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Текст авторского видеопроекта о Тумском храме Святой Троицы. Организатор областного конкурса: ассоциация "Сообщество преподавателей английского языка Рязанской области "Прио-Элта". Огромная благодарность за помощь в создании видеоролика, жителям Тумы Кручинину В.А и Кондрашову Д.
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(текст авторского видеопроекта о Тумском храме Святой Троицы)
Организатор областного конкурса: ассоциация «Сообщество преподавателей английского языка Рязанской области «Прио-Элта»
Аннотация к фильму на русском и английском языках
Не упустите свой шанс открытия самых красивых мест Рязанской области. Этот фильм приглашает вас совершить виртуальное путешествие в провинциальный городок Тума, чтобы получить незабываемый опыт от увиденного вами одного из величественных шедевров русской архитектуры XIX века.
Don’t miss your chance to discover the most beautiful places of Ryazan Region. This video film invites you to make a virtual tour to the town of Tuma to get an unforgettable visual experience of one of the most magnificent masterpieces of the Russian architecture of the XIX century.
There are only two ways to see life.
The first way is as if there are no miracles at all,
And the second one is as if there are miracles everywhere.
Albert Einstein
During the two centuries Holy Trinity Church in Tuma, a quiet rural town in Ryazan region favourably located at the crossing of the old trade routes from Moscow to Vladimir and from Ryazan to Kasimov and Murom, is a meeting point of a person with God, a place of the spiritual birth of many Tumchanians.
The history of the church starts in 1823. On one of the storeys of the bell tower the year “1896” can be seen which is considered the year of the church’s erection. The sizes of the white-stone church in the classical style are unusual for the typical rural church: its length is 80 meters, its width is 40 meters, the central dome is more than 40 meters in height and the height of the bell tower with the spire and the cross is 65 meters. The church was magnificently decorated on private donations of native Tumchanians, Ryazan wealthy nobleman G. V. Rumin, Kasimov merchants I. Sirotinin and the Syromiatnikovs. In 1902 after the fire the restoration of the church was accomplished due to St. Ioann of Kronstadt’s donating.
The inner decoration of the church was being carried out for the 19th century. The wall and ceiling paintings were based on the sketches of the outstanding Russian artists such as V. Vasnetsov, M. Nesterov, A. Ivanov, V. Kotarbinskiy, G. Semiradskiy. The well-done copies of the famous works of art ( such as “The Appearance of Christ before the People”, “Holy Russia”, “Christ in the house of Martha and Mary” and others) can be seen in the church.Many frescos remind the paintings of Vadimirskiy Cathedral in Kiev.
The pearl of the church’s internal interior is a two-storey iconostas made of white Italian marble, a genius work of Rostov handicraftsmen.
The main shrines of Holy Trinity Church are:
- the icons of the Kazan and Pochaev God Mother ;
- the icon of Blessed Matrona of Moscow with the particle of Her relics;
- the icon of Blessed Matrona of Anemnyasevo;
- the icon of Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon painted and sacralized on Holy Mount Athos;
- the donative Cross with the particle of the Holy Rood.
Tuma is a home town of Priest-martyr Matfii of Kasimov (Ryabtsev; 1870-1918). Here he accepted baptism and learned praying and trusting in God. In 1893 having graduated from Ryazan seminary Matfii was appointed psalm-reader in Holy Trinity Church of his native town. From 1893 till 1895 he was also working as a teacher in the local two-form parochial school. From 1905 till 1918 Matfii was serving as a priest in Voznesenskiy Cathedral in Kasimov. His spiritual influence on district parish was very great. On 13th November, 1918 the priest was shot by the Soviet authorities. Every year in Tuma 13th November is celebrated by the church-goers in honour of Priest-martyr Matfii of Kasimov.
Almost two centuries Holy Trinity Church has been serving to its people truly. In 2002 His Holiness Patriarch Aleksii of Moscow and All Russia visited the church and watching its majestic interior exclaimed: “God would not forgive me if I didn’t see that”. The unique architecture and decoration help the miracle of the soul transfiguration of everybody, stepping across the church threshold, be accomplished. And the thanksgiving prayer is born, then, and the words are versified themselves:
“Having survived hard times it has been standing impregnable.
That means this place is holy and saved by God.
Impressing by magnificence it will have stayed forever
And Tuma surrounding its church will have lived and prospered for ages.”
L. Kachinskaya
- Dobrolubov, I.: The historic statistical description of the churches and monasteries of Ryazan eparch, Ryazan, 1891, v.IV.
- Prokhodtsov, I. I.: “The populated areas of Ryazan province”, Ryazan, 1905, p.220-221.
- Kachinskaya, L.: “Impressing by magnificence”, Ryazan, Ryazan. Mir, 2013.
- http://klepikblag.artax.ru/nashe-blagochinie/hramy-blagochiniya/tuma/
- www.odnoklassniki.ru
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Ссылка на видеоролик «Авторского видеопроекта о Тумском храме Святой троицы»
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