Презентация на тему: «Food» (2016-2017)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс) на тему

Евлаш Светлана Алексеевна
ГБОУ Школа 1280 с углубленным изучением английского языка ЮЗАО г. Москвы
2016-2017 учебный год
Евлаш Светлана Алексеевна, учитель английского языка
Презентация на тему “FOOD”



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Слайд 1

ГБОУ Школа 1280 с углубленным изучением английского языка ЮЗАО г.Москвы 2016-2017 учебный год Евлаш Светлана Алексеевна, учитель английского языка Презентация на тему “FOOD”

Слайд 3

You are what you eat Eating is the base not only for our health but for our life These children really dislike eating vegetables or fruit

Слайд 4

Have our eating habits changed? Nowadays people’s diets are getting worse and worse.

Слайд 5

The average American consumes almost 2.000 pounds of food every year, consisting of 8,5pounds of fat, 110 pounds of red meat, 31,4 pounds of cheese and 415 pounds of vegetables according to Visual Economics. (1 pound =0,454 kg)

Слайд 7

What will people be eating in 30 years’ time? Anything from this food pyramid?

Слайд 8

In the future, whether we like it or not, we will eat less meat

Слайд 9

Have you heard about “ frankenburgers ’?They are burgers made from “meat” produced in a laboratory. Probably it won’t be very tasty, but unfortunately we won’t have any alternative.

Слайд 10

Soylen invented by Rob Rhineheart is a mixture of 35 essential nutrients turned into powder – just add some water!

Слайд 11

Soon we’ll all be eating seaweed, algae. Seaweed grows faster than any other plant in the world. Because it grows in the ocean, we don’t need to use the land or fresh water. By 2050 water will have become a real problem.

Слайд 12

Some people think that we’ll all be using 3D printers at home to produce our food – just put the basic ingredients in the machine, p ress the button and the machine will do the rest.

Слайд 13

In the future we may be eating insects, which can give us lots of protein- they are cheap, they don’t need much water and there are about 1,400 different types of insects that people can eat.

Слайд 14

Some scientists have already predicted that we will all be eating GM foods in the future because they will be so good for our health

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GMO – are the foods that scientists have changed through genetic engineering engineeringengineering

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The truth is that nobody knows what the effect of GM foods may be. Scientists can’t predict all the possible impacts on plants, animals and human health. But isn’t it surprising that scientists can make crops survive without water?

Слайд 17

Let’s do some creative work in class: a) decide who you want to invite to your party and choose the food to feed your guests:

Слайд 18

b) Solve the rebus and explain the meaning of the phrase:

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It reads – “Fat in the fire” and means “Something has happened that is going to cause a lot of trouble ”

Слайд 20

c) D o you understand this one? When do we use this phrase?

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It reads “ from soup to nuts” and means “ nothing is left out or forgotten”

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d) Give your ideas about having a p icnic in the countryside

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e) The benefits of eating in: saving money, healthier options, portion control, reduction of temptation, increased family time. Comment on these ideas.

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f) What’s your favourite food? One of these dishes? Can you cook?

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g) Or something more delicious?

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h) Do the crossword

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i ) Do you know about them?

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Do you like the idea?

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j) Do you know any jokes related to food? How about this one? - “A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand !”

Слайд 34

THE END – THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! Your H/W – Think of proverbs where items of food are used- e.g. “The proof of the pudding is in its eating!” Good luck!

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