Презентация к обобщающему уроку по теме "Animals". УМК Spotlight 5
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Голубец Анастасия Андреевна

Презентация к обобщающему уроку по теме "Animals". УМК Spotlight 5.  Фонетическая разминка, warming-up,лексические и грамматические упражнения, рефлексия.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers Why do you cry, Willy? Why do you cry? Why, Willy? Why , Willy? Why, Willy, Why?

Слайд 4

Farm animals

Слайд 5

P ets

Слайд 6

1. Wild animals 2. Farm animals 3. Pets are the animals which live on farms. They give us milk and meat . are the animals which live in our houses. They are friendly and funny . are the animals which live in forests, jungles and deserts. Sometimes they’re dangerous.

Слайд 7

1. Wild animals 2. Farm animals 3. Pets are the animals which live on farms. They give us milk and meat . are the animals which live in our houses. They are friendly and funny . are the animals which live in forests, jungles and deserts. Sometimes they’re dangerous.

Слайд 8

1. Wild animals 2. Farm animals 3. Pets are the animals which live on farms. They give us milk and meat . are the animals which live in our houses. They are friendly and funny . are the animals which live in forests, jungles and deserts. Sometimes they’re dangerous.

Слайд 9

1. Wild animals 2. Farm animals 3. Pets are the animals which live on farms. They give us milk and meat . are the animals which live in our houses. They are friendly and funny . are the animals which live in forests, jungles and deserts. Sometimes they’re dangerous.

Слайд 10

Wild animals Farm animals Pets Snake goose leopard dog cow elephant deer rabbit tiger pig tortoise lion chicken giraffe rhino duck parrot cat crocodile monkey goldfish peacock guinea pig sheep

Слайд 11

С ow mouse snake koala monkey cangaroo parrot camel elephant cat dog cobra zebra giraffe horse

Слайд 12

С ow mouse snake koala monkey cangaroo parrot camel elephant cat dog cobra zebra giraffe horse

Слайд 13

С ow mouse snake koala monkey cangaroo parrot camel elephant cat dog cobra zebra giraffe horse

Слайд 14

“tic-tac-toe” game You can put a cross or a zero if you say a sentence with the words correctly 1. eat, paws 2. broken, parrot 3. tail, trunk, tusks 4. fur, ears 5. long, dangerous 6. live, small 7. feathers, fly 8. ladybird, flowers 9. zoo, big

Слайд 15

Grammar. Present Simple

Слайд 16

Write the third person singular I work – she _____________ They stay – Tom _____________ I wash – my mum _____________ You see – he _____________ We read – Jack _____________ You catch – she _____________ I swim – Sarah _____________

Слайд 17

Complete the sentences. Use present simple Tom always gets to school early. (get) I ______________TV very often. (watch) Lisa ____________her hair every morning. (wash) My parents _____________ in a big company. (work) Helen ______________ not far from the zoo. (live) They _____________to the gym every day. (go) Julia ______________her homework every evening. (do)

Слайд 18

Complete the sentences. Use: swim use hunt carry hide Tigers _____________ big animals, like deer. Tim ______________in the swimming pool every Saturday. Lisa is very good at computers. She ____________ her computer a lot. Dogs ____________ bones in the ground. Kangaroos _____________ their babies in a special bag.

Слайд 20

Fill do, does, don’t or doesn’t A: …….you like peacocks? B: Yes, I……………… . A: ……. your friend eat fruit? B: No, she…………… . A: …………..they live in Brazil? B: No, they………….. . A: ………….Bob sleep a lot? B: Yes, he……………. .

Слайд 21

Home task Write a text about an unusual ( необычное ) animal.

Слайд 22

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