Мероприятие по английскому языку "Round London"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Галимова Регина Талгатовна

Внеклассное мероприятие в форме путешествия для учащихся 5-6 классов. Можно применять для проверки знаний после прохождения темы "Великобритания.Лондон".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Hello, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you here today. We will have an unusual lesson. Now, look at the picture and try to guess what we will do today.

Pupils: We are going to travel.

T: Quite so! During next half an hour we will make a trip to one famous and wonderful city. Now, look at the picture and try to find the name of the city. You should take first letters of each word and make up a word.

P: It is London.

T: Right you are! I suggest we should start our voyage round the city full of wonders, traditions and historical places. But to do this you should get a ticket. For each your right answer I will give you a letter and if you have enough letters in the end of the game then you will go to London.

To begin with look at the map of our tour. You see we have six stations. At each station we are to do some task. Are you ready to start? Then off we go!

The yellow bus has taken us to the station named “History”.

Now we have several questions. Be ready to answer.

  1. … gave the name Londinium to the small town.
  2.     A. The Anglo-Saxons
  3.     B. The Romans                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  4.     C. The Normans

2. The Romans left Britain about … years ago.

     A. 2,000

     B. 1,000

     C. 100

3. In the 11th century people of London usually built the houses from … .

     A. stone

     B. sand

     C. wood

4. In 1666 the year of the … of London.

     A. Great Fire

     B. Great History

     C. Great Changes

5. Until 1749 there was only one bridge across river Thames. Its name was … .

     A. Westminster Bridge

     B. Tower Bridge

     C. London Bridge

Well, questions are over. I think you deserve to get the first letter – “L”. It’s high time we should move to the next station – “Museums”. Here is a task – to match the museums with their descriptions. You have 3 minutes to do this task.

  1. Imperial War Museum

  1. National Gallery

  1. Natural History Museum

  1. London Transport Museum

  1. Madam Tussaud’s Museum

  1. It is an art museum which has more than 2,300 paintings.
  2. In this museum you can see the wax models of great characters in history and art.
  3. It is famous for its exhibition of dinosaur skeletons. It has five main collections: botany, entomology, mineralogy, paleontology and zoology.
  4. It has a big collection of military machines such as tanks and aeroplanes and many original uniforms of soldiers.
  5. From uniforms, posters and tickets to
  6. Horse buses, electric trams and trolley buses – all these things you can find in this museum.

OK, the time is over. Let’s check what you have.

You have coped with this task rather successfully. You get the letter “O”.

Our next station is called “Monuments”. They say, we should do some guessing. Let’s have a look.

Very nice! You get “N”. Will we move further? No doubt in that! Station “Sports” is waiting for us. You are to guess names of some sports. Be attentive!

Football. It is a national sport in Great Britain. Football is played every  Saturday or Sunday afternoon. There are a lot of football clubs in the UK.  For example, Manchester United or Arsenal. Almost every school has its football team. Every boy knows a lot about this game and can tell you the names of the players in the most popular football clubs.

Rugby. It is a type of football. It began in Rugby School in England. It is played with an oval ball. The ball is passed from hand to hand. It is played by two teams of 15 players each.

Tennis. It is another favourite sport of the English people. Wimbledon is the centre of tennis. It is the oldest tennis competition in the world. It is held over two weeks in late June and early July. Every tennis player dreams of taking part in this world championship. It is very prestigious to be the winner in Wimbledon.

Cricket. It is a popular summer sport in Great Britain. Cricket players wear a certain uniform – white boots, a white T-shirt and white trousers. There are two teams of 11 players. It’s a very long game – it can last up to 5 days. It is often played in schools, colleges and universities.

Golf. It is a game of business people. If you want to have good relations in business you must play in it. It comes from Scotland. Golf is a ball and golf stick game played on a natural field. A person should knock a ball into a hole. It is played all the year round.

How clever of you! I give you “D”. Now we are going to talk about parks and gardens in London. We are to solve a crossword. The hidden word is our goal. Try to find it.

We have reached station “Traditions”. Let’s investigate it. Answer some questions, please.

This “O” is for you, guys! And the last task is to make up a sentence using these words. Start working. You are given 3 minutes.

At last we’ve arrived in London! My congratulations! You’ve done a great job.

Thank you for your participating. That was nice. Goodbye!

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