Грамматическая практика. выражение будущего времени
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Грамматическая практика – выражение будущего времени-10кл.
Task 1
10 What do you say to your friend in these situations? Use the words given in brackets. Use the
present continuous (I am doing), going to or will (I'll).
1 You have made all your holiday arrangements. Your destination is Jamaica.
FRIEND: Have you decided where to go for your holiday yet?
YOU: I'm going to Jamaica.. (I / go)
2 You have made an appointment with the dentist for Friday morning.
FRIEND: Shall we meet on Friday morning?
YOU: I can't on Friday. (I / go;
3 You and some friends are planning a holiday in Britain. You have decided to hire a car, but
you haven't arranged this yet.
FRIEND: How do you plan to travel round Britain? By train?
YOU: No, (we / hire it)
4 Your friend has two young children. She wants to go out tomorrow evening. You offer to
look after the children.
FRIEND: I want to go out tomorrow evening, but I haven't got a babysitter.
YOU: That's no problem (I / look after them)
Task 2
Put the verb into the most suitable form. Sometimes there is more than one possibility-
1 A has decided to learn a language.
A: I've decided to try and learn a foreign language.
в: Have you? Which language (l) (you / learn)?
A: Spanish.
B: (2) (you / do) a course?
A: Yes, (3) (it / start) next week.
B: That's great. I'm sure (4) (you / enjoy) it.
A: I hope so. But I think (5) (it / be) quite difficult.
Task 3
3 A invites В to a party.
A: (l) (I / have) a party next Saturday. Can you come?
B: On Saturday? I'm not sure. Some friends of mine (2) (come) to stay with me next week, but I think (3) (they / go) by Saturday. But if (4) (they / be) still here, (5) (I / not / be) able to come to the party.
A: OK. Well, tell me as soon as (6) (you / know).
B: Right. (7) (I / phone) you during the week.
Put the verb into the most suitable form. Use a present tense (simple or continuous),
will (I'll) or shall.
Conversation 1 (in the morning)
JENNY: (l) Are you going (you / do) anything tomorrow evening, Helen?
HELEN: No, why?
JENNY: Well, do you fancy going to the cinema? Strangers on a Plane is on. I want to
see it, but I don't want to go alone.
HELEN: OK, (2) (I / come) with you. What time
(3) (we / meet)?
JENNY: Well, the film (4) (begin) at 8.45, so
(5) (I / meet) you at about 8.30 outside the cinema, OK?
HELEN: Fine. (6) (I / see) Tina later this evening.
(7) (I / ask) her if she wants to come too? JENNY: Yes, do that. (8) (I / see) you tomorrow then. Bye.
Variant 2
Task 1
10 What do you say to your friend in these situations? Use the words given in brackets. Use the
present continuous (I am doing), going to or will (I'll).
5 You have already arranged to have lunch with Sue tomorrow.
FRIEND: Are you free at lunchtime tomorrow?
YOU: No, (have lunch i
6 You are in a restaurant. You and your friend are looking at the menu. Maybe your friend has
decided what to have. You ask her/him.
YOU: What ? (you/have1
FRIEND: I don't know. I can't make up my mind.
7 You and a friend are reading. It's getting a bit dark and your friend is having trouble reading.
You decide to turn on the light.
FRIEND: It's getting a bit dark, isn't it? It's difficult to read.
YOU: Yes (I/turn on'
8 You and a friend are reading. It's getting a bit dark and you decide to turn on the light.
You stand up and walk towards the light switch.
FRIEND: What are you doing?
YOU: (I/turn on the light)
Task 2
2 A wants to know about B's holiday plans.
A: I hear (l) (you / go) on holiday soon.
B: That's right. (2) (we / go) to Finland.
A: I hope (3) (you / have) a nice time.
B: Thanks. (4) (I / send) you a postcard and (5)
(I / get) in touch with you when (6) (I / get) back.
Task 3
4 A and В are two secret agents arranging a meeting. They are talking on the phone.
A: Well, what time (l)
(we / meet) ?
B: Come to the cafe by the station at 4 o'clock.
(2) (I / wait) for you
when (3) (you / arrive).
(4) (I / sit) by the window
and (5) (I / wear) a bright green sweater.
А OK? (6) (Agent 307 / come) too?
В No, she can't be there.
А Oh. (7) (I / bring) the documents?
В Yes. (8) (I / explain) everything when
(?) (I / see) you. And don't be late.
A: OK. (10) (I / try) to be on time.
Task 4
Conversation 2 (later the same day)
HELEN: Jenny and I (9) (go) to the cinema tomorrow
night to see Strangers on a Plane. Why don't you come too?
TINA: I'd love to come. What time (10) (the film / begin?
HELEN: 8.45.
TINA: (11) (you / meet) outside the cinema?
HELEN: Yes, at 8.30. Is that OK for you?
TINA: Yes, (12) (I / be) there at 8.30.
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