презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
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Nowadays nobody can imagine modern life without travelling. tourism travelling holidays The words Have the same associations.
Some years ago travelling abroad was very rare and only few people could effort it. Today it can be possible thanks to 1.the travel revolution 2. longer holidays 3. bigger salaries 4. the change of the policy of the country
People have lots of good reasons to travel. Travelling is a part of people’s education 1.It is the best way to study History Geography Art
The best way to get to know and understand the traditions and customs of different people 3. to practise a foreign language 4. to study abroad
4. It can help you to broaden your mind it’s always interesting to discover new places and new ways of life, to try foreign food and to listen to unusual musical rhythms.
People like travelling because They want to make a fortune They want to investigate the world They want to change their life They want to discover new places, new species of animals or plants to become famous They want to develop trade and economic relationships They want to meet new people and get to know their lifestyles and their traditions They travel because of curiosity They travel when they feet down or stressed out They have a sense of adventure It is a wonderful chance to relax and have fun.
Different forms of travelling. Package holidays Working holidays Activity holidays
Package holidays . Package holidays – the most comfortable who prefers relaxation – are organized by a travel company :the basic price includes flight, accommodation and food. Going on such holidays you can settle everything beforehand and fully relax during the holidays.
Activity Holidays These are holidays which involve an activity. They are fun, practical and a great way to make new friends who share your interests
Working holidays. If you don’t have enough money, you can go on working holidays. You can work on a farm picking fruit and berries in France or Finland, or you can work in a Summer camp for kids to help organize games and events. It is hard work, but you are paid and get free time at the end to travel.
The main forms of public transport. plane train bus car ship Travelling by
Travelling on foot is called hiking
Travelling is the most pleasant things in your life. Millions of people all over the world are fond of travelling. While travelling we can see and learn a lot of things that we can never learn staying at home and watching TV or reading books. No wonder that a lot of people enjoy visiting new places.
we like travelling together
Travel - enjoy and
We know everything about travelling! Let’s check it!
Put missing words in the sentences below. Make sure each word has the right number of letters,shown in brackets. 1. What did you do …… holiday? (2 letters) 2. Shall we have our holiday in this country or shall we go …..?(6 letters) 3. Along journey by sea: …… (6 letters). 4. Visiting all the interesting places:….. (11 letters). 5. A holiday after you’re married:…… (9 letters). 6. A journey in a plane: ….. (6 letters). 7. Someone you have invited to visit your home: ….. (5 letters). 8. We talked to some of the other ….. on the train (10 letters). 9. Shall we stay the night there or just go there on a ….. trip? (3 letters). 10.Someone visiting and travelling in a foreign country:….. ( 7 letters)
Put missing words in the sentences below. Make sure each word has the right number of letters, shown in brackets. What did you do … on … holiday? (2 letters) Shall we have our holiday in this country or shall we go ……. abroad …..?(6 letters) Along journey by sea: … voyage… (6 letters). Visiting all the interesting places:… sightseeing .. (11 letters). A holiday after you’re married:… honeymoon … (9 letters). A journey in a plane: … flight.. (6 letters). Someone you have invited to visit your home: … guest .. (5 letters). We talked to some of the other … passengers .. on the train (10 letters). Shall we stay the night there or just go there on a … day.. trip? (3 letters). Someone visiting and travelling in a foreign country:… tourist.. ( 7 letters).
Put the words from the box into the correct column. Receptionist gallery sightseeing guest tour plane underground activity travel agent beach museum bus chambermaid tourist castle store ferry transport Type of holiday people Places to go
transport Type of holiday people Places to go underground sightseeing receptionist museum ferry activity guest beach plane tour tourist gallery chambermaid castle travel agent store
Travelling is cool! Let’s do it together!!!!!!! See you!!!!!!!!!
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