Let the Music Begin
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Смирнова Елена Васильевна

Упражнения на закрепление лексики по теме


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Live Aid concert was a remarkable … in the musical life of the world.                                               breakthrough
  2. In the 1990s a lot of singers in Russia … to stage.                                                                                techno
  3. Rock’n’roll music is …                                                                                                                           event
  4. The success of “The Beatles” is considered to be one of the greatest … in the musical history.           lyrics
  5. Michael Jackson recorded more than one billion of … .                                                                        released
  6. His music is … listening to.                                                                                                                    continue
  7. I must … my education.                                                                                                                          made their way
  8. A lot of albums were … last year.                                                                                                           albums
  9. New … appear on the stage every year.                                                                                                  aggressive
  10. Every song consists of music and …                                                                                                       worth
  11. … music is made on computers.                                                                                                              idols

  1. Live Aid concert was a remarkable … in the musical life of the world.                                               breakthrough
  2. In the 1990s a lot of singers in Russia … to stage.                                                                                techno
  3. Rock’n’roll music is …                                                                                                                           event
  4. The success of “The Beatles” is considered to be one of the greatest … in the musical history.           lyrics
  5. Michael Jackson recorded more than one billion of … .                                                                        released
  6. His music is … listening to.                                                                                                                    continue
  7. I must … my education.                                                                                                                          made their way
  8. A lot of albums were … last year.                                                                                                           albums
  9. New … appear on the stage every year.                                                                                                  aggressive
  10. Every song consists of music and …                                                                                                       worth
  11. … music is made on computers.                                                                                                              idols

  1. Live Aid concert was a remarkable … in the musical life of the world.                                               breakthrough
  2. In the 1990s a lot of singers in Russia … to stage.                                                                                techno
  3. Rock’n’roll music is …                                                                                                                           event
  4. The success of “The Beatles” is considered to be one of the greatest … in the musical history.           lyrics
  5. Michael Jackson recorded more than one billion of … .                                                                        released
  6. His music is … listening to.                                                                                                                    continue
  7. I must … my education.                                                                                                                          made their way
  8. A lot of albums were … last year.                                                                                                           albums
  9. New … appear on the stage every year.                                                                                                  aggressive
  10. Every song consists of music and …                                                                                                       worth
  11. … music is made on computers.                                                                                                              idols

  1. Live Aid concert was a remarkable … in the musical life of the world.                                               breakthrough
  2. In the 1990s a lot of singers in Russia … to stage.                                                                                techno
  3. Rock’n’roll music is …                                                                                                                           event
  4. The success of “The Beatles” is considered to be one of the greatest … in the musical history.           lyrics
  5. Michael Jackson recorded more than one billion of … .                                                                        released
  6. His music is … listening to.                                                                                                                    continue
  7. I must … my education.                                                                                                                          made their way
  8. A lot of albums were … last year.                                                                                                           albums
  9. New … appear on the stage every year.                                                                                                  aggressive
  10. Every song consists of music and …                                                                                                       worth
  11. … music is made on computers.                                                                                                              idols

  1. Live Aid concert was a remarkable … in the musical life of the world.                                               breakthrough
  2. In the 1990s a lot of singers in Russia … to stage.                                                                                techno
  3. Rock’n’roll music is …                                                                                                                           event
  4. The success of “The Beatles” is considered to be one of the greatest … in the musical history.           lyrics
  5. Michael Jackson recorded more than one billion of … .                                                                        released
  6. His music is … listening to.                                                                                                                    continue
  7. I must … my education.                                                                                                                          made their way
  8. A lot of albums were … last year.                                                                                                           albums
  9. New … appear on the stage every year.                                                                                                  aggressive
  10. Every song consists of music and …                                                                                                       worth
  11. … music is made on computers.                                                                                                              idols

  1. 50 Cent became an … in the 2000s                              released
  2. Pushkin’s … is very impressive.                                   made his way
  3. Musicians … round the country.                                   tour
  4. Electronic instruments are called …                              event
  5. This singer has already … more than ten albums.         lyrics
  6. A guitar may sound sometimes …                                 breakthrough
  7. The concert was a great … in our city.                          synthesizers
  8. Beethoven’s music is … listening to.                             idol  
  9. He … to stage in the 90s.                                                worth
  10. My teacher said, I’ve made a … in my learning.            aggressive

  1. 50 Cent became an … in the 2000s                              released
  2. Pushkin’s … is very impressive.                                   made his way
  3. Musicians … round the country.                                   tour
  4. Electronic instruments are called …                              event
  5. This singer has already … more than ten albums.         lyrics
  6. A guitar may sound sometimes …                                 breakthrough
  7. The concert was a great … in our city.                          synthesizers
  8. Beethoven’s music is … listening to.                             idol  
  9. He … to stage in the 90s.                                                worth
  10. My teacher said, I’ve made a … in my learning.            aggressive

  1. 50 Cent became an … in the 2000s                              released
  2. Pushkin’s … is very impressive.                                   made his way
  3. Musicians … round the country.                                   tour
  4. Electronic instruments are called …                              event
  5. This singer has already … more than ten albums.         lyrics
  6. A guitar may sound sometimes …                                 breakthrough
  7. The concert was a great … in our city.                          synthesizers
  8. Beethoven’s music is … listening to.                             idol  
  9. He … to stage in the 90s.                                                worth
  10. My teacher said, I’ve made a … in my learning.            aggressive

  1. 50 Cent became an … in the 2000s                              released
  2. Pushkin’s … is very impressive.                                   made his way
  3. Musicians … round the country.                                   tour
  4. Electronic instruments are called …                              event
  5. This singer has already … more than ten albums.         lyrics
  6. A guitar may sound sometimes …                                 breakthrough
  7. The concert was a great … in our city.                          synthesizers
  8. Beethoven’s music is … listening to.                             idol  
  9. He … to stage in the 90s.                                                worth
  10. My teacher said, I’ve made a … in my learning.            aggressive

  1. 50 Cent became an … in the 2000s                              released
  2. Pushkin’s … is very impressive.                                   made his way
  3. Musicians … round the country.                                   tour
  4. Electronic instruments are called …                              event
  5. This singer has already … more than ten albums.         lyrics
  6. A guitar may sound sometimes …                                 breakthrough
  7. The concert was a great … in our city.                          synthesizers
  8. Beethoven’s music is … listening to.                             idol  
  9. He … to stage in the 90s.                                                worth
  10. My teacher said, I’ve made a … in my learning.            aggressive

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