материал по английскому языку по теме
Анкета рассчитана на студентов всех курсов. В данной анкете проводиться опрос с целью изучения интересов и взаимоотношений студентов внутри коллектива, рассматриваются вопросы по отношению студентов к изучению английского языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
College students experiences questionnaire
Indicate your response by filling in
the appropriate oval next to correct answer
1. Course
1 2 3 4
2. Age
15-17 18-20
3. Sex
male female
4. Do you combine your study with paid work?
5. Did either of your parents graduate from college?
yes, mother only
yes, father only
yes, both parents
don't know
6. What are your reason for attending college?
My friends are in college, and I want to be with them.
My parents want me to get a college education.
I want to prepare myself for an interesting career.
I want to broaden my knowledge.
7. In which areas do you plan to work after graduation?
Still undecided
According to the specialty/profession
Future profession is not related to the future job
Private business
1.How well do you like college?
I am enthusiastic about it.
I like it.
I am more or less neutral about it.
I don't like it.
2. If you could start over again, would you go to the same institution you are now attending?
yes, definitely
probably yes
probably no
no, definitely
3. Student life, as we know, is not only about studying. Do you participate in the following activities...?
Student conference
Organized youth events, marches and rallies
Sports competitions
Meetings of the student council
the Movement of "volunteers"
4. Relationships with other students
Friendly, Supportive, Sense of belonging | Competitive, Uninvolved, Sense of alienation |
5. Relationships with administrative staff
Helpful, Considerate, Flexible | Rigid, Impersonal, Bound By Regulations |
6. Relationships with faculty members
Approachable, Helpful, Understanding | Remote, Discouraging, Unsympathetic |
1. Specify on a scale from 1 to 6 the importance of knowing English language in the Internet (1 = lowest importance).
6 5 4 3 2 1
2. How do you evaluate your ability to master the English language?
3. What is more important at English classes?
oral communication
reading and translation
written speech
4. For what purpose do you learn English?
Because it is interested me
To get a good grade at the end of the course
In order to communicate effectively with foreigners in everyday situations
To be a professionally trained expert in your chosen field
To find work in collaborative/foreign firm
To go to study abroad
To read the original fiction, watch movies, TV shows, videos
5. What additional language training you received before entering college?
Language course
Individual lessons with a tutor
Not received
6. Rate the importance of language learning for your future career.
It is extremely important
It is important
Not very important
It doesn't matter
7. Are you ready to spend more time in mastering the language?
Not sure
8. Approximately how much time do you spend per week on preparation for the English classes?
More than 1.5 hours
About 1 hour
30 minutes or less
Do not prepare
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