Неделя английского языка. Игра Счастливый случай.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему
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Game 1 " Farther…Farther…"
The name of the science which studies nature laws. This thing is always cold and it is in our house. 3. What makes people cry? 4. What is the deepest ocean in the world? 5. It can speak every language in the world. 6. It lives in the water but it is not the fish. 7. What is the highest animal in the world? 8. Why is elephant so popular among all the animals? 9. Name the science that studies the sounds. 10. This is a bird and also a fruit. It is the symbol of New Zealand. 11. The national clothes of Scotland. 12. What type of power is in the UK? 13. How does the typical gentleman look like? 14. What is the symbol of Scotland? 15. How many counties are there in the UK? 16. The country which gives cotton. 17. The science which studies numbers. 18. The place where we can get what we want. 19. A friend in need is a friend … 20. The most popular drink in the UK?
There are 10 helpers which we have. The highest place in the world. 3. The place where fish live. 4. The strongest animal in the forest. 5. This thing can be friend at home but it can be a great enemy in the forest. 6. What book has very many different words? 7. It can be made of apple, tomato, apricot and other fruit. 8. The man who goes in for sports. 9. When we say BIG BEN what we mean? 10. The continent that lies in two oceans. 11. The beginning of the day. 12. This vegetable is the favourite food of rabbits. 13. This is a place where there are a lot of little bright stars. 14. This is a place where we go every morning. 15. Where the ice doesn ’ t melt. 16. The country that makes soap operas. 17. The science that studies the body of a person. 18. It makes us hide up in the shadow in hot time. 19. A man is known by his … . 20. The symbol of what country is Daffodil
Game 2 " You – to me, me – to you "
Whom can people learn to speak their language? 2. What is the widest waterfall in the world? 3. What is white when it is dirty and what is black when it is clean? 4. It usually appears after the rain and has 7 colours .
Every person should have the only one and true. This thing cannot speak but it can tell about everything. The brightest star is … What is the highest waterfall in the world?
Game 3 " Dark Horse "
This is a small and fat man. He is very funny. He lives on the roof. He can fly. He loves eating jam and cakes. He has got a friend, a small boy. Karlson on the roof
This is a brown bear. It is small. It is fat and funny. The bear likes to eat honey and go to his friends. H е h а s got some friends: Piglet, Rabbit and Eeyore. Winnie the Pooh
1. What is the capital of the UK? 2. Where is Trafalgar Square? 3. Who is Nelson? 4. Where does the Queen live? 5. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? 6. People who live in Scotland are called….. 7. What are the main colours of the British flag? 8. What food is traditional at Christmas? 9. When is Halloween celebrated? 10. Name the river London is situated on 11. What is St.Paul’s Cathedral? 12. Who is Agatha Christie? 13. What was the Tower of London in the past? 14. What is the Tower of London now? 15. What parts does the UK consist of? 16. Give the Russian equivalent of the English proverb ‘An Englishman’s house is his castle’. 17. What is Robert Burns famous for? 18. Where is the business centre in London? 19. People who live in Ireland are called …. 20. What is the capital of Wales?
How many crosses does the British flag consist of? What is the traditional children’s food on Easter Sunday? What is the most democratic park in London? What plant is the symbol of Scotland? When is Christmas celebrated in Britain? What parts does Britain consist of? What is the capital of Scotland? People who live in Wales are called…. What is the name of the British flag? What is celebrated on February, 14? What plant is the symbol of England? How many sons does Prince Charles have? What is the name of the Queen ? What sepa rates the UK from the continent of Europe? Name any sports developed in Britain? What bird do English people take care of? What is cricket? Who is the Official Head of State in Britain? What is the name of the biggest clock in London? When do English children go from house to house and say ‘Trick or treat?’
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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