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Данный урок разработан с использованием технологий развития критического мышлени. Политическая структура Вликобритании рассматривается в сравнении со сруктурой человеческого организма, проведенный урок вызвал живой интерес у учащихся 10 класса. Разработка урока сопровождается красочной наглядной презентацией в Power Point.
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The political system of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland : structure and functions of the political institutes representatives of each branch of power branches of power functions of each branch of power glossary special features
It is difficult sometimes to speak about the thing you do not meet in every day life. But there is a way to solve this problem! Let us compare the structure and work of the political system of the UK with : A CAR A HUMAN BODY A PLANT choose one of this items which suits better for comparing
A HUMAN BODY A central nernous system : a head brain a spine brain A body A supporting moving system a spine a belt of upper extremities a belt of lower extremities 2 . 4 . 5. 1. Glands of inner secresy 3. Put the parts of a body in the order of their importance A head
FUNCTIONS OF THE PARTS OF A BODY Put each part next to the right function Glands of Inner Secrecy , a body , a head , a Central Nervous System , a Supporting Moving System represents a person makes decisions , gives orders moves a body performs actions influence the work of other systems lives A head A Central Nervous System A Supporting Moving System Glands of Inner Secrecy A Body
THE POLITICAL INSTITUTES OF THE COUNTRY The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland is a costitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy.There are two branches of power : legislative and executive.
is the official head of state is an integral part of Parlament in her constitutional role has mostly representative functions gives royal assent to the bills passed by the House of Commons and the House of Lords officially appoints the Prime Minister and life peers can summon or dissolve the Parliament sings the bills In practice , the Queen acts only on the advice of her Ministers. They say that the British Queen reigns but she does not rule. features glossary Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the country THE MONARCH
The institute of the executive branch of power THE GOVERNMENT consists of the Cabinet and Non-Cabinet Ministers the Cabinet is headed by Prime Minister the Prime Minister is the head of the Party which has the majority in the House of Commons there are 20 ministers in the Cabinet The Cabinet determines government policy and coordinates government departments Non-Cabinet Ministers collectively responsible for government decisions and individually responsible for their own departments features glossary
The institute of the legislative branch of power PARLIAMENT It consists of two Houses : the House of Commons the House of Lords has about 650 elected membrs the Speaker is the Chairman of the House makes laws discusses political problems the members of the House are elected for a period of 5 years The Official Opposition is the largest opposition party has over 1.100 permanent , non-elected memders ; peers and life peers the Lord Chancellor is the Chairman of the House examines and revises bills from the House of Commons can dely bills for one year features glossary
Match the parts of the political structure with the parts of the body. The full scheme of the stucture is in your textbooks on page 42. The political system of the UK 1. The Monarch 2. Parliament a)The House of Commons b)The House of Lords 3. The Government a)The Prime Minister b)Cabinet c)Non-Cabinet Ministers 4. The Official Opposition 5. People Functions represents the country drafts and makes laws , examines and revises bills determines government policy , coordinate government departments influence the policy elect Parts of the body 1. A Head 2. A Nervous System a)A head brain b)A spine brain 3. A Moving System a) a spine b) upper extremities c) lower extremities 4. Glands of Inner Secrecy 5. Body Functions represents a person makes desisions, gives orders performs orders, moves a body influence the work of systems live
Finish the sentence The resalts of comparing : The political system of the country works like a human body. Every part of two systems has their own functions. Each part can perfofm only the work which the law says. The whole system works well only when every part of the system perfoms their functions.
THE QUIZ Choose the correct variant A. The Queen votes on the bills B. The Queen sings the bills A. The Queen has mostly representatives functions B. The Queen rules the country in fact A. The Government represents the legislative branch of power B. The Government represents the executive branch of power A.The Cabinet is responsible for government policy B. The Cabinet Ministers revise bills from Parliament A. The House of Commons controls the government B. The government controls the House of Commons A. The House of Lords has the power to delay bills for one year B. The House of Lords opposes the decisions of the House of Commons A. The Cabinet coordinates the work of government departments B. The Cabinet makes laws 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
THE CROSSWORD a b c d e f g C A B I N E T LORDS MINISTERS MAJORITY OPPOSITION QUEEN HOUSE A group of the most important ministers Non-elected members of Parliament Persons who are responsible for the government policy The number of seats the leading party has The party that challenges the official policy The head of state in Britain now The name the chambers of Parliament are called
Make singquains about : The Monarchy The Government Parliament a noun 2 adjectives 3 verbs a sentence a noun
GLOSSARY monarch- монарх monarchy - монархия queen- королева royal- королевский assent- санкция bill- законопроект representative- представительский appoint- назначать summon- созывать dissolve- назначать sing- подписывать reign- царствовать parliamrntary- парламентский democracy- демократия branch- ветвь monarch
QUEEN ELIZABETH II Elizabeth II is a daughter of the King George VI. She was born in 1926. Elizabeth became the Queen in 1952. She is not only the Queen of the UK. Her Majesty is the Queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other countries which are the members of the Commonwealth. Queen Elizabethis the head of the Commonwealth. Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen. When she is in her residece the flag is flying on the top of the palace. monarch
GLOSSARY government- правительство executive- исполнительный Non-cabinet Ministers- министры, не являющиеся членами Кабинета majority- большинство determine- определять policy- политика departament- отдел responsible- ответственный government
SPECIAL FEATURES Since 1945 the British Government is represented by two political parties : -The Conservative Party is often called the Tory Party.The word « tory » means an Irish highwayman.This party is the most powerful. It is often called a party of business directors. -The Liberal Party is often called « Whigs » . A « whig » was a Scottish preacher who could preach moralising seremons for several hours. government
GLOSSARY legislative - законодательный House of Commons- Палата общин House of Lords- Палата лордов elect- выбирать Speaker- спикер Lord Chancellor- лорд-канцлер law- закон permanent- постоянный peer- пэр examine- рассматривать revise- пересматривать delay- откладывать с hamber- палата wig- парик gown- мантия Woolsack- «шерстяной мешок» parliament
SPECIAL FEATURES Before every sitting of the House the Speaker walks to the Chamber from his residence within the Royal Palace. He is wearing a wig and a gown and is accompanied by his Chaplain , Secretary and Serjaent-at-Arms cfrrying the Mace. On arrival to the Chamber , the Mace is set on the table , players are read and provided a quorum of forty members , the Speaker takes the Chair. lords
SPECIAL FEATURES The House of Lords is represented by people of different grades of nobility : dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts and barons. The Lord Chancellor sits upon the Woolsack, a large bag of wool covered with red cloth. The Woolsack is a reminder of the times when England , s commercial prosperity was founded on her wool exports. The House of Lords is the only non-elected chamber of Parliament in the world. parliament
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