Фестиваль по иностранному языку
статья по английскому языку по теме

Глухова Валентина Николаевна

Фестиваль по иностранному языку " Мир прекрасен"


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Районный фестиваль по английскому языку «Мир прекрасен»

1 ученик: It’s a wonderful world we live in. The world is beautiful when we love and we are loved. Love is a sublime feeling that exists in every person. Love is an integral part of our life. The subject of love is one that has inspired poets , writers, those lucky in love and those who have been passed over by Cupid…the poems and songs are so captivating…слайд 1,2

2 ученик: Cтихотворение У. Блейка, посвященное любви к женщине .

Without you I’m nothing -
Like sun without rays,
The time without running
And sea without waves.
For you my heart is beating
And smile is clear, wide.
You bring to my life meaning
And to my soul – a light.
Слайд 3,4

3 ученик: She Walks In Beauty


She walks in beauty, like the night
     Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that 's best of dark and bright
     Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
     Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
     Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
     Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
     How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
     So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
     But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
     A heart whose love is innocent!
 Слайд 5


Песня в исполнении Нелькиной Т.

Dum Dum Diddle

I can hear how you work, practicing hard
Playing night and day
And it sounds better now,
Yes you improve every time you play
But it's bad
You're so sad
And you're only smiling
When you play your violin

Dum dum diddle
To be your fiddle
To be so near ya
And not just hear ya
Dum dum diddle
To be your fiddle
I think then maybe
You'd see me, baby
You'd be mine
And we'd be together all the time

Wish I was
Dum dum diddle
Your darling fiddle

But I think you don't know that I exist
I'm the quiet kind
From the day when I first listened to you
You've been on my mind
You don't care
It's not fair
And you're only smiling
When you play your violin

Dum dum diddle
To be your fiddle
To be so near ya
And not just hear ya
Dum dum diddle
To be your fiddle
I think then maybe
You'd see me, baby
You'd be mine
And we'd be together all the time

Dum dum diddle
To be your fiddle
To be so near ya
And not just hear ya
Dum dum diddle
To be your fiddle
I think then maybe
You'd see me, baby
You'd be mine
And we'd be together all the time
Wish I was
Dum dum diddle
Your darling fiddle

4 ученик: And now I want to tell you about my love to Russia. It is a known fact that Russia is the largest and nicest country in the world. . The vast territory of Russia lies in the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans. The capital of Russian Federation is Moscow, with the population of about 10 million people. The land of Russia varies very much from forests to deserts, from high mountains to deep valleys. The main mountain are the Urals, the Caucasus and the Altai. There are a lot of great rivers and deep lakes on its territory. Also there are many animals in Russia. The longest rivers are the Volga in Europe and the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena in Asia. The largest lakes are Ladoga and Baikal. Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and its water is the purest on earth. The Russian Federation is rich in natural and mineral resources. It has deposits of oil, gas, iron, gold, silver and many others. The European part of the country is densely peopled, and most population live in cities. The current population of Russia is more than 145 million people

To know a country means to know its people. Russia is famous for its talented and unique poets, writers, artists and musicians. Слайды 6, 7,8

5 ученик: «Мороз и солнце; день чудесный!…» на английском языке

Стихотворение Александра Сергеевича Пушкина «Зимнее утро» и его перевод на английский язык в исполнении Паршутиной Д. Слайд 9

Зимнее утро

Мороз и солнце; день чудесный!
Еще ты дремлешь, друг прелестный —
Пора, красавица, проснись:
Открой сомкнуты негой взоры
Навстречу северной Авроры,
Звездою севера явись!

Вечор, ты помнишь, вьюга злилась,
На мутном небе мгла носилась;
Луна, как бледное пятно,
Сквозь тучи мрачные желтела,
И ты печальная сидела —
А нынче… погляди в окно:

Под голубыми небесами
Великолепными коврами,
Блестя на солнце, снег лежит;
Прозрачный лес один чернеет,
И ель сквозь иней зеленеет,
И речка подо льдом блестит.

Вся комната янтарным блеском
Озарена. Веселым треском
Трещит затопленная печь.
Приятно думать у лежанки.
Но знаешь: не велеть ли в санки
Кобылку бурую запречь?

Скользя по утреннему снегу,
Друг милый, предадимся бегу
Нетерпеливого коня
И навестим поля пустые,
Леса, недавно столь густые,
И берег, милый для меня.

Александр Пушкин (1799-1837)

Winter morning

Cold frost and sunshine: day of wonder!
But you, my friend, are still in slumber —
Wake up, my beauty, time belies:
You dormant eyes, I beg you, broaden
Toward the northerly Aurora,
As though a northern star arise!

Recall last night, the snow was whirling,
Across the sky, the haze was twirling,
The moon, as though a pale dye,
Emerged with yellow through faint clouds.
And there you sat, immersed in doubts,
And now, — just take a look outside:

The snow below the bluish skies,
Like a majestic carpet lies,
And in the light of day it shimmers.
The woods are dusky. Through the frost
The greenish fir-trees are exposed;
And under ice, a river glitters.

The room is lit with amber light.
And bursting, popping in delight
Hot stove still rattles in a fray.
While it is nice to hear its clatter,
Perhaps, we should command to saddle
A fervent mare into the sleight?

And sliding on the morning snow
Dear friend, we’ll let our worries go,
And with the zealous mare we’ll flee.
We’ll visit empty ranges, thence,
The woods, which used to be so dense
And then the shore, so dear to me.

Alexandr Pushkin
translation to english by Mikhail Kneller

6 ученик: Russia ... What do you imagine when you hear this word? Someone imagines a great country that occupies the largest part of the continent, the others think about  large industrial cities with factories. I imagine a small village, which is located in the heart of Russia. It ‘s my native village Purdoshki.
          The nature is wonderful here. Clean air, which every citizen dreams about, and the forest in the background of the blue almost transparent sky, seem to be fabulous. There are a lot of lakes and the river Moksha, where you can fish, go boating or just swim. There are a lot of mushrooms and berries in the forests. Walking along the paths, you can collect a bunch of flowers or just watch and take picture of other ones.  
I love my village. Everyone knows you, your parents and grandparents. It seems the village to be a big family...

It is often said that a village inhabitant is different from a city man, and I do not deny it. People grown in village are much kinder and they like to communicate with other people. Just because they used to. I think it`s very good, because people are stronger together!
If one is not keen on the old  houses  or old streets, especially if they are shabby, that means that this    one  has not got any love for his native place. Слайды 10-14

7 ученик: I don’t want to tell you about world famous painters but about my friend, who studies at our school and lives in our village. Her name’s M . Solovjova. She is fond of painting. This hobby is for her soul. She likes to combine form and colour into harmonious unity. Marina uses different colours. The colours may be cool and restful, delicate and soft. She can imitate drawing nature, animals, landscapes, human faces and self portraits. Marina shows the poetic beauty of Russian nature in her works. Drawing brings her real satisfaction. Marina takes part in regional and republic competitions and has won some of them.

I am amazed at her pictures and find them unique , exiting.

There are some of her pictures and you can make an estimate of their beauty.


There will be early morning:
You and I - together – only -
I'll say: - Look around, darling, please
How fine is all around
Look at this
How fine
Look at this
There will be early robbins
Too another birds'll be coming
Admiration -
Look at this
How fine is all around
Look at this
How fine
Look at this
In your eyes dew-drop-minutes're there
There's nobody  to compare,
Let me to spend with you its please.
How fine is all around
Look at this
How fine
Look at this
How fine is all around
Look at this
How fine
Look at this

Love and be loved and the world will be so beautiful.

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