-Базар с. Камышово с. Яндыки с. Бирючья Коса с. Забурунное с. Дальнее с. Бударино с. Михайловка с. Вышка с. Рынок с. Заречное с. Новогеоргиевск с. Проточное с. Михайловка с. Зензели Р.п. Лиман с. Песчаное Urgency of the project. . Many residents do not know enough about the village, its sights, people who glorified their village, heroes and participants of the Great Patriotic War. The project is aimed at strengthening the solidarity of the older and younger generations. This project is designed to arouse people's attention to life and the history of their native land. .
The uniqueness of the project. . Each city, the village has its own face, which is remembered most often by some one, the most catchy detail. This feature is also found in each of the villages of the Liman district. Having implemented my project, I want to make it interesting for the villagers to learn new things about their homeland and their neighbors. These villages, our beloved, because wonderful people were born, lived and live here. We want to create all conditions for the villages to be attractive, pleasing to the soul and heart, cozy, so that they live happily here and do not want to leave for other places. We all know that to solve many significant and serious problems for the improvement of the village in the forces of the Head of the district. And, if I were the Head of the district, it would be important for me to awaken in the inhabitants a sense of pride and patriotism.
The idea of the project. This project provides for the transformation of the Peace Park. It will provide residents with the opportunity to glorify their village, show its virtues, achievements and history. The main idea of the project is to draw public attention to the problems of patriotic and civic education of the population. Show that the history of the native village depends on the knowledge of the historical past, on its own attitude towards people who lived in it, glorified and are glorifiing it.
Description of the project. I am going to install thematic stands in various directions along the paths of the World Park: general information, village and village history, natural resources, famous and interesting people, achievements and further perspectives.
Entrance Shop "Rus" Playground Playground Playground
Work on the project. Within the framework of the project implementation it is necessary to conduct: - Organizational work (appeal to the heads of villages of the Limanskiy district and the Head of the village council with request for assistance in preparing the necessary documentation, appealing to organizations and people who could provide sponsorship for the project); - educational work with the population - purchase of planting material; Planting flowers in the park of the World with the involvement of local residents; The creation of flower beds .
Necessary resources. This project is quite economical at the initial stage. For the purchase of equipment, planting stock and seeds, donations from the population can be used. For the purchase of building materials, stands, sponsorship is needed from sponsors and the heads of the village council. Expected Result. Transformation of the park of the world provides for involving the public in the issues of patriotic education of all residents, which will positively increase the feeling of admiration for their Motherland and will promote civic education. The Peace Park should be the meeting place for all the residents of our beautiful area. The project involves all those who wish: from the population of the village of Liman and the villages of the district.
The effect of the project in the long term. This project will help to improve the territory of the village, turn the site in the park of the World into a historic garden and park complex, and therefore create favorable conditions for the residents of the area so that they can use these sites as a recreational and cognitive zone. Thus, the project will achieve significant improvement in civic education of the population of the whole region and the upbringing of a generation capable of ensuring the well-being of society .
Work plan for the project. The working draft is calculated until September 2016. № п/п Name of activities Deadlines 1 Forming a team of like-minded people April-June 2016 2 Determination of the content, forms and methods of organization of work 3 Purchase of inventory and planting material 4 Drawing a contest of drawings for the best design of the project 6 Analysis of the organizational period and assessment of readiness for the start of the project. June 2016 7 Project implementation and its readiness September 2016
№ п/п Name of equipment Price, rub. amount Total, Rub . 1 Stands 4000 rub . 64 256000 rub 2 Registration of stands 1000 rub . . 64 64000 rub . 3 Planting material 15 rub . 50 750 rub . Total 320750 rub . Project budget. Project title: "Our land is our pride!" Project duration: 1 year. Equipment. Total cost of the project : 320 750 rub
An analysis of the population survey of the Liman district. 1) Do you want to set up stands for demonstration of villages in the Limanskiy District along the paths of the World Park?
2) Do you think the implementation of the project is feasible?
3) Are you ready to assist in the implementation of the project? 100% of the population supported the idea of transforming the Peace Park. Each of the survey participants is ready to provide all possible assistance (including material) in the implementation of our project "Our Land is Our Pride!".
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