Plural form of the nouns
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Матвеева Мария Олеговна

презентация для 3 класса по учебнику Spotlight на тему множественное число существительных и глаголов


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The plural number of nouns To some nouns we can not add ending s , we can add only es . They are words with x, ss , sh , ch glass-glass es dish-dish es box-box es sandwich-sandwich es

Слайд 2

The words with y and f If the word ends with y , we change it for i and add es . Bab y -bab i es tedd y -tedd i es If the word ends with f we change it for v and es wol f -wol v es shel f -shel v es

Слайд 3

Read and choose. 1. This is Mary’s baby/babies. 2. Where are the glass/glasses. 3. Whose is this box/boxes? 4. Bring me two dish/dishes. 5. I’ve got two shelf/shelves in my room. 6. Look at these baby/babies.

Слайд 4

There is and There are We use there is with a noun in singular number There is a glass in the cupboard. There is a mirror in the living room. We use there are when a noun in plural form. There are two fridg es in the kitchen. There are four shelv es on the table.

Слайд 5

Complete the sentences There … two (sandwich) in the lunchbox. There … a (box) over there. There … three (dish) in the cupboard. There … five (shelf) in the bedroom. There … a (cooker) in the kitchen. There … a (glass) on the fridge.

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