Контрольная работа
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Шатурная Наталья Дмитриевна

Итоговая контрольная работа для 8 класс, учебник Биболетова м.з.


Файл 8_klass_itogovaya_kontrolnaya_rabota.docx16.32 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Раздел   «Чтение».   Read the text and do the task.

MIKE: I’m going on a camping holiday in Scotland. I like walking and climbing. At night I’ll camp. If it’s raining, I’ll stay in a Youth Hostel. They are cheap, but you must get up early and help with the breakfast.

JOHN: I’m going to a sailing school in the Lake District. I like yachting and canoeing. We’ll stay in a mountain chalet. We’ll have sailing lessons every day.

SALLY: I’m going on archaeological dig in Cornwall. I love history. We’re digging for Camelot at South Cadbury. Camelot was King Arthur’s castle. It’s hard work, but you meet a lot of people.

CHRISTINE: I’m going on a canal holiday. My father steers the boat. I’ll lie on the deck and sunbathe. I hope it doesn’t rain!

TOM: Now we have summer holidays to look forward to. Mark and I are planning to go off with a couple of friends on a bicycling holiday. I think I have persuaded Mum and Dad to let us go. We are planning to go to Ireland for a week. We’ll take the bikes and our camping gear but if it rains I expect we’ll have to stay in hostels. Apparently there are loads of hostels in the part of Ireland we’re planning to visit and they don’t cost a fortune. We’ll go across on the ferry from Wales – it takes all night. Then we will bicycle around the coast. We’ll probably do about 30 miles a day. Let’s hope it doesn’t pour with rain! It should be fun – I hope!

Information about the teenagers

The names of the teenagers

  1. This person is fond of history

  1. This person will travel by bike

  1. This person enjoys sailing

  1. This person prefers camping

  1. This person likes sunbathing

Раздел « Лексика и Грамматика».   1.Put in “the” where necessary.

   1. We live on  ____(1)__ Earth. 2. Many people dream about traveling in ___(2)____ space. 3. __(3)____Russia is situated in ___(4)____ Europe and ___(5)__ Asia. 4. There are 50 states in ___(6)___ USA. 5. He is going to see ___(7)___ Alps. 6. ____(8)__Volga flows into ___(9)__ Caspian Sea.

2. Open the brackets using Past Continuous or Past Simple.  1.When I (come) home, my mother (cook) dinner.     2.Yesterday at 2 o’clock I (prepare) for my English test.

3Open the brackets using Past Perfect or Past Simple.

1.Helen (do) it by 10 o’clock yesterday.  2.She (translate) the article before the film (begin).

3. Continue the sentences. Use  Conditional II or III :

1.If we cut down fewer forests, the air (be) clean.   2.If you ( give)  him the money, he would have spent all of them.                

4.Write the sentences in reported speech:

  1. Tom said: “The book is worth reading.”
  2. Martin said: “We had a wonderful party yesterday.”
  3. Teacher asked: “Where do you live?”

5. Fill in “to” if necessary    1.We want you … join our organization.    2.She made her son … read the letter.

6.Use an appropriate pronoun: some, any, much, many:   1 I haven’t got some/any  milk.    2.I met some/any interesting people last night.      3.How many/much eggs do we need?    4.How many/much salt do we put in?

7. Use Gerund or Infinitive:   1.He enjoys (to watch/ watching) cartoons.    2.We want (to eat/ eating).  3.This book is worth (to read/ reading).

Раздел «Письмо».Write a postcard to your pen friend  from the English-speaking country and send greetings to him /her on a holiday (New year, Christmas, birthday… )

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