Lexical Test English as a global language
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Лексический тест на знание слов по теме "Англиский как международный язык"
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Test 7 Form по теме ” English as a global language”
Fill in the words: fluent, , gathering[1] , first , widespread , widely, second, disappearance[2] ,displaced[3], throughout ,borrowed,worldwide.numerous
English is so________ spoken, it has been referred to as a «global language». While English is an official language in many countries, it is the language most often taught as a ______language around the world. It is also, by international treaty[4], the official language for aircraft communication. Its acceptance[5] as a first or second language is the main indication[6] of its__________ status.
There are______arguments for and against English as a global language. On the one hand, having a global language help in communication and in _______information ,for example, in the scientific community. On the other hand, it leaves out [7] those who are not______in the global language. It can also lead to a cultural hegemony[8] of the populations speaking the global language as a_________language.
The secondary problem[9] of the spread[10] of global languages is the _____ of minority languages[11], often along[12] with the cultures and religions that are primarily transmitted[13] in those languages. Death of minority languages caused by English has been particularly reffered [14] to areas such as Australia and North America where speakers of local languages have been ______or absorbed [15] by speakers of English in the process of colonization. The expansiveness[16] of the British and the Americans has spread English ______the globe. Just as English itself has ______words from many different languages over its history. English words are now ______in many languages around the world, indicative of[17] the technological and cultural influence of English speakers.
[1] Собирать, сводить воедино, суммировать
[2] исчезновение
[3]вытеснены ( c земель)
[4] Договор,соглашение
[7] упускать (что-л.), не учитывать (чего-л.)
[8] гегемония, господство [hɪˈɡɛmənɪ]
[9] [kənˈsɜːn]-проблема, вопрос, второстепенный вопрос
[11] [maɪˈnɒrətɪ] languages - языки меньшинств
[12] на ряду с
[13] [praɪˈmɛr(ə)lɪ] transmitted -прежде всего передаются
[14] частично относиться к
[15] [əbˈzɔːbd] – поглощены
[16] расширение,экспансия
[17] [ɪnˈdɪkətɪv] указывая, свидетельствуя на
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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