Контрольная работа по теме "Выбор профессии" - 1 юнит
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Наталия Александровна Матвеева

Контрольная по первому разделу к учебнику Афанасьевой, Михеевой English VIII


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Предварительный просмотр:

“Choosing a career” test

Variant I

  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. One word is extra.

top    a cheat sheet       fix      a show off       terrific      hand out       rotten        handed down        dumb             smart          never mind       handed in

  1. Sir Paul Carter was…from his birth.
  2. Do you mind...my broken watch?
  3. Billy, will you …..the question papers to all the students.
  4. We have missed the performance. - ….We can watch it next week.
  5. Jack came…of the class again. – No wonder, he is the…pupil in our class.
  6. John says that they had a…time at the party yesterday.
  7. The girl was ashamed of wearing clothes that had been …from her sister.
  8. Jane was such ……. . Nobody liked talking to her since she boasted all the time.
  9. Your test papers must be …by Monday.
  10. He had used ……….. at the exam so he was expelled from his college.

  1. Mrs Johnson is a rich woman. She has a lot of things done for her. Look at the notes and make sentences as in the example.

Example: She has her clothes made by Luciano.

  1. the house/ clean (by the maids)
  2. the car/wash (by the chauffeur)
  3. the shopping/delver (by the supermarket)
  4. the letters/type (by the secretary)
  5. the meals/cook (by the chef)

  1. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Subjunctive Mood:

  1. If I ….. German, I ….. “Faust” in the original. (know, read)
  2. If I …. about it then, I ….. such a silly mistake. (learn, not make)
  3. If my parents …. rich, they …. a car for me. (be, buy)
  4. If she …. to a music school, she ….. a talented musician. (go, become)
  5. If you …. me in advance, we …. in Moscow yesterday. (tell, be)
  6. If a tram ….. now, we ….. late. (come, not be)
  7. If I …. the words properly, I …. an excellent mark last week. (learn, get)
  8. If she …. to her mother, she …… to Paris many years ago. (listen, move)
  9. If the weather… fine tomorrow, we ….. to Peterhoff. (be, go)
  10. John ….. this song, if he ….. the lyrics. (sing, know)


“Choosing a career” test

 Variant II

  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. One word is extra.

cheat         flavour      handed over      smart     fix     creeps       handed out        rotten            silly               mind      surgeon     handed down

  1. That scary scene in the film gave me….
  2. …your own business. They …during the test and will be punished.
  3. The silver necklace has been …in their family since the 19th century.
  4. They … the thief …to the police.
  5. It was …to ask that question.
  6. Throw these potatoes away. They are …
  7. The teacher …books to all the pupils.
  8. When are you going to ….. that shelf, Steven?
  9. The soup had a strong…of onions.
  10. After a 10 hour operation the ……. came to the patient’s family with good news.

  1. Mrs Johnson is a rich woman. She has a lot of things done for her. Look at the notes and make sentences as in the example.

Example: She has her clothes made by Luciano.

  1. the car/service (by a mechanic)

2.   the house/clean (by the maids)

3.   the plants/ wash (by Michelle)

4.   the walls/paint (by Jack)

5.   the taps/repair (by a plumber)

  1. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Subjunctive Mood:

  1. If I ……. French, I ……. to her. (know, speak)
  2. If I ….. closer, I ….. to you more often. (live, come)
  3. If you …. us yesterday, we ….. our project on time. (not interrupt, finish)
  4. If he …… his doctor’s advice, he ……. so quickly. (not follow, not recover)
  5. If he …… a talented artist, he ….. so many admirers. (be, have)
  6. If you …. my advice then, you …… in trouble last week. (follow, not be)
  7. If I …… so busy yesterday, I ……. you. (not be, help)
  8. If he …….. his glasses yesterday, he ….. me at the theatre. (not forget, recognize)
  9. She is well. If she ….. ill, her brother …. me about it. (be, tell)
  10. You ….. a lot, if you ….. this magazine. (know, read)

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