Проект "Отечество славлю, которое есть"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) на тему
В 2015 году я участвовала в данном проекте - предлагаю вам свою разработку: текст на английском языке об истории создания нашего памятника, посвященного ВОВ, задания к нему и презентация.
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Рекомендации использования данного материала: Английский язык. Учебник для 10-11 классов. Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш.
I remember, I am proud!
The Great Patriotic War ended in 1945. The great Soviet people won this battle. And now, there are monuments which will always remind us of Great courage and heroism of the Soviet soldiers in many villages and cities.
An obelisk was erected in memory of military pilots who have given their lives for our Land in the village Vesely of the Rodionovo-Nesvetaysky district of Rostov region.
In the years of war on a place of a monument there was a runway. To the 40 anniversary of formation of a regiment in 1983 the monument to pilots was erected. To the 40 anniversary of the Victory the group of workers of state farm "Rostov" decided to light the Eternal flame. On May 9, 1985 opening of the Eternal flame took place. The central place is taken by a star, where there is an inscription to "Defenders of the Don sky" - the pilots of the peremyshlsky Order of Suvorov decorated with the Order of the Red Banner of a destructive aviation regiment of the 8th air army who were lost in July - August, 1943. There is a plate on which names of our fellow countrymen fighting in the years of war (Slide No. 5) to the left and to the right of the Star. For all years farm's school students look after a monument. Every year on this place on May 9 there is a celebration of a Victory Day.
The further severe years of war consign to the past, the immortal feats, standing, to death for independence and honor of our Homeland are highlighted more brightly. What feats, whose staunch courage, whose will to win, love for the country gave us - happy and peaceful life. Let's remember courage and heroism of people who lived in our farm.
PEROVA Maria Mikhaelovna was a prisoner when she was 17 years old, worked at the railroad, unloading cars with coal. In the city of Lingvitsa she worked in hospital and looked after wounded.
BORODENKO Ivan Semenovich was born on June 27, 1927 in the farm Vesely. Borodenko Ivan Semenovich wasn't on the main front, but he protected the territory freed from the enemy. He was awarded by medals for a victory over Germany, 30 years of the Soviet Army and fleet, 40, 50 years to the Great Patriotic War. Ivan Semenovich got demobilize on October 17, 1951. A hard course of life there passed Ivan Semenovich. Ivan Semenovich is a pensioner and an honorable veteran of the Great Patriotic War.
TISHCHENKO Aleksandra Petrovna worked 50 years at elementary school. In the years of war Aleksandra Petrovna was the toiler of the back: she carried corn from fields for soldiers.
Tishchenko Alexander Petrovich is an honorable veteran of the Great Patriotic War. He was awarded by medals: "Anniversary", "50 years to armed forces", Award of the Great Patriotic War, Veteran of 1941 - 1945, "40 years of the Victory", "Medal of Zhukov", "50 years of the Victory".
Sergienko Vasily Samoylovich since June, 1942 to May, 1945 took active part in military operations on fronts of the Great Patriotic War against fascist aggressors. His fighting way he began from walls of Stalingrad and finished on ruins of Berlin. For years of war he was awarded by Awards of Glory, Patriotic war and the Award of the Red Star. Medals for a capture of Warsaw, Berlin and for the Victory over Germany speak about courage and Sergienko Vasily Samoylovich's heroism.
From generation to generation, passes memory of millions of the dead tortured and who remained cripples and orphans of incalculable material losses and inconceivable destructions. It is necessary to remember! To remember to live! Let's revere sacredly memory fallen, and in days of celebrations to feet of monuments, on graves of the dead to lay flowers as a tribute to their feat, their courage, their fearlessness.
to erect a monument – воздвигать памятник
a regiment - полк
destructive – истребительный
immortal feats – бессмертные подвиги
a staunch courage – несгибаемое мужество
a back – тыл
a feat - подвиг
fearlessness – бесстрашие
- Answer the questions:
- When was the monument erected?
- Whom was the monument erected?
- How does the monument look?
- What is the main idea of this topic?
- True or false:
- The Great Patriotic War ended in 1941.
- An obelisk was erected in memory of military pilots who have given their lives for our lend in the farm Vesely.
- Victory Day is celebrated on May 9.
- TISHCHENKO Aleksandra Petrovna is an honorable veteran of the Great Patriotic War.
- Borodenko Ivan Semenovich protected the territory freed from the enemy.
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Уважаемые коллеги! Так nsportal не позволяет загрузить материал в облако, предлагаю воспользоваться ссылкой в описании материала!
Спасибо за понимание.
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