Лексический тест по теме "Educational system in Great Britain"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Fill in the text the appropriate word:break, lasts, separated, opportunities widespread, consists of ,duration, divided, provided, paid, abilities, receives, curriculum, exist
Educational system in Great Britain: The modern system of education______ early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, higher education. Across the country a free public education for all children____. Children aged from 5 to 16 years are included. The ___________ of the school year is 38 weeks. The year is ________ into trimesters, which are_____ by vacation: summer (6 weeks), Christmas and Easter (2-3 weeks). A week break is____ in the mid-trimester. The working week ____for 5 days. The school day lasts from 9:00 to 15:30 with a lunch____ and morning prayers. Schools which are___ – private, which are free - public. In the UK there are two types of schools: grammar and combined. The most_____ type is combined school. They take the primary school graduates (выпускники ) with different levels of mental _____. They were organized with the aim of creating equal__________ for education. In grammar schools the child _____a general upper secondary education. The basis of teaching in these schools-the principle of differentiated_______. High School is completed by passing the exam GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education).
The educational system in Russia: Today's educational system in Russia is federal, centralized. Currently, it consists of: pre-school education, primary education, secondary education within 5 years, full secondary education, higher education. Formal education is from 7 to 18 years. The duration of the school year is 34 weeks. Students are trained 5-6 days a week. In Russia, many types of secondary schools (f.e. common schools, lyceums, gymnasiums) and the variety of educational programs. In Russia, as in the UK private and public schools exist. Basic education lasts for 9 years (9 classes). It is completed by passing the exam "GIA" (State Final Attestation). After finishing 9 classes students receive an incomplete secondary education. At the end of the 11th form students pass the exam "RSE"(Russian State Exam) in order to get the certificate of finishing school.
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